The Amazing Race > The Amazing Race Discussion

TAR Wishlist - locations, routes, twists, teams, tasks & dreams!**NO SPOILERS**

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Not to mess with the wishlist, but we just had 4 military related people this season (and 2 cops if that counts).

ZBC Company:
i wish we have new africa countries like Uganda .


--- Quote from: ZBC Company on May 06, 2017, 04:35:47 AM ---i wish we have new africa countries like Uganda .

--- End quote ---

The reason why TAR doesn't go to Africa, is because the countries are pretty dangerous. Some countries also have some terrible diseases.

Still, it's a very good cheap place to visit.


--- Quote from: Platrium on May 06, 2017, 02:18:04 AM ---Not to mess with the wishlist, but we just had 4 military related people this season (and 2 cops if that counts).

--- End quote ---

We also had a butcher and a professional snowboarder :tup:

Also regarding Africa there are a handful of countries that just Are Not Safe to visit but I think the greater issue is that there's little infrastructure in many of them (and in fact some of them are rather expensive because of it). I would say Uganda is a good country safe for their worrysome stances on human rights but that's a separate issue.

Rwanda, Benin/Togo, Lesotho and Swaziland (the latter two with South Africa) would be great to host two legs IMO. You could even squeak out a leg or two in Kenya or Egypt if planned properly.

A double leg in Dakar, Senegal then The Gambia would be cool.

Dakar would be a manic leg with another homage to Īle de Goree. The Gambia would visit the beach and have a bird watching task in Marrakissa.


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