Author Topic: TRIBAL SHUFFLE: JERRI VOTED OFF  (Read 2890 times)

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Offline puddin

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« on: April 01, 2004, 11:23:00 PM »

Surprised by a tribal shuffling, the ten remaining castaways of SURVIVOR: ALL-STARS competed in an Immunity Challenge that ended in a familiar result. They may have been called Chapera, but they proved to be the Mogo Mogo of old as four castaways plus Amber Brkich lost their fourth Immunity Challenge in a row. The tribe decided to send home Jerri Manthey, the 33-year-old tribe member of SURVIVOR: THE AUSTRALIAN OUTBACK from Stuttgart, Germany, due to what they perceived to be a poor work ethic.

Shortly after the Tribal Council, Jerri concluded, "I think I've done the impossible. I have found a way to find peace in a very stressful situation. Now I can go out into the world and see what other craziness I can conquer."


Early in the morning at Chapera, while most of the tribe slept in, Tom and Rupert were up working. Having avoided the water until now, Tom Buchanan, the 48-year-old tribe member of SURVIVOR: AFRICA from Rich Valley, Virginia, decided to take the plunge and go for a fish. After Tom returned with a small catch, Rupert smiled, "Not a bad fish for his first fish ever on a spear. That's a fish tank fish, but Big Tom got it…and he was thrilled."

After losing three Immunity Challenges in a row, Mogo Mogo's morale was as damp as their firewood. The constant wetness around the camp was very disheartening to the whole Mogo Mogo tribe. "Dank, moldy and wet, all the time," complained Jerri, "And it's really, really starting to take its toll on me."


After receiving Tree Mails with paint in the color of their tribal hues, the tribes were confused about what to do. While Mogo Mogo decided to play it safe and save the paint, Chapera playfully painted their bodies as if they were readying for a tribal war. While the tribes' opinions about how to handle the paint differed, they shared the speculation as to whether or not a merge was inevitable. "We don't know if it's going to be a merge. We know something is going to happen," remarked Alicia Calaway, the 35-year-old castaway of SURVIVOR: THE AUSTRALIAN OUTBACK from Trumbull, Connecticut. [SHOW CLIP]


As the tribes assembled for the Challenge, they were surprised to find out there would be no competition. Instead, host Jeff Probst explained that members from Mogo Mogo and Chapera would pair off and enjoy a chat over a picnic lunch.
After the competing tribe members bonded over fruit and cheese, they reassembled for what they thought was to be a merge. But they were shocked to find out that they were to take part in a random tribal shuffling by blindly picking buffs out of a vase. In a result that seems to defy all odds, all the members of Mogo Mogo became members of Chapera and all of the members of Chapera became members of Mogo Mogo, except for Amber Brkich, the 25-year-old All-Star of SURVIVOR: THE AUSTRALIAN OUTBACK from Beaver, Pennsylvania, who remained at Chapera.

The old Mogo Mogo members would now live at the Chapera camp, and the old Chapera members, except for Amber, would now live at the Mogo Mogo camp. All that was Mogo Mogo would now be Chapera and vice versa, to the chagrin of Rob Mariano, the 28-year-old All-Star of SURVIVOR: MARQUESAS from Canton, Massachusetts, who had just lost the woman he cares so much about.


As the former Mogo Mogo members came upon the Chapera camp they were quite happy to see their new digs. They were impressed with the swing, the clean kitchen area and the spacious shelter. Upset about losing her tribemates, Amber noted, "It's definitely not home without the people that belong here."

  At the Mogo Mogo camp, the old Chapera castaways were quite disappointed to see what was to be their new home. The small sleeping area, the lack of cooking utensils and the minimal provisions of firewood all made it clear to the new Mogo Mogo tribe that they had gotten the worse end of the trade. "Losing Amber and losing our camp all in one fell swoop," admitted Alicia, "We didn't feel like we had too much to celebrate."


As the tribes reconvened for an Immunity Challenge, Jeff Probst explained that this would be a Trivia Challenge involving SURVIVOR history. There would be a series of questions concerning SURVIVOR from seasons one to seven. The tribes would answer as a team, and the first tribe to answer ten questions correctly would receive Immunity.

Both tribes knew their SURVIVOR trivia until Mogo Mogo answered a question about SURVIVOR: AFRICA incorrectly, handing Chapera the lead. Mogo Mogo tied it up, however, as Chapera didn't know what the BORNEO Survivors had had to eat in the first-ever Food Challenge.

The tie continued to the end, when it was ten to ten. In a tiebreaker, the All-Stars were asked to list the first castaways voted out in each season. Chapera answered six out of seven correctly, but that wasn't good enough as Mogo Mogo correctly answered a perfect seven to secure Immunity
As the tribes were set to leave the Challenge, Boston Rob took aside Lex van den Berghe, the 40-year-old All-Star of SURVIVOR: AFRICA from Santa Cruz, California, and made a quick offer concerning Amber. "You take care of her; I'll take care of you," Rob proposed.


As Chapera returned to camp with the unenviable choice of sending someone home, the decision came down to whether the tribe would vote out newly acquired Amber or Jerri, who had been on the chopping block for her perceived lack of a work ethic. Scrambling for her life, Amber pleaded to Kathy to save her, while Jerri pleaded with Lex.

In the end, the perceived lack of a work ethic defeated loyalty as Jerri witnessed the four-to-one vote that extinguished her torch and reduced SURVIVOR: ALL-STARS to only nine castaways

Amber is trapped between promises to two rival castaways.

The tribes finally merge :o, prompting a new and explosive dynamic among the tribe members.

The stakes are raised when the All-Stars are hit with a new twist at the Immunity Challenge.

Total chaos erupts when the castaways prepare for Tribal Council.

Offline puddin

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« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2004, 11:29:42 PM »
 Final Words~
I asked myself that so many times a day: "Why, why, why would I want to put myself throught this again?" There were quite a few times when I almost talked myself out of being here. It was a thousand times harder this time around than the first time. I kind of knew going into it that it was going to be tough, but I had no idea that it was going to nearly break my spirit. That was the hardest thing I think I've ever had to face: coming this close to having something break me. But it didn't. It didn't, it didn't, it didn't. I stood up to the challenge, and I pushed myself through some pretty horrendous moments out here, and for that, I'm so proud of myself. I look forward to my family watching this. I know they're going to be mortified, horrified and, in the end, hopefully even more proud of me than they already are.

Why did I do it again? I guess because either I'm a closet sadist, or I just really enjoy taking risks and having adventures and doing things I've never done before and seeing how far I can push myself and finding my own limitations.

I am walking away from this experience feeling like there is nothing that can break me. I know life is going to present a lot of difficult situations for me to deal with, but at least I know I have the strength to get through it. In that, I find a whole new sense of comfort. So I feel really good about the way I came into this, I feel great about the way I played the game, and I feel equally as good about the way I exited.

You know what? I was very surprised at the fact that I even considered, for a brief moment, giving up. I was ready to roll over and play dead at one point. That really surprised me. I didn't think that that sort of idea could even cross my mind. The fact that I didn't let the idea take hold of my present experience makes me feel really good about myself and makes me feel good that I did this again. I walk away a stronger woman than I did coming into it.
Status: Voted Off 4/1/04
Tribe: Chapera from Mogo Mogo from Saboga
Challenges won: 4
Total Votes Against: 7
Trips to Tribal Council: 6
Elimination Votes: 5
Survivor Slip-Up: When Jerri and her tribemates switched from Mogo Mogo's damp camp to Chapera's high and dry one, the change of scenery wasn't enough to distract the All-Stars from what they perceived as Jerri's lack of a work ethic. Although they toyed briefly with the idea of voting out former rival Amber, but at Tribal Council, the new Chaperas voted Jerri out unanimously.

Offline WENDY

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« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2004, 08:49:14 AM »
I am soooooooooooo glad they kept Amber..... I am sooooo glad they got rid of Jerri. I could not believe she cried! Well, I guess I would too..... What did she expect though?
Wendy Jean


Offline amikino

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« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2004, 10:30:49 AM »
I'm also glad to see Jerri gone rather than Amber.  However, I did see Jerri on "Real Life" last year and she was such a different person on that show.  She was actually "nice" and I found that I liked her much more after seeing her in that environment and interacting with those people.  So, going into ASS, I had a different opinion of Jerri than I would have  if I'd only seen her in Survivor Outback.  The editing on ASS seemed to show Jerri as being pretty lazy and that is unforgivable as far as I'm concerned.  But we learned last night, when the former Chapera's went to Mogo Mogo, that the MM's weren't very good housekeepers as a group anyway.  The MM's seem to have a feeling of lethargy about them and a total lack of esprit d'corp.  It's difficult to find fault with someone who fails to contribute to a team that lacks motivation.


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« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2004, 12:00:27 PM »
I hate to say it but I would have liked to see amber gone Just to piss off Boston Rob that would have been the funniest thing I would have seen in a long time BUT on the other hand when I saw Amber get ripped off I couldn't stop laughing, I laughed all night & Boston Rob almost cried a few times WHAT A BABY!!!!!

Next Thing Did you see at the Immunity Challange that at the end when Amber left & Rob went to catch up with her.... She left so fast, it was like she didn't even know him that was also funny

Offline survivorfreak

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« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2004, 04:40:07 AM »
its very weird that ALL mogo Mogo's previous members had transfered to chapera, and since they were evening out, only one chapera member would remain at chapera. i think it's a bit fishy...

Offline puddin

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« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2004, 07:06:19 PM »
Me too..survivorfreak ..Big  Fishy..I smell a Rat..MB..?? I definitly think that it was set up to work out that way ::)..

Offline Bathfizzy

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« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2004, 12:46:51 AM »
I agree with you Amikino about 
[It's difficult to find fault with someone who fails to contribute to a team that lacks motivation. /quote]

Offline survivorfreak

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« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2004, 04:03:01 AM »
i think they arranged it that way so they would pick the top one...