Author Topic: TARA 3 - Episode 9 Discussion Thread ****HOT spoilers--beware!****  (Read 14592 times)

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Re: TARA 3 - Episode 9 Discussion Thread ****HOT spoilers--beware!****
« Reply #25 on: November 07, 2008, 10:35:35 AM »
I totally forgot there was an episode yesterday! I didn't get to my office until after 10 a.m. ET due to various issues.  :groan: :groan:
Just here to visit.

Offline puddin

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Re: TARA 3 - Episode 9 Discussion Thread ****HOT spoilers--beware!****
« Reply #26 on: November 08, 2008, 06:27:03 PM »
Allan's blog is up, hes such a ham, I love him!

U-TURN Me On, Geoff and Tisha...
Saturday, Nov 8, 2008 8:42PM / Standard Entry

Well, we just finished up another leg in India, and the teams are really starting to look as tired as they must feel.  Actually, all of us in production are really wearing down, but we all still have no qualms cuz where else do you get to see so much of the world in such a short span of time?  I'm not sure what this lady below is all about, but I think she must be some sort of a portable religious shrine with the display and small figurine perched atop her head...

I think I might have posted this photo earlier in some other blog, but I absolutely love this shot so here's a boy and his pole again...

If any of you have future aspirations to make it as an air hostess, then this advertisement is pretty compelling.  I wonder if "air hosts" can apply too??

With the race trimmed to only four teams, it's become really tight and anything can happen.  Singapore team A.D. and Fuzzy were absolutely devastated when they discovered that they were the unfortunate recipients of the dreaded U-Turn from Philippine team Geoff and Tisha.  Even though I know some people aren't the biggest fans of Geoff and Tisha, I think they are doing exactly what they need to do to stay in the race and to win it all.  Malaysia team Ida and Tania have been really lucky in getting the breaks they need to stay in the race, and it's inspiring to see these two moms continually forge ahead with such a positive and optimistic attitude throughout.  Hong Kong team Sam and Vince are really starting to look like the team to beat at this point, but we all know that anything can happen!   
When A.D. and Fuzzy finally arrived last to this leg's pit stop, I have never seen them so beaten up mentally AND physically.  But then again, a lot of people would probably feel the same way if they had to do both of the Detour tasks while already being in last place.  For a moment, people might have thought that they were going to just outright give up and quit.  But not A.D. and Fuzzy...I'm sure they've already blown away a lot of people's expectations in terms of how they'd fare in this race, and they only need to make it through a little bit further to at least be in the top three. 
Now, while the teams were all roaming aimlessly throughout the crowded streets of Pune to ultimately meet me at the pit stop, I'm once again busy trying to hit up all the spots for my shots...

At last, when the final team has arrived, we can all start wrapping up and take a few pics with the local production crew...

The sun was pretty wicked that day so I figure'd I can even out some color on my face...

And of course, you KNOW I'm more than ready to leap into the next location...and possibly new time zone!

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Re: TARA 3 - Episode 9 Discussion Thread ****HOT spoilers--beware!****
« Reply #27 on: November 12, 2008, 03:47:24 PM »
Hi guys!

If you are looking for your posts, I have moved all discussion of the upcoming leg over to spoilers here:,15379.0.html

Thanks! :waves:

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