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Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« on: July 05, 2008, 01:15:52 AM »
There are too many teams to do a poll, but this is so subjective that it would be impossible in my opinion to get a real overall majority as far as favorites are concerned. I figure this would be a good topic in the dog days of summer.

Who are among your favs? Which teams do you feel are the worst of all time? You can list as many as you want. I'll start us off. The discussion will be quite interesting and we have enough seasons to discuss the teams. You can include TAR Asia if you wish.

Here are my least favorite teams in reverse order and why.

10. Lynn and Alex, TAR 7 - Any team that makes fun of Carissa Gaghan makes this list. Also any team that battles with Rob & Amber is a Public Enemy in my book. To me, Lynn & Alex focused too much on Romber, plus their snide comments about Amber made me dislike them. A lot.
9. Ari and Staella, TAR 12 - Ari stole a cab in Ireland, yelled at a donkey, then at Elimination Station, made stupid comments about not caring about "the struggle". Staella was no prize either and this team was eliminated after one leg, but still made an impact to make my Worst 10.
8.Marshall and Lance - TAR 5 - Ugly Americans and quitters, they made Charla and Mirna into sympathetic characters which as we saw in TAR All-Stars, was actually tough to do. They made horrible statements about "foreigners" when they were the foreigners in each country. And they quit.
7. Freddie and racist Kendra, TAR 6 - She made statements about ghetto Africa and breeding. Need I say more?
6. The Weavers, TAR 8 - I know the patriarch of the family was killed in an accident during a NASCAR race, but this fact was shoved in our faces constantly. Plus, it seemed they found a way to sneak in under the wire every time. I'm glad they did not finish in the Top 2 in TAR: Bootleg Edition.
5. Colin & Christie, TAR 5 - Colin was too intense. Never smiled. Almost caused an international incident in Africa by getting himself detained by the police. Christie is a lovely woman and how she has managed put up with Colin is unbeknown to me.
4. Reichen & Chip, TAR 4 - I respect them both for trying to spread a message about gays, however, I felt Chip was way too intense, never had a sense of humor and went sometimes went overboard in trying to outmaneuver Jon & Kelly. He almost got Reichen killed by spinning out their car. Not good.
3. Mutt & Revolting, TARA2 - I can't call them by their real names. This team constantly mugged for the cameras. I was turned off by their pretending to be lost at the pitstop only to "realize" that they found the mat. Also, the wearing of fake mustaches in Japan was the last straw. I was continually rooting against them. This team was using the show as a stepping stone for another show, it was obvious. One of the worst choices ever for a team.
2. Flo & Zach, TAR 3 - To me, the most undeserving winners in history. Flo hardly carried her weight. She constantly complained. She practically refused to do any of the tasks. Her meltdown in Vietnam was one of the worst in the show's history. In addition, she fell in love with a member of another team. What is that? Zach was a saint for putting up with her. However, I do give Flo credit for realizing her behavior was just plain horrible.
And No. 1 with a bullet, Jonathan & Victoria, TAR 6 - Jonathan was an ogre and his pushing of Victoria at the Brandenburg Gate. Awful behavior and even at the end, he didn't seem to realize what he was doing. While Jonathan has since contended the negative reaction to him was due mostly to editing, his subsequent behavior on other shows was awful as well so what was caught on TAR was probably not far from the truth.

Dishonorable Mentions:
Susan & Patrick, TAR 7; Lenny & Karyn, TAR 1

I'll do favorites later.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2008, 09:50:17 AM by TARAsia Fan »
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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2008, 01:40:31 PM »
Ken cool idea.  On Colin and Christie.  I think she is very close to as driven as colin witness the near religious zeal she has in getting the cab driver to run over people and explain how they cheated them by yielding them.   Serious, serious freak out in many ways as bad as the Ox alter in the same episode.

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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2008, 02:43:39 PM »
Okay, lets do this.

A brief preamble, This list will not feature teams who didn't last long (with just a handful of exceptions) since most teams behave worse the further along they get as the stress, lack of sleep, jet lag, and lack of food build over the seasons.  So a team that might appear to be cool that is booted early might have turned into colossal assholes.

The Worst of the Worst. 
10.  Ronald & Christina TAR 12:  One of only two teams that are biologically related to each other that makes this list.  Ronald is a cantankerous old bastard who thankfully during the length of the race made great strides to actually treat his daughter (his daughter) as a human being.  But the fact that for the first 3/4 of the race treated her like crap is unforgivable.  Add to this is inability to get along with other teams (the other racers said with out a doubt he was the worst behaving racer), locals trying to assist them, service industry that they are in contact with and even judges of the race help catapult this team to the least bad on this list.

9.  Ray & Deanna TAR 7:  I have three strong criteria for behavior on the race.  In order respect the locals, be nice with your partner, and be nice with the competition.  Well they seemed okay with the locals, but this team (meaning Ray) inability to work well together (meaning not fighting) added to their utter contempt (read Ray's) for other teams (read bottom feeders) really turned me off of this team. 

8.  Wil & Tara TAR 2:  I knew we were in trouble with his attacking Blake in the very first episode, and he certainly didn't disappoint.  A racer who would openly accuse locals of cheating him, would accuse racers of cheating him (none of which happened), and would dump an alliance in a heart beat.  Not to mention his general attitude with Tara.  Tara was also no prize as she would back Wil half the time with his innane behavior.

7.  Lenny & Karyn TAR1:  While the Guidos are the official "bad guys" of their season.  I personally found watching Lenny and Karyn to be painful as we were literally watching a couple disintegrate on tv.  The first team were the female is the more abusive of the two. 

6.  Marshall & Lance TAR 5:  A team with a bitter hatred of Charla and Mirna (which that I can understand) but saddle this with this team actually quitting the race makes me hate them.  Yes I understand that they knew they were finished,yes I understand one was hurt and in pain.  But you are given a chance that millions would love (not to win a million, but to travel and experience some wonderful, wonderful places and people.  Money is just icing on the cake), and not to keep fighting just kills me.

5.  Lyn & Karlynn (BAMA) TAR 10:  Boy what a bitter self righteous team.  A team that would coast on the coat tails of others for most of the race, who then bitches about their team mates having the audacity in following them is enough to make me hate them.  But in almost all episodes they take offense at what other teams do. 

4.  Charla & Mirna TAR 5 and All Stars (they were awful in both):  A team that is beloved by many, but one that treats each other, locals and fellow racers like utter crap.  Sure I can appreciate the fact that Charla faces a harder journey then probably any other racer.  But that doesn't excuse their behavior.  A team that often initiates conflict with other teams, one that will openly push locals around (and openly insult them), and one that quite often screams at each other.  I loath this team. 

3.  Allison & Donny TAR 5:  The one exception to my rule about not judging teams that are out early.  In two episodes this team fights per minute as much as even the worst team (we all know who that is) and unlike that team it goes both ways as they tear into each other like no other team before or after.  I can only imagine how bad it could have gotten if they lasted.  And I hated this team long before I knew she was a casting stunt from Big Brother.

2.  The Weavers TAR 8 (the Family Edition):  What awful, awful behavior from a team with their own mother their.  From insulting whole states and religions, to openly throwing actual garbage at other teams, to being bat **** crazy, to their general hatred to all the other teams, to their smug religious beliefs (which nothing against religious beliefs, but they should follow a few of them), to having on of the worst cases of self entitlement in the shows history makes this a team that comes close to being the worst team ever in the shows history.  Saddle that with the worst planned ad task season and boy let the hatred flow for this team.  If this team would have won, I might have actually stopped watching the show.

1.  Jonathan & Victoria TAR 6:  What a season.  We have Lori & Bolo constantly fighting, Hayden flipping out towards the end, Kendra being a poster child for the KKK, Hellboy the quitter and Rebecca (who at times approached Kendra level of stupid racial comments) made this the poorest cast season in my opinion (I love the route and tasks, in that regard its one of my favorites) and all of them make it at least half way.  Yet this couple are worse then all of them together.  First you have Jonathan who is bat **** crazy, we have him being both viciously verbally abusive to his wife, but also tearing into other teams.  We have him actually physically hurting his wife (on this accidents to happen as a lot of pushing and shoving does happen, but to not show the slightest concern over those incidents is unforgivable), to his huge explosion on her verbally and physically in Germany make him the worst racer in the shows history.  Then we have Victoria who isn't an angel as she would also shriek and yell at him.  Just absolutely the wort casting the show has ever, ever done.  I can't think of a single scene where it wasn't painful to watch.  And for every team listed above, every one of them had moments of likability.  This team not a single one.

Dishonorable mention:  Kelly (of Ron and Kelly) verbal treatment of Ron, Kendra's incredible insensitive racial and poverty comments, Flo (well for being Flo, but at least her's were almost always directed within her team), Colin for the Ox and the cab, Christie for the cab ride meltdown, Lake for his treatment of Michelle, Lori & Bolo and Adam and Rebecca for overall behavior towards each other, Lynn & alex (who I often enjoyed) but whose comments often crossed the line, Rob & Amber.

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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2008, 03:33:32 PM »
Okay I need to get that taste out of my mouth. 

So here it goes, my favorite teams.  Now this doesn't mean nicest.  But some are.

10.  Kelly & Jon AR 4:  Certainly not the nicest team (Millie the Mole), and they could fight with each other, but its one of the teams that I honestly thought really loved each other and that the fighting wouldn't hurt their relationship at all.  I generally loved how Kelly came into her own in this season, and how they did support each other.  And while their humor could hurt feelings it wasn't truly nasty. 

9.  Brian & Greg AR 7:  I loved these guys.  Not the best racers, but they had fun.  One of the casting bright spots in season 7.

8.  Linda & Karen (Bowling Moms) AR 5:  Another team that at times could annoy (mainly their voices when yelling at each other), but the team that more then any other to me, exeplifies the never give up and give 100%.  This team should have been canon fodder.  But their spirit and determination (with a bit of luck) kept them in to the near end.  Watching them in their final roadblock is extremely painful, but also extremely motivating and moving.  What a way to go out ladies.

7.  Tyler & James AR 10:  Another hated fit male team.  But I never judge teams based on who has already won (an asinine reason in my book).  A team of two nice guys who treated each other, other teams and locals with respect.  A team that even with its biggest rivals was always friendly.  And the team with the most functional alliance in race history (take that Back pack/six pack).  A team that was very supportive of each other and their fears (James), and one that knew how to have fun.  A highlight is watching Tyler pinch James while nervously waiting for Phil to tell them what position they check in at.

6.  Oswald & Danny AR 2 and All Stars:  A beloved team, that (especially in season 2) remained above the nasty behavior of several other teams.  One that (until season 11) never was rude to locals or service personal.  Their humor and style make them a favorite.  And chasing Phil around the Mat, priceless.

5.  Blake & Paige AR 2:  Not withstanding on occasion not respecting local customs, a team with a lot of heart for each other (in a non incestous way).  I loved the way they treated each other along the race.  Not the smartest team (Blake), but one that I never got tired of watching. 

4.  Nicolas & Donald AR 12:  I love this team.  There is something nice about seeing family treating each other well.  And like Blake and Paige even when stressed this team treated each other well.  From Don's practice in doing so many different things in life and his humor, to the way Nicolas looked out and tried to make the race easier for his grandfather.  It was a highlight of that season watching these two (that Ronald is how you treat family).

3.  Ken & Gerard AR 3:  Lord, I am on a family kick.  Billed as two opposites, these two were two of the closest, funniest and supportive racers.  They weren't fit or athletic, but they never gave up and always kept their sense of humor and family strong.  The team that america wanted to win.

2.  Kris & Jon AR 6:  With the half way point elimination of Gus & Hera, Kris and Jon were a gift.  As shown the nicest couple to race the amazing Race.  One that treated each task with Joy (minus one cab driver in China).  The thrill they had with each other and each new experience salvaged the entire season for myself.  One of the strongest racing teams, and one that even the other teams said always got along.  Watching them lose the final leg (thanks to bad travel advice) was a huge blow.  I absolutely adore this team.

1.  Eric & Jeremy AR 9:  A team that i love (horn dogs and all).  In my eyes the best racing team the show has ever had.  One that was never happy with 2nd place.  One that enjoyed the locations and people they went and saw.  One that (with one exception) treated the other racers well, and one that always treated each other well.  And while I hated them canceling the cabs, I gain more respect that they were honest and told everyone what they did (I can't think of another team that was upfront about screwing with the other teams).  Seeing BJ & Tyler beat them at that final task, really highlighted how much I hate the typical final leg (Season 2 and 12 are great exceptions) with the near end equalizer being the biggest factor in deciding who won.

Honorable mention:  Dave & Lori, Rob & Brennan (the original nice guys), Chris & amada (F word and all), Jon and Al (funny crossing over to annoy, unlike BJ & Tyler), Dave & Margarette (I loved this older team), Kynt & Vyxin, Gus & Hera (favorite parent/child team), Lena & Christy (don't know how they would have done, but they won me over with their never giving up with the hay bales), and several teams from the family Edition:  The Linz's, the Gaghans and the Bransens.  Three teams that helped get me through a terrible designed and implemented season.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2008, 03:43:04 PM by mswood »

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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2008, 03:52:05 PM »
I certainly can understand your feelings towards Rovilson and Marc.  I have only made it through 3 episodes of Asia's 2nd season.  And I find them to be the reason I don't want to watch further.  The phrase camera whore was I believe invited solely for them.

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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2008, 08:49:25 PM »

I love your lists. Excellent stuff.

Now I'll do my favorites.

10. Nancy & Emily, TAR 1 - Emily whined a bit in India, but the airport mess involving the Guidos made them sympathetic characters. Emily did her best on the physical tasks. Nancy showed some guts in TAR1. Not everyone likes them which is surprising to me, but I liked them both.

9. Kevin & Drew, TAR 1 & TAR All-Stars - These guys outshined everyone in TAR1. I felt the producers cast them thinking they would be Ugly Americans, but how wrong they were. Yeah, Kevin quit in All-Stars, but he was really hurting as we found out later so I give him a pass. These guys were funny throughout TAR1 with the way they would insult each other, but not insult their host countries.

8. Blake & Paige, TAR 2 - Brother and sister team, they made some mistakes like cutting Mary & Peach during one pit stop, but anyone who got into conflict with Wil & Tara and especially Wil is A-1 in my book. They ran the race mostly by themselves. They were a bit too close as brother and sister for my tastes, but they almost eeked out a win. Plus, Blake's efforts to bring shoes to poverty-stricken children puts him as one of the top people in my book.

7. Kynt & Vyxsin, TAR 12 - One of the few teams I actually have met in person, they're very nice and their on-air personas are what you see is what you get. They showed me something by lasting as long as they did. Vyxsin was so caring when carrying her chicken to the mat. Also, they always showed a distinct caring for others. Loved this team. They may have argued once or twice, but for the most part, a very fun team to watch.

6. Al & Jon, TAR4 - I was so sad when the clowns finished fourth. These guys did mug for the camera, but unlike Mutt & Revolting, were actually funny. They had good senses of humor and did their best to help out other teams even when it meant for them to miss a train. Seeing them at the manure challenge was very funny. One of my all-time favorite teams.

5. Zabrina & Joe Jer, TARA1 - The first all-female team to ever win an edition of the Amazing Race, this team was delightful to watch. There were a few times when Zab got pissed, but this team never wavered from its even keel. Even though they never won a leg until the finale, they were steady, positive and showed on mental challenges that they could beat out the most physical teams. I loved this team and they will remain in my Top Ten.

4. Oswald & Danny, TAR2 and All-Stars - Every time I see these two, I just laugh. Two of the funniest people ever to be on the race, their shopping spree in Hong Kong while the other teams are stressing out trying to find flights is one of the funniest moments on the race. Even during elimination, Danny gets off a line wearing a glitter shirt dirty and it's just plain hilarious. And then in TAR All-Stars, both of them running after Phil at the mat is  laugh out loud funny. There were times they allowed stress to get to them, but after they looked at the big picture, it was soon back to laughs.

3. Ken & Gerard, TAR 3 - I'm still convinced this team will win when the series DVD is released. Funny guys, Bald Snark was great with the one liners and their description of other teams. They weren't the most physically fit, but their smarts got them into the Final 3 and I was so sad when they got to the final task in 3rd. These guys just fall short of the Top 2 in my book.

2. Dustin & Kandice, TAR 10 and All-Stars - Ok, this is mostly physical, but they also showed they didn't need anyone to advance. While Team Alabama was horrible to them during TAR 10, they persevered and almost got to the final 3. Had they not done the wrong task that eventually got them eliminated, they might have been the first female team to win, but it was not to be. And don't get me started about them losing to Eric & Danielle in TAR All-Stars. However, they showed that while blond, they were smart and they weren't afraid to mix it up with the other teams.

1. Kris & Jon, TAR 6 - To me, the best team never to win TAR. Had that train not stopped them while they were chasing Freddie & racist Kendra, I'm convinced they would have won. Always positive, never angry, they were appreciative of their surroundings (unlike a certain racist winner that season). Kris & Jon always had a smile and something nice to say whenever they entered a new country. While they got frustrated in China, it was mostly due bad taxi drivers. They were definitely the brightspots in this season and for me, in the history of the show.

Honorable mentions - The Gaghans (TAR FE), BJ & Tyler (TAR 9), Rob & Amber (TAR 7), Jon & Kelly (TAR 4), Bowling Moms (TAR 5).
« Last Edit: July 06, 2008, 08:57:46 PM by TARAsia Fan »
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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2008, 11:00:53 PM »
Nice list Ken.

I did really like Nancy & Emily from season 1.     And I really gave the first season a pass on India, since none of them were prepared or expecting the very different culture and environment.   

As for Kevin & Drew, there behavior towards themselves (especially in the first episode) was exceptionally harsh, thankfully their humor (except towards the Guido's) really helped me like this team.  But their internal fighting was enough to leave them off my list.  As for All Stars, with Drew's (i Believe) health they should never have been cast.  It was really painful watching them for those two episodes.

Al & Jon were really quite enjoyable (I really got into them when they started playing with Poo).  And while they did mug for the camera, it never got to the annoying stage.  That eventually soured me off of BJ & Tyler (not to mention their nasty behavior towards Mojo) who I enjoyed in moderation.

And the first season of Asia had several teams I enjoyed (they really cast quite strongly that first season, boy it went to pot for the 2nd).  One of the few seasons where I was happy with any of the finale three teams.  And really liked Andrew & Syeon and Zabrina & Joe Jer.

Then there is the BQ's, the only female team that I feel really was competition (as opposed to lucky).  And I love that (I wish more female teams had that drive), but their behavior also turns me off just enough to not make my list.

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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2008, 11:22:33 PM »
If you guys don't know who my favourite team is yet then you have issues.

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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2008, 12:28:35 AM »
4.  Charla & Mirna TAR 5 and All Stars (they were awful in both):  I loath this team. 
I'm right there with you. I liked them in TAR5, but I think my hatred for Colin & Christie blinded me towards this team. Then in All-Stars, I saw them for what they really were. Mirna's kidnapping of locals is the worst.  :meow: :meow: :meow:

1.  Jonathan & Victoria TAR 6:  What a season.  We have Lori & Bolo constantly fighting, Hayden flipping out towards the end, Kendra being a poster child for the KKK, Hellboy the quitter and Rebecca (who at times approached Kendra level of stupid racial comments) made this the poorest cast season in my opinion (I love the route and tasks, in that regard its one of my favorites) and all of them make it at least half way.  Yet this couple are worse then all of them together.  First you have Jonathan who is bat **** crazy, we have him being both viciously verbally abusive to his wife, but also tearing into other teams.  We have him actually physically hurting his wife (on this accidents to happen as a lot of pushing and shoving does happen, but to not show the slightest concern over those incidents is unforgivable), to his huge explosion on her verbally and physically in Germany make him the worst racer in the shows history.  Then we have Victoria who isn't an angel as she would also shriek and yell at him.  Just absolutely the wort casting the show has ever, ever done.  I can't think of a single scene where it wasn't painful to watch.  And for every team listed above, every one of them had moments of likability.  This team not a single one.
This is my favorite paragraph of all-time. Hellboy the quitter. :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny:
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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2008, 02:52:10 AM »
Bj and Tyler TAR9

are my all time favorite team of TAR, they are just the best  - good competitors, funny as hell, good spirited, very respectful through wards locals AND other competitors , they are also the most deserving team to win this race due to those reasons.
They were just plain nice and brilliant.

Dave and merry -
i also liked them, they are just cute :)

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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2008, 06:57:56 AM »
My first reaction to this thread was "Why does Ken want to have another list?" However, I got past that with the above commentary on the top and bottom ten. I don't need to list that many, as I am concentrating only on the Best of the Best and the Worst of the Worst:

Best of the Best
1. Al and Jon - the Clowns were scintillating throughout. Their narrow defeat at the yacht club in Australia was one of the most disappointing ever.

2. Dustin and Kandace - I am in there with Michael. This was a thoroughly intelligent, fit and entertaining team. One problem with sign reading did them in or they could well have been the AR10 champions. Finishing second in AR11 All-Stars must have been a terrible blow to them, but they took it as champions as verified by the 3 of us at RFF who met them at the TARCON 11 party.

3. Colin and Christie - I know that many consider them an over-the-top edgy team but I like their drive to excellence throughout. It took a freak weather pattern combined with a freak airline ticket availability situation to dethrone them. They definitely deserved to win AR5. Adam Troy-Castro in "My Ox is Broken" rates them as "the single most formidable team in the show's entire history(through AR9)" and I extend that through to the present. His use of the ascender to scale that cliff off El Nido island was the single most impressive feat in any amazing race.

4. Wil and Tara - this is probably even a more controversial choice but I liked their bickering. It was entertaining. Watching Chris and Alex run down Tara at the Finish Line was not. They finished about 10 seconds behind in the closest Amazing Race finish ever.

5. Zach and anybody-but-Flo - You never got the chance to see this team in action, but if Zach could win with Flo can you imagine what he would do with a reasonable partner. Probably about the same domination as we saw in AR5 by Colin and Christie.

6. the Gaghan Family - I was so upset when they were eliminated in Costa Rica after the red bean finding task. Suffice is to say that Bill and Tammy are some of the finest parents I have ever met and Carissa and Billy are model children. They deserved a better result, but sometimes the twist of fate hits and you're out.

7. Rob and Amber - I detest this couple but you have to give Rob the credit that he's due as the highest percentage of leg victories in the history of the Race until Eric took it away from him and Amber the credit for talking Rob out of some bad ideas.

Worst of the Worst:
1. Charla and Mirna have earned the top spot. They are so hypocritcal it's unbelieveable. They got the off-the-plane advantage almost every leg due to Charla's shortness, but the whining from these two when they consistently failed to turn that into winning legs was ridiculous.

2. Aaron and Arianne - these two were totally tiresome. Aaron was such a sleaze. I cheered their early exit from AR3.

3. Eric and Danielle - his belittleing of her was rampant on AR11 and continues to this day. It's disgusting. She may not have been Jeremy, but she managed to win him half a million bucks more than jeremy did.

4. Lyn and Karlin - how could I forget this duo, probably the nastiest of all time?

5. the "Hometown Advantge" - watch Frank and Margarita go down in Queens, Wil probably sorry that he claimed that great knowledge of San Francisco would result in a victory(it did help but not enough to overcome his bad decision on how to procure a cab at Oakland International Airport), Colin and Christie unable to catch up (although they gave it a monumental effort) in Texas, and the Schroeders going down to defeat in New Orleans.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2008, 11:02:13 AM by apskip »

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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2008, 08:47:18 AM »
What great lists!!

You guys have all my top choices on worst and best teams!

I'll just say that I initially admired Colin's intensity...but the infamous Taxicab incident in Africa made him into an instant Ugly American and made all of us American's look bad and made the Race look bad...and for that he takes my #1 least favorite spot...even beating out Jonathan.  :ascared

On the other hand, all the Christie dislike here quotes the "just run them over" tuk-tuk comment...

I believe that comment was later shown to be the worst example of manipulative editing. They were in their tuk-tuk, and a film crew was hanging out the back of another one from just in front of them filming them. They were blocked in and couldn't pass and were being slowed down significantly...and the just run them over comment was directed at the film crew  :lol: and not to the poor bystanders. Or so I heard. I'll never find it again, but there is actually a photo of this blocking out there somewhere.

Of course, she said plenty more things to be criticised for, but I will give her a buy on that one.

And sending  the Bowling Moms Love!  :hrt: :hrt:
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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2008, 10:14:02 AM »
Even apskip gets into the mix!  :jumpy: :jumpy: :jumpy: :yess: :yess: :yess:

Great lists! I love them.  :tup: :tup: :tup:

And the fact that there's no right or wrong answers, just your personal favs and worsts makes it even better. Feel free to expand on honorable or dishonorable mentions if you wish.
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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #13 on: July 12, 2008, 06:30:54 PM »
Great topic and comments! Was getting caught up on the older seasons, but so far my favorite team still has to be:
BJ & Tyler! a team that many seem to love to hate - but I really enjoyed watching them every moment they were on screen - great racers, fun, enthusiastic, friendly, treated the locals and the other teams well (nonwithstanding their lame attempt at "rifting" MoJo. They have to be about the luckiest racers too, along with Chip and Kim.
Dustin and Kandice: OK, I'll get into the line way back there! Loved them for their upbeat attitude, personality and always looking great even covered in grime or being dragged along by a horse!  Best racers to not win twice.   :hearts:
Fran and Barry/Meredith and Gretchen (tie) : Bit surprised they haven't been mentioned yet - just loved both these teams for their never-say-die racing, perseverance, humor, good cheer, humility, and - may i say - just wish i was half as fit at half their age! Does Gretchen have the most episode titles ever - she's so quotable  - so funny!  :funny:
Colin and Christie: IMHO the best racers ever. I plan to reanalyze every move these guys made over and over when I apply for the race!  OK Colin has a temper, and his brainfart in Tanzania was painful, but boy, the way he zipped up that rope - and up that snowy slope in Sunshine  - was truly amazing. They always seemed to think several steps ahead - until they got Yielded. Wish they'd been in TAR11- would have loved to see how they did when Christie did more Roadblocks.
Tyler and James: Strong, very competent, friendly, considerate to each other and everybody else, generally made the best Detour choices, obsessed with the BQs (they weren't the only ones!).  Some bloggers called them colorless but I didn't think so at all. 
Frank and Margarita:  I really liked them - athletic and fit, often funny, very genuine, real triers. They were well balanced in temperament and strengths, and the evolution of their relationship during was absorbing and real.
Monica and Joseph: Sheer entertainment. Ultra-competitive team  -their feuds were one of the highlights of the season. Seemed to have a knack for getting lost just before the pitstop - possibly the best team to never win a leg?
Others I liked were Eric and Jeremy, Azaria and Hendekea, Uchenna and Joyce, Jon and Al, Oswald and Danny and most of the teams from seasons 10 and 9.
I also want to give a shoutout to individual racers that I really liked, but not so much their partners (sometimes just overshadowed): Kelly (TAR4), Millie (TAR4), Tian (TAR4) (hmmm.. i see a pattern here), Zach, Charla, Yolanda, Chip (TAR5), Christina.

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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2008, 06:23:42 PM »
Here are my least favorite teams:

10.  Ray & Deana -- this team certainly annoyed me during their time on the race.  However, I wasn't as annoyed with them as I was with a lot of the others.

9.  Ari & Staella -- I would've really hated this team had they stuck around longer (like I did with Nathan & Jennifer from the same season).  However, they didn't, so they aren't high on my least favorite teams list.

7.  Teri & Ian (Season 3, less All-Stars):  I started out disliking this team a lot because of Ian.  He was the ultimate Ugly American during much of the race.  But starting in Vietnam, I began to see a different side to him and I liked it.  They're still on my list, but not too high.

7.  Flo & Zach -- I didn't put this team high on my list because of Zach.  He was a true gentleman.  Flo, however, allowed the pressures of the race to get the best of her and I hated it when she did.

6.  Colin & Christie -- as this team got further into the race, they annoyed me more and more -- or at least, Colin did.  However, I loved Colin's comment about his ox "My ox is broken!"

5.  Alison & Donny -- I never saw Alison on Big Brother 4, but I heard plenty about her.  On her short time in the race, I saw that others' dislike of her was justified.  I was glad to see her go so soon in the Race!

4.  The Weaver Family -- this team really annoyed me with their holier-than-thou attitude, their standoffish attitude and their willingness to be mean to others.  I was glad when they finished third and the Linz Family won!

3.  Tara & Wil -- you may not remember this team, but I do!  This was the prototype of the kind of team I despise most -- argumentative and fighting with each other all the time!  Until Jonathan & Victoria came along, this was my least favorite team!  How quickly things change.

2.  Nathan & Jennifer -- ugh!  I rarely liked this team -- ever!  Although they didn't make me want to put an imaginary gun to my head too often, they often drove me up the wall!  Although the donkey made me laugh with his hee-hawing, which made me think he was laughing at them.  Maybe he was.

1.  Jonathan the Jerk and Victoria -- the lowest of the low.  I hated this team from the first leg and just about every leg I hated them more.  They drove me to put an imaginary gun to my head every single leg of the Race -- almost.  I was cheering when they were eliminated!

My favorites will be coming later.

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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #15 on: July 13, 2008, 08:40:04 PM »
Great list, Belle. Very nice.  :tup: :tup:
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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #16 on: July 13, 2008, 10:04:16 PM »
Here are my least favorite teams:

10. Derek & Drew -- They really didn't need to win, glad they didn't...

9.  Millie & Chuck -- I totally thought they were so... just... I don't know what to say...

8. Joseph & Monica -- Every pot that they dropped In the Malaysia detour I believe... I was jumping for joy  :wohoo:

7.  Peter & Sarah -- They seemed disfunctional, but, it was cool to see sarah kick butt for awile

6.  Kami & Karli -- They were just...ugh... and I wished they were out sooner (They also were against charla & mirna)

5.  Colin & Christie -- They dissed on charla & mirna, and then there was the "my ox is broken" scene

4. Nathan & Jennifer -- this team really annoyed me with everything they had to say (Although I'm a little sympathetic that they were eliminated on jen's b-day)

3.  Rob & Amber (Both Seasons) -- I really don't care for this team at all they have milked their 15 minutes of fame, and I'm glad they never won

2.  Dustin & Kandice -- No! No! No! I just simply can't stand these yield queens  :meow:

1.  Jonathan and Victoria -- One could only guess why...

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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #17 on: July 13, 2008, 10:22:44 PM »
CT said
They dissed on Charla and Mirna

Beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder. I disagree on both Colin and Christie and Charla and Mirna, who were the most manipulative team in the history of the Amazing Race (beating Rob and Amber for that honor, which takes some doing). Of course a lawyer (Mirna) might consider being named the most manipulative to be a compliment.

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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #18 on: July 13, 2008, 10:28:23 PM »
As a converted Charla and Mirna hater, I will say in TAR 5, they got some sympathy due to the Colin-Christie and Marshall-Lance messes they got into, but in TAR All-Stars, their true colors came out, especially Mirna. Charla & Mirna did not make my Least Fave list, but had they done a few more things, I might have put them on.
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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #19 on: July 13, 2008, 10:29:36 PM »
Here are my  favorite teams:

10. John & Scott  -- they seemed cool, and loved the genie thing btw (Not high on the list cause they were gone early)

9.  Ari & Staella -- Loved them they were so funny and competitive, sad to see them go (They weren't around long so they're not high on the list)

8.  Aaron & Arianne -- this team was my pick to win from the begining (sad to see them go...)

7.  Flo & Zach -- I actually like this team, they were entertaining somehow flo didn't really annoy me

6.  Linda & Karen -- They are one of the greatest teams ever, U just have to love them...

5. Oswald & Danny (Original season mostly) -- Of course there on the list

4.  Joe & Bill (All-Stars mostly) -- They were pretty good for two older men, they were villianous in their original season (A lot more lickable after watching later seasons then rewatching

3.  Lynn & Alex -- These two were so funny, and they recieved pretty good placement every leg

2.  Lyn & Karlyn -- I love bama yes, that's right... they were one of the coolest teams ever ( they could have done better if they had gone solo)

1.  Charla & Mirna-- OMG!!! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH... BEST TEAM EVER!!!  :<3 :luvya: :luvu: :hrt: :hearts:

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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #20 on: July 13, 2008, 10:33:35 PM »
Everyone has there opinions... funny thing is...most of the teams people can't stand, are usually my favs and vise virsa :lol:

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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #21 on: July 13, 2008, 10:58:30 PM »
There's no right or wrong answers. Just your favs and it leads to great discussion. Great lists, CT.
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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #22 on: July 14, 2008, 09:41:41 AM »
Wow i love this thread. Here is the list for the worst teams from least to most! Millie and Chuck, what a disaster, especially for Millie, cant read the map in Malaysia, didnt see the sign of Gua Gomantong that means Gomantong Caves, im glad Jon and Kelly beat them. Charla and Mirna, oh men Mirna just so cocky, her style in All Star when said to Dustin "dont touch me, good luck yield queens". Marc and Rovilson, what a narcist persons, that corny jokes, especially that faky moustaches, even that stripper joke was quite funny, but keep muggin in camera, so annoying. Lyn, and Karlyn especially, what a great distraction! I was so proud to BQ and Tyler and James that could stand against Karlyn smacks! Freddy and Kendra, oh so pissed me of, especially racist Kendra. Ari and Staella, hey donkeys have souls too, you cant go against karma, i was happy to saw them got eliminated. Marshall and Lance, bad comments, bad performances, quitters, really deserved to be eliminated. Jonathan and Victoria, the meanest team ever!

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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #23 on: July 14, 2008, 02:14:59 PM »
Least favorite teams:

10. Steve/Dave - Didn't think their jokes were funny, and the whole tire slashing incident wasn't needed.
9. Tom/Terry - For being whinny assholes and stealing the name TnT from the original TnT - Tramel & Talicia.
8. Ron/Kelly - For barely being alive the entire season
7. Rob/Amber - For hogging all the air time and Rob trying to be so cool the entire time
6. Russell/Cindy - Russell is one of the most underrated assholes of all time
5. Reichen/Chip - For being so intense and blocking that door
4. Eric/Danielle - For having no business being on All Stars. As soon as I heard they would be on, I just knew they were going to win.

Now the 3 teams I REALLY hated. They are in a league of their own.

3. Lyn/Karlyn - Hated them from the very start. Horrible attitude from the skinny one the entire trip. Them finishing a distant third was the highlight of the season 10 finale for me
2. BJ/Tyler - The constant camera hogging was unbearable. Every time they were on screen I seriously wanted to just stop watching. I never know how I made it through the entire season.
1. Charla/Mirna - Beat out BJ/Tyler because I had to deal with them twice. Mirna is one of the most dispicable people I have ever seen on reality tv. Horrible horrible team.

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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #24 on: July 17, 2008, 02:36:25 PM »
My least favorites:

10: Ari & Staella (Season 12): For only lasting one leg, this team sure got itself hated. Being that malicious on the first leg alone isn't wise when "karma" is always waiting.
9: Russell & Cindy (Season 4): Russell was rude to Cindy and she wasn't much kinder in return. They would have been Season 4's villains had they lasted longer.
8: Eric & Jeremy (Season 9): Their incredible luck was annoying and they never came close enough to elimination. Their comments on Danielle & Dani were annoying as well.
7: Eric & Danielle (Season 9/All Stars): I hated how the producers tryed to make it look impossible for them to win just because it was their first race together. They were just an extra "new pair" team inserted into All-Stars to make it look like the "impossible" happened when they won.
6: Tom & Terry (Season 10): It sounds rude to say so, but I just can't stand the gay teams - especially this one.
5: Rob & Amber (Season 7/All Stars): This team's constant camera hogging and dishonorable behavior even when other teams got hurt made me dislike them. Their plotting and scheming was sometimes clever and sometimes very rude, but never as unusual as the producers tried to make it look. It seems to me they tried to center that race all around Rob & Amber which is a bad thing no matter which team they chose.
4: Jonathan & Victoria (Season 6): The shove on Victoria's backpack on the way to the fifth Pit Stop was unnessesary, and while he was trying to run the race by being a villain, he did it the wrong way. His comment on the race as being "not about compassion," was innapropriate when his wife was very distressed.
3: Nathan & Jennifer (Season 12): I know they may be sweet people outside of the Race, but they should have been eliminated sooner that 4th place. The cameras usually showed them more than other teams, and I hate how bickering teams are emphasized.
2: Lyn & Karlyn (Season 10): This team got more rude to other teams the longer the Race went on, and they eventually betrayed their allies Erwin & Godwin. They also mentioned several times that the other teams needed "to learn how to run their own race," when it was really they who were being dragged through the race course by the team they left behind later.
1: Charla & Mirna (Season 5/All Stars): In both races they would seemingly search for one team to antangonize. In race 5 it was Colin & Christie, and in Race 11 it was Dustin & Kandice. Making an alliance against one team isn't worth it when that team didn't even do anything to harm you, and doing it twice is unpardonable. So much for learning from past mistakes.

Dishonorable Mentions (in no particular order): Ron & Kelly, David & Mary, Rob & Kimberly, Ray & Deana, Colin & Christie, Alison & Donny, Tian & Jaree, John & Scott, Lisa & Joni
« Last Edit: July 18, 2008, 01:50:48 PM by Hooky »
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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #25 on: July 18, 2008, 01:45:16 PM »
Favorite Teams (this list is not completely accurate):

10: Ronald & Christina (Season 12): Leg 2 wasn't very good for them, but I liked watching them succeed later in the Race. They evolved their relationship and improved and that is how the Race should be run (not like TK & Rachel). The team that should have won that season.
9: Lorena & Jason (Season 12): I don't know why, but I liked them. They didn't bicker much and were really strong. I didn't realize how much I liked them until they were eliminated. They were eliminated on the horrible no-bunching leg of their season.
8: Vipul & Arti (Season 10): They got along really well, and never got angry with each other. They were the Kris & Jon of that season, and would have been a fan favorite if they had lasted longer.
7: Oswald & Danny (Season 2/All-Stars): Their accents and the things they said were funny. They were always interesting and should have been in the final 3 in All-Stars (I didn't see Season 2).
6: Brian & Greg (Season 7): They were funny, and almost every leg they would start with something funny to say on the mat. They were also eliminated on the horrible no-bunching leg - ugh!
5: Azaria & Hendekea (Season 12): The strongest team in Season 12. They didn't always get along, but they were good sports and were fun to watch. Their elimination was another bad luck elimination of a team I like.
4: Uchenna & Joyce (Season 7/All-Stars): They learned to work together as a couple in Season 7, and gained popularity with the head shave. And they continued this in All-Stars. I liked this team and they shouldn't have taken that risk on leg 9 of All-Stars.
3: BJ & Tyler (Season 9): I know they hogged the cameras, but they were fun to watch every leg. You never knew what weird things they would do next. They were entertainment that made up for the lack of unpredictability in Season 9.
2: Lena & Kristy (Season 6): They were a tougher team than many may realize - arriving first at multiple locations in their short race. I loved watching the first really strong female team race, and their very early bad luck exit at the hay bales was undeserved. Season 6 would have been better if they had lasted.
1: Dustin & Kandice (Season 10/All-Stars): They were almost unrealistically tough for a female team and they always got along really well. They made themselves likeable every leg, even when they were randomly attacked by Lyn & Karlyn and Charla & Mirna - the two worst teams ever.

Honorable Mentions (in no particular order): John Vito & Jill, Erwin & Godwin, David & Lori, Kynt & Vyxsin, Peter & Sarah, Debbie & Bianca, Hayden & Aaron, Meredith & Gretchen, Kris & Jon, Dennis & Erika, Bob & Joyce, Linda & Karen, Kami & Karli, Steve & Dave,  Fran & Barry, Wanda & Desiree, Duke & Lauren

Some of my honorable mentions tied with those in the top 10 - I just couldn't choose between them all.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2008, 01:52:51 PM by Hooky »
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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #26 on: September 17, 2008, 01:47:54 PM »
Buddy TV has just presented its "10 Most Morable Couples from the Amazing Race". Here are their choices with my comments:

1. Rob and Amber - they certainly are snarky and hyper-competitive

2. Jonathan and Victoria - nobody has come close to breaking Jonathan's record as the greatest villain in AR history

3. Uchenna and Joyce - I love this team, but they do not deserve to be this high on this list; I would have placed Colin and Christie, who are not on the Buddy List, #3 on the apskip list because they are mesmerizing as exemplified by the ascender and "my ox is broken" and Tanzanian taxicar driver incidents. I know that many viewers hate them

4. BJ and Tyler - I like this team but there is no way they should be on the list at all; they were too bland; I would put Joe and Bill here for their AR1 (not AR11) appearance. Nobody is more snarky and diabolical than Joe and Bill in that race

5. Kynt and Vyxsin - they should be a little lower on the list, maybe #10, but definitely on it as the team taking costumes to new levels in Amazing Races; I would substitute the Gaghan Family. Carissa and Billy and Tammy and Bill are such nice people on-screen (and in person) that your heart is out for them.

6. Charla and Mirna - I dislike Mirna intensely. They are the team that AR fans love to hate. They should be where they are as a result of the inconsistency of their race statements with their professed values

7. Chip and Reichen - I would substitute Jon and Al as the most lovable team ever and with bad luck to contrast with Chip and Reichen's churlishness and incredible good luck

8. Dustin and Kandace - my favorite team ever after Colin and Christie. These two are awesome. Except for some bad luck in overshooting the entrance to a business in Morocco, I believe they would have won AR10 and they were very close to winning AR11

9. David and Mary - nice people, mediocre racers, and they do not belong on this list; I would substitute Flo and Zach, Flo for being the bitchiest racer ever and Zach for being the strongest(that includes over Bolo and Lori) and most patient racer ever.

10. Cho Brothers - this is a mediocre team who wanted to make friends rather than win; they do not belong on this list. I would substitute Kynt and Vyxsin here

So I have removed from the BuddyTV list Uchenna and Joyce. BJ and Tyler, Chip and Reichen, David and Mary and the Cho Brothers. I have substituted Colin and Christie, Joe and Bill, the Gaghan Family, John and Al, and Flo and Zach

My list looks like this:
1. Rob and Amber
2. Jonathan and Victoria
3. Colin and Christie
4. Joe and Bill
5. the Gaghan Family
6. Charla and Mirna
7. Jon and Al
8. Dustin and Kandace
9. Flo and Zach
10. Kynt and Vyxsin

What do you think?
« Last Edit: September 17, 2008, 02:08:18 PM by apskip »

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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #27 on: September 19, 2008, 04:28:30 PM »
Kynt & Vyxsin weren't memorable to me - I judge based on what the teams actually do, not what they look like.

David & Mary certainly don't belong on the list - it really disgusts me that the media favors teams that most of us don't actually care much about. Those teams were used mostly for advertising their respective seasons, which is why the media still loves Kynt & Vyxsin.

My list is this:
1. Rob & Amber
2. Jonathan & Victoria
3. Colin & Christie
4. Charla & Mirna
5. BJ & Tyler
6. Flo & Zach
7. Tara & Wil
8. Dustin & Kandice
9. Nathan & Jennifer
10. Adam & Rebecca
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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #28 on: September 19, 2008, 05:38:37 PM »
I'm gonna have to disagree with you, Hooky. Kynt and Vxysin did leave quite an impression doing as well as they did.

I don't think "most" of us did not care about Dave & Mary. They resonated with a lot of people.
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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #29 on: September 19, 2008, 06:44:27 PM »
Score one more who did not resonate with David and Mary. They are extremely medicore racers with good personalities. They do not belong on a "most  memorable couple" list. I don't think they are in the top 50.

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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #30 on: September 20, 2008, 05:38:20 PM »
I forgot to add my favorite teams from The Amazing Race, so I'll do it now!

10.  Lyn & Karlyn -- I liked Lyn a lot.  Karlyn, not so much.  But I was still rooting for them on Season 10, so that's why they're on my list.

9.  Lena & Kristy -- liked the team.  Unfortunately, they had major bad luck.

8.  Oswald & Danny (more in Season 2) -- I really enjoyed this team!  They had so much fun and it was nice to see a team not stressing out too much!

7.  Kris & Jon -- I wanted this team to win Season 6.  Alas, it was not meant to be.

6.  Ken & Gerard -- this team was so hilarious!  I got a lot of laughs out of them!

5.  John Vito & Jill -- this team had the worst luck ever, I thought!  In fact, in Season 3 I nicknamed them Team Unlucky.

4.  Ronald & Christina -- I have a soft spot for Asian Americans.  If Ron had been nicer in Episode 2, I would've rated them higher.  But still, I was glad when they made the finals -- even if I wish they had won!

3.  The Linz Family -- who wouldn't love a team that Yielded the Weaver Family and had so much fun on the Race?

2.  Uchenna & Joyce (on Season 7) -- one of my favorite winning teams.  Their backstory really made me sympathize with them.  And I was thrilled when they made the flight to Miami at the last moment!

1.  Chip & Kim -- my favorite team ever!  Chip was so happy and enjoyed the Race so much it made me smile.  And he & Kim were nice but competitve when they needed to be.

Honorary mention:

The Bransen Family,
Kevin & Drew (in Season 1) and
The Cho brothers.

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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #31 on: September 24, 2008, 05:31:11 PM »
I'm gonna have to disagree with you, Hooky. Kynt and Vxysin did leave quite an impression doing as well as they did.

I don't think "most" of us did not care about Dave & Mary. They resonated with a lot of people.

Why did people expect Kynt & Vyxsin to do poorly? I always predicted them in the top 4. And they finished in 5th.

As for David & Mary, maybe I'll just never understand why some people love them. It was painful for me to see them put on All Stars when that slot could have been used for Kris & Jon or a more deserving team. Also Kevin & Drew could have been replaced with a better team in more reasonable physical shape. That's what I think.
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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #32 on: September 24, 2008, 05:57:54 PM »
I think people had prejudged Kynt & Vyxsin not thinking that they would be in good physical shape.

Kris & Jon from what I have heard prefer to be private and no longer want to be in the spotlight.
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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #33 on: September 25, 2008, 10:58:26 AM »
Is it too early to declare my love for Mark/Bill? Even before having seen their thread?  :lol:

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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #34 on: September 30, 2008, 10:04:50 AM »
Mark and Bill are cool people! I'm guessing Nick and Starr would be on many favs lists after this race as well.

Favourite team of all time would be Jon and Al, The Clowns! Followed closely by Dustin and Kandice.  Don and Nick would be up there as well. Huge respect for Gramps.

Other teams that I liked(in no particular order):

Oswald and Danny. With exception of the last few legs on All-Stars, they were great.
Blake and Paige. Best brother and sister team so far...
JV and Jill/ Kris and Jon. I can see why people liked them.
Brain and Greg. Funny people.
Debbie and Bianca. Would have been a strong F/F team, unfortunately driving hours in a wrong direction cost them.
Linz family. Only reason I watched Family edition.
BJ and Tyler. Good fun team despite their camera mugging.
Tyler and James. Strong team despite their past.

Brandon and Nicole weren't too bad as well. Shame about their break-up.

Hated teams...Forgive and forget is the best! :tup:

Offline TheScandinavianAmazingR.

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Re: Your Favorite and Worst TAR Teams
« Reply #35 on: September 30, 2008, 01:12:00 PM »
Least favorite teams:

10. Steve/Dave - Didn't think their jokes were funny, and the whole tire slashing incident wasn't needed.
9. Tom/Terry - For being whinny assholes and stealing the name TnT from the original TnT - Tramel & Talicia.
8. Ron/Kelly - For barely being alive the entire season
7. Rob/Amber - For hogging all the air time and Rob trying to be so cool the entire time
6. Russell/Cindy - Russell is one of the most underrated assholes of all time
5. Reichen/Chip - For being so intense and blocking that door
4. Eric/Danielle - For having no business being on All Stars. As soon as I heard they would be on, I just knew they were going to win.

Now the 3 teams I REALLY hated. They are in a league of their own.

3. Lyn/Karlyn - Hated them from the very start. Horrible attitude from the skinny one the entire trip. Them finishing a distant third was the highlight of the season 10 finale for me
2. BJ/Tyler - The constant camera hogging was unbearable. Every time they were on screen I seriously wanted to just stop watching. I never know how I made it through the entire season.
1. Charla/Mirna - Beat out BJ/Tyler because I had to deal with them twice. Mirna is one of the most dispicable people I have ever seen on reality tv. Horrible horrible team.

I totally agree whit the last 3 teams, whit some off the same reasons. Luckily BJ and Tyler was not on All stars! And they did`t understand why.