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Average Joe Hawaii
« on: January 09, 2004, 12:43:06 AM »
Is anyone else watching Average Joe Hawaii?  I saw the show the other day and enjoyed it.  Looks like they searched far and wide for some real "average joe's".  I think the guys name is Dave, he is such a goof and his hair style reminds me of carrot top.  He is a very hyper guy and I was quite surprised he wasn't one of the first 4 sent home in the bus.  And I can't remember the guys name but please do not admint on national tv that your are still a virgin at age 24. :o  That is something I don't need to know.  I can hardly wait for next weeks show.  

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Re:Average Joe Hawaii
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2004, 11:40:23 AM »
When does this come on?  I saw a commercial but with the kids we ususally only watch shows in the evening, Like 9.

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Re:Average Joe Hawaii
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2004, 03:17:13 PM »
It came on Monday night at 10.00 ..I taped it and I'm planning on watching it sometime this weekend..
it sounds like it will be fun to watch..Thanks Bathfizzy :D

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Re:Average Joe Hawaii
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2004, 10:09:33 PM »
Anyone care to read a recap?

New year, new Joes! First, we were greeted by Dennis Luciani (from Average Joe 1). He reminded viewers that Average Joe Hawaii was taped before the first show ever aired. None of these bachelors, or the new bachelorette, had any idea what mischief was ahead! After numerous glamour shots of our new leading lady, Larissa, and our new tropical setting, we got down to business. Larissa, also a former Miss Missouri USA (like Melana), arrived at her deluxe Hawaiian digs anxious about the hunks she was hoping to meet. Larissa confessed that emotionally she's been lacking love in her life. One of the reasons she said she wanted to participate in the show, was to discover what she really wants in a man. Hopefully, it's not washboard abs! She was overwhelmed by her luxurious surroundings, and especially touched by seeing her own artwork framed on the walls.

Meanwhile, the guys were starting to arrive at their own version of island paradise. Click here to find out more about the guys. Some were skinny. Some were fat. Some were shy. Some were spazzes. One even had a ponytail! However, they all were very thrilled to be in Hawaii, and even more excited to meet a beautiful, available woman. But before any love was to be found, there was partying to be had! While David got rowdy jumping on the furniture, Brian G. worried aloud that he'd somehow landed on "Loser Island." Donato and Samuel spotted the bunk beds and instantly declared a "No Fat Guys On Top" rule. Amen to that! Phuc (rhymes with "kook") impressed his brethren by opening beer bottles with his teeth! Wonder if he'll show Larissa that trick? Not to be outdone, David threw a watermelon in the pool, much to his own delight…but not anyone else's. Michael went out of his way to switch room assignments to avoid bunking with David! In his defense, David admitted that he'd like to take some of his abundant energy and focus it on his love life. Fredo (ponytail guy), meanwhile, was having trouble understanding the Boston boys. They all had pretty thick accents…something Brian W. thought was really appealing to the ladies. Uh-huh, sure, okay. Later, Tony explained his odd beard line. He has a goatee and then on the right side of his face he has a thin line of facial hair tracing his jawline from his chin to his ear. On the opposite side of his face, however, the hair zigs and zags to make a half-star shape. He explained that it started out as a shaving mishap, but now he does different designs all the time. The highlight (at least for me) was when 5'4" Thomas, an engineer from Portland, busted out his breakdance moves! Thomas was poppin' and lockin' his heart out, while the other guys sat around pounding beers or basting barbecue meat. I don't even think there was music playing! Yet another hilarious moment was when David encouraged Chris and CJ to join him in the large hot tub centrally located on the patio. He couldn't find the temperature gauge or the jets, but none of the guys were deterred. Once they were shivering in the oddly shallow spa, Fredo and Tony broke the news that they were actually lounging in a fountain, not a hot tub! Out of the cold water and into togas, the guys definitely made the most of their first night on the island.

The next night, Larissa looked gorgeous and was nervous to meet her Prince Charmings. Soon a long, black stretch limousine pulled up and the door opened to reveal a stunning young man. He smiled. She smiled. He approached; she tried to keep it together. Then he broke the news that he wouldn't be one of the gentlemen joining her that evening. He also let her know that 18 great guys were on their way. Larissa said her stomach was in knots wondering what was to come next. The huge white bus that we've come to know too well pulled up. The doors whooshed open and out came…David. He be-bopped down to give shocked Larissa a firm handshake and to ask when her birthday was (it's in August). One by one, our guys made their way past a baffled Larissa and into the house. Larissa said everything was a bit of a blur after David, because her head was spinning. Fredo actually chomped gum while he introduced himself, then said "what a piece of a$$" after he went into the house. Nice! CJ, who was sporting a cold sore on his lip, was one of the few guys who went in for a kiss (luckily she gave him her cheek!). Once everyone else was inside, Larissa flew into what she thought was a private room to vent her frustrations. But of course there was a hidden camera! She said she was kind of having a panic attack and was upset at "having to do this" for the next month. Larissa spewed some bleeped obscenities and debated whether or not to continue. She spoke with who we could only assume was a producer, telling him or her that she couldn't picture herself getting intimate with any of the guys if that's what they were hoping for. Ultimately, Larissa calmed down and decided not to be so judgmental. She realized that they were probably great guys. She took a couple of deep breaths and declared, "I'm cool, let's go have fun."

The guys were practically foaming at the mouth as Larissa descended the patio stairs and greeted them by the pool. David latched onto her immediately, while the other guys watched politely - at first. Then they all decided to make their moves. Robert was extremely nervous and could barely stammer his words out. Throughout the evening, each of the guys tried to snag some alone time with Larissa. They knew that before the night was over, four of them would be heading home. After everyone had knocked back a few drinks, it was time for the photo booth. Brian G already had a poem prepared for the evening and Thomas had a rap! (Hint: You can see some of the photo booth shots on each of the players' pages online.)

Next, Larissa gathered the guys in the living room to break the bad news about who would be eliminated. First to say "Aloha" was cold sore CJ. He thought it was because he was so shy and didn't get the chance to talk to Larissa. I think it was because of the cold sore. The next guy to depart was nerve-wracked Robert (who sort of looked like Adam Sandler). Chris, sporting a 50's rocker style, was out to the bus next. Larissa said that the fact Chris was so into the 50's was a little distracting. She wasn't sure how much they would have in common. Finally, Larissa called out Matt's name. Matt, who said earlier that he "has a lot of friends who are girls, but not a lot of girlfriends," said the defeat wouldn't stop him from meeting that special someone.


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Re:Average Joe Hawaii
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2004, 03:01:58 PM »
Can I just say I absolutely love this show?? How about that David Daskal???? And my guy is that Massachuttes guy (I forget his name) but he is my favorite! I hope he wins
Wendy Jean


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Re:Average Joe Hawaii
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2004, 01:35:50 AM »
I hope Larissa picks one of the Average Joes versus the cocky pretty boys.  Wendy, are you talking about Brian from Boston??  I like him.  I thought it was so cute that he got his haircut for his date with Larissa.  I still like Tony he artist.  I am glad she eliminated 3 of the pretty boys too.  She looked truly sad when she said goodbye to David.  He definitley has a good outlook in life and I am sure he has found a girlfriend.  This weeks show looks good as I saw a preview and Tony and Larissa are on a boat and then they show it getting blown up.  I wonder what happened there? :o

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Re:Average Joe Hawaii
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2004, 09:00:08 AM »
YES! Brian from Boston! I love his personaity, and he is not all that bad looking either. I think she handled kicking David off very well. She did not make him feel stupid..... I saw the previews about someone blowing up the boat. I think someone was given the option to do it? I know she was pretty pi**ed about it.... I think she votes someone out based on that.... We'll see!
Wendy Jean


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Re:Average Joe Hawaii
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2004, 02:02:49 PM »
Tonights the last show & I could hardly wait!..Oh please ,please let Larissa pick Boston Rob!! ;D If she does I will be Screaming me head off.. ;D

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Re:Average Joe Hawaii
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2004, 02:11:06 PM »
PLEASE tell me you're joking about tonight being the last episode! I don't have my cable hooked up in my new house yet! OMG I gotta find a way to watch it. I just know my boy is going to win!
Wendy Jean


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Re:Average Joe Hawaii
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2004, 03:04:41 PM »
Hey Puddin, I think you mean Boston Brian. Lol.  I definitley think she will pick him.  He has really nice eyes and I love that boston accent.  But if she picks Gil, its not the end of the world for me.  I like them both as they both seem very sincere and genuine.  I was so happy Larissa eliminted Jim.  He was just a pretty boy with not much upstairs.  I thought it was hilarious when they showed us their date last week that he didn't have much to offer in the conversation part but lots in the sex appeal.  I also thought it was funny when she said his dog stunk.  So I will not be disappointed in whomever she picks versus the first Average Joe when I was totally devasted that Melana picked the pretty boy over Adam.  I did see Larissa, Gil and Brian on the Leno show last week and it looked like Larissa and Brian sat closer together then Gil.  So my gut feeling is she picked Brian.  But what do I know.  I know I am a tv reality junkie that needs her daily fix of reality tv. ;D ;Dlol

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Re:Average Joe Hawaii
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2004, 07:12:15 PM »
 :P thanks Bathfizzy (wrong show..I was probably thinking of Rob M :) ) I don't like Gil..he's to stiff..and Adam from the first average Joe..yeah I really liked him too..I see that he's getting his own show now..(can't remember what it's called?)He deserved some one better than Melana..i'm glad that she didn't pick him..
I know I am a tv reality junkie that needs her daily fix of reality tv.  lol
LOL.. ;D ;D Me too!

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Re:Average Joe Hawaii
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2004, 07:07:00 PM »
This is my third time typing this.. >:( Dang board crash)

Was anyone else crying last night? :'( Poor Brian..I guess that Larissa couldn't get past his nerdy looks..he is a geniune sweetheart and I would have picked him in a heartbeat :-*!
Gil!! What a thingy head!! He reminds me of a Ken doll..PLASTIC ! I can't beleive that he was mad that Larissa had a past with Fabio..I would've been like "Hey..look at me I'm dating Fabio's ex!" instead he threw a hissy fit and left Larissa all by herself..I think that is was his excuse to get out of the relationship? He only wanted to win..but,didn't want the prize? ::)
I wonder what Brian was thinking when he watched the show?? He was probably still thinking that he has a chance with Larissa..even though she broke his heart..I bet that he would still want her back.. :-\.

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Re:Average Joe Hawaii
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2004, 08:35:40 AM »
I am so upset with this show. Why do they even call it Average Joe? They should call it Average Joe strikes out again. I felt so bad for Brian. And to think that Gil could dismiss her after she said she dated Fabio? I guess that is what they get. I would SOOOOOOOO love it if Brian was the next Bachelor (after the baseball player guy of course)
Wendy Jean


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Re:Average Joe Hawaii
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2004, 11:19:23 PM »
I shed some tears  :'( for Brian when Larissa broke his heart by not taking him.  They even look good together.  Gil does look plastic, thank you for pointing that out to me Puddin. :o  I was so shocked.  What is wrong with Fabio?  What got Gil all into a twisted male hissy fit?  All I know is Fabio is adored by lots of women and he had his faced used for harlequin romance novels.  Big deal.  I agree Puddin, Gil only wanted to win but did not really wnat the prize of dating Larissa.  I know he got out of a relationship and he was quite hesitant about it being over (I seem to recall he had a weird reaction to that).  Even my girlfriend thinks that Gil wanted to win but was not interested in pursuing a relationship especially when she really was hot and heavy for him.  It was interesting to have her say that after 25 guys, in the end she was dumped.  Now she knew how Brian was feeling.  I wonder if Brian would be interested in hooking up with her.  We should all email NBC and get justice for Brian.  Adams show will be on and I hope it is good.  He was sucha  sweety.

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Re:Average Joe Hawaii
« Reply #14 on: March 07, 2004, 03:40:41 PM »
 ;D ;D Bathfizzy..I 'd Love to see Brian have his own show..I'll let you know if I find out anything about Brian  ;)..Something tells me that this wasn't the last time that we will see him  :D

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Re:Average Joe Hawaii
« Reply #15 on: March 08, 2004, 11:14:34 AM »
Personally, bring Brian to my home town and I would love to date him.... I just love him.
Wendy Jean


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Re:Average Joe Hawaii
« Reply #16 on: March 08, 2004, 10:26:12 PM »
Now Wendy that is such a sweet gesture but wouldn't your fiance throw a male hissy fit? lol.  Well I emailed NBC tonight and told them what I thought of Larissa breaking Brian's heart.  And I told them not to bother making any more shows were they pit the average joes against empty headed pretty boys.  Let's hope Adam has more success in finding love. :)  And Puddin, please find out any more info on Brian.  If anyone can do it, it is you.  Queen of Digging for News. 8) 8) :-* :-* :-*

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Re:Average Joe Hawaii
« Reply #17 on: March 09, 2004, 03:03:35 PM »
Good for you Bathfizzy!! I'm glad that you emailed I think that I'll do the same  ;)..I haven't heard any news about Brian Worth yet..if I do I will definitly let you know :D :-* :-*

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Re:Average Joe Hawaii
« Reply #18 on: March 09, 2004, 03:07:25 PM »
I just found this article..

Fabio "wishes Larissa nothing but the best," takes dig at Gil

By Steve Rogers, 03/08/2004

For those wondering, Fabio himself has weighed in Gil Hyatt's inexplicable reaction to Average Joe 2: Hawaii star Larissa Meek's disclosure that she was previously involved in a serious relationship with the cheesy 40-something year-old romance novel coverboy.
Fabio, who was unavailable for direct comment because the coverboy turned clothing designer was in Milan working on his clothing line for WalMart's Sam Club stores, relayed a statement via his manager Eric Ashenberg. "Fabio wishes Larissa nothing but the best," Ashenberg told the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

Additionally, taking his own apparent dig at Gil, the Italian playboy also noted that "the only thing he has to say is if that guy is looking to date someone he (Fabio) hasn't, he should start dating men."
  ;D ;D ;D

Commented David Taylor, one of Fabio's closest friends and apparent "wingman" during their younger days: "We had some great times together. He's a man's man and a great guy who likes women, and women like him." "She's better off without the guy," remarked Taylor about Gil, noting that he was also familiar with Larissa from her time dating Fabio.
{LMAO!! Puddin  ;D ;D}

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Re:Average Joe Hawaii
« Reply #19 on: March 09, 2004, 03:13:56 PM »
Some Brian News  :D ;D ;D It made me smile
  ;D ;D

His heartache healed, Boston 'Joe' bounces back
By Joseph P. Kahn, Globe Staff, 3/3/2004

The cozy, candlelit dinner at the Boston Harbor Hotel didn't seal the deal. Neither did the romantic trip to Fenway Park, complete with a "surprise" visit from Red Sox pitcher Tim Wakefield. In the end, which arrived Monday night packed inside a whole soap dish of plot twists, "Average Joe: Hawaii" contestant Brian Worth of East Boston failed to capture the heart of beauty queen Larissa Meek. Worth was kissed goodbye, while actor wannabe Gil Hyatt, he of the rippling pecs, won the damsel's hand. So what else is new? Wakefield may throw a wicked knuckleball, but NBC producers -- and Meek -- opted for a softball straight down the middle. In their version of reality-show reality, the Meek shall inherit the oaf.

Weep not for Worth, though, who, being a lifelong Red Sox fan, has suffered far worse, heaven knows. His guileless, good-hearted nature and genuine infatuation with Meek, not to mention his "auww-some" Boston accent, made him a heavy viewer favorite, all but guaranteeing him a measure of fame no one could have scripted at the show's outset.

"It never really crossed my mind that I'd become a celebrity from this," Worth said yesterday by phone from Southern California, where he's been doing a round of publicity appearances that included "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno" on Friday. "It's fun right now, and my life does feel different. But it's not at the Tom Cruise level."

Worth watched the finale -- taped six months ago -- in Palm Springs, at the invitation of an NBC producer. More than anything, he says, he's relieved he can finally discuss what happened on the show and why viewers have identified with his falling in love -- and losing -- so hard and so publicly. For months, Worth says, he was sworn to secrecy, even passing up dates (yes, there have been inquiries) lest he spill the beans by baring his soul.

"Was I genuinely hurt? Yeah, for two to three weeks," said Worth, who was joined by Meek and Hyatt on the Leno show. "It's hard to not only be heartbroken but not be able to get any help, too. Even my mother called me after the show, half in tears. But this was top-secret stuff."

The appeal of "Average Joe," and why viewers rooted for him, according to Worth, is that while almost everyone has known unrequited love, it was a first for him. "I'm 31, so I needed to experience it," he said. "But people who were emotionally invested in the program actually felt as hurt as I did. I gave them something to identify with, I guess."

Earlier yesterday, Worth logged on to a chat room for an hour, joined by nearly 500 visitors. Asked how he felt watching the final episode, Worth replied, "It was very difficult. . . . I had to fight off a few tears. I became sniffley."

Nevertheless, he wrote, he and Meek remain "very good friends." Also, Worth claimed to be unremorseful that, if only briefly, he'd found himself "living in a fantasy world with [Meek]" that "allowed my barriers to come down." Worth's only complaint about the show's editing concerned an episode with boxer Roy Jones Jr. that had been cut short. "The show could have been funnier than `Seinfeld'," Worth said.

An auditor with the US Department of the Treasury's Office of Inspector General, Worth was picked from a pool of more than 2,000 potential Joes from around the country. Eight of the original 18 contestants came from the Boston area, and many of the local contestants gathered at the Rack Monday to watch the finale. Among them was Charlestown stock trader Brian Glazer, who made it to Round 6 of "Joe" before the ax fell. "I think he wins by losing," Glazer said of Worth yesterday. "People feel sympathy for someone like Brian, who's a great guy. I'm sure plenty of other girls will be knocking down his door."

Like many other viewers, Glazer professed to be mystified by the Fabio factor. In the finale, Meek, after choosing Hyatt, confessed she had once dated the famous model, whose face adorns many a romance-novel cover. Hyatt reacted to the admission by getting upset and inexplicably turning his back on Meek, a former Miss Missouri USA title holder, before leaving. Contrived? It seemed so, especially when Meek and Hyatt turned up on the "Today" show yesterday holding hands. Meek at least acknowledged how much she might have hurt Worth, saying she hoped in time he'd find someone who would reciprocate his feelings.

Two other local Joes, Donato Ventresca of Melrose and Justin Walsh of Somerville, said yesterday they'd been cheering for Worth to pull off what in hindsight seems a quixotic feat.

"I think he really had feelings for her, and it was unfortunate to see him let down like that," Ventresca said. "As far as that kid [Hyatt] blowing his stack over her dating Fabio, though, that was ridiculous."

Walsh said that he liked how the show built toward its ending but that the ending itself left something to be desired. As for Worth, he said, "Brian's a very witty person, very fun to be with. He'll do fine." Indeed, the healing process seems to be coming along nicely. "Part of me was glad [Meek] got a taste of what I felt," Worth admitted yesterday.

All four Joes hinted their social lives were anything but "average" these days. "As of today," Worth posted on the website chat room, "I am officially on the market."

Joseph P. Kahn can be reached at

© Copyright 2004 Globe Newspaper Company.

Offline Bathfizzy

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Re:Average Joe Hawaii
« Reply #20 on: March 28, 2004, 12:55:52 AM »
Puddin, I finally got to this post.  Thank you thank you so much for the post on Fabio.  I enjoyed his comment to Gil.

And many many thanks  :-* :-*for the article on Brian.  He is a genuine guy and will meet someone that will love him for who he is -- a diehard Sox fan.  yeah Brian. ;D

I saw the cover of People magazine last week that had a small picture of Gil and Larissa stating that they are still together.  But who cares!!!!  You got your 15 minutes of fame and that's it.

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Re:Average Joe Hawaii
« Reply #21 on: March 29, 2004, 10:51:15 AM »
How funny.... I told my b/f I would date Brian..... he said that was good that I hadn't met Brian before I met him... and I finally got my Average Joe.... awwww. sweet! But Brian was a sweetheart too.... I hope they do a show on him really soon.
Wendy Jean


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Re:Average Joe Hawaii
« Reply #22 on: March 29, 2004, 01:30:50 PM »
I saw the cover of People magazine last week that had a small picture of Gil and Larissa stating that they are still together.  But who cares!!!!  You got your 15 minutes of fame and that's it

Wow..for real Bathfizzy?? Thanks for the news..I had no idea..What's up with that? ::)