Author Topic: Colby Donaldson's Survivor: ASS Web Chat  (Read 2678 times)

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Colby Donaldson's Survivor: ASS Web Chat
« on: March 12, 2004, 06:08:36 PM »
Colby Donaldson's Survivor: All-Stars Web Chat Transcript

Host:  Thanks for being here today Colby, are you ready to take some questions?
Colby:  Absolutely
Q:  I was so sorry you had to suffer the wrath of that scorned witch, Jerri.  I was so looking forward to seeing you whip Rob's butt in individual challenges.  Is it true that you didn't realize until last night that you had a huge target on you?
Colby:  I knew that I would at some point be a target.  I didn't think they would vote me out so soon.  I felt like the smartest thing we could do as a tribe was remain strong.  Voting me out certainly doesn't strengthen the tribe.  I  too would have enjoyed going toe to toe with Rob.  And I have to laugh about your comment regarding Jerri.  Talk about having an ax to grind.

Q:   You seemed a lot less vocal and had a lot less confessional time than when you were on Survivor: the Australian Outback.  Was that a conscious decision because you didn't want the attention you were getting when you got back from Australia?
Colby:  I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that you are playing a game filled with all stars.  There are a lot of great players with great things to say, so players do not get as much air time as they did on their first series.

Q:  The show won't be the same without you.  Who did you think was playing the best game while you were on the island and does your opinion change when you see what they air on TV?
Colby:  Thank you for the compliment.  Watching the show on TV allows me to see what was happening over at Chapera.  I thought Kathy was playing well during the game.  I now see how much control Rob has over on his side.  You should know, it is just as much fun to watch the show as a player as it is for you to watch it as a viewer because we never know what was going on if we did not see it.

Q:   What was your prepared Jerri speech?  Come on, we won't repeat it we promise.
Colby:  I really do not even know now, I just know I would have liked to see her exit last night.  Unfortunately she will always be able to brag about outlasting me on the All Stars.  But at least you and I do not have to live with being Jerri Manthey.

Q:  How do you feel about the fact the best players can't win in this edition because they are perceived as threats and are eliminated first?
Colby:  I would like to say it is not fair, but this is a game that is simply just not fair.  I had success in Australia playing the game the way I did.  Unfortunately, there was no way to hide from others perceptions in this game.  I wish I would have made it to the merge and had a chance to compete on my own.  It will be interesting to see what type of players make it to the end.

Q:  You have to admit Colby, that was a brilliantly executed maneuver on Lex's part.  Did you see it coming at all?
Colby:  I was surprised that Lex would vote for me last night.  But the only way we will know if it was a good move or brilliant is to continue watching and see how well it serves him down the road.

Q:  After watching the shows do you think Kathy would have voted against you as well?
Colby:   I would hate to speculate, but I know she and Lex were pretty tight.  If she had not voted for me last night it probably would have been at the next tribal council.  But then I guess she is the only one who can really answer that question.

Q:   Colby, sum up each member of your tribe in one word. By the way, you're the greatest!
Colby:  Thanks so much for the compliment.  Shii Ann - passive;  
Kathy - savvy; Ethan - competitive;  Lex - desperate;  Jerri - unhappy.

Q:   If Mogo Mogo won the RC who would you have suggested to take on the yacht?
Colby:  Wow, great question.  Probably Rupert, with the intention of not only gaining knowledge about Chapera but seeing if there was a possibility to swing him to our side.

Q:   You shouldn't have been eliminated but that's life -- what revenge would you like to see come Jerri's way?
Colby: Oh, I am not a vengeful person at all.  Best of luck to Jerri in the game, she will need it.

Q:  Who annoyed you more, Shii Ann or Jerri?
Colby:  That would be a tough call.  I guess it depends on which day we are talking about.  Either of them could wake up in a bad mood, and the rest of us had to deal with it.  One thing I find interesting thought, Shii Ann talked last night about Jerri complaining.  I distinctly remember Shii Ann complaining for the first two weeks straight.  Specifically, I remember the first night we spent on our island.  I remember Shii Ann complaining about the moon being too bright, and saying somebody please turn that light bulb off, I can not get any sleep.   I knew at that time what kind of player I had on my team.  Best of luck to Shii Ann, she will also need it.

Q:    Can you tell us a bit about the "eye rolling at Jerri" incident... it was quite funny!
Colby: I am not sure, but I believe I rolled my eyes when Jerri made a comment about being easy to be around.  Anyone who has played a game of Survivor and been on a tribe with Jerri knows that she is not the easiest person to coexist with.

Q:   Why do you hate Jerri so much?
Colby: I need to be very clear on this.  I do not hate Jerri Manthey, nor do I hate Shii Ann.  In life when you encounter people that you do not have anything in common with - you chose to not develop friendships with those people.  Jerri is one of those people.  I am not the one that went into this game seeking revenge.  Obviously Jerri did.  I do not have anything personal against Jerri, she is simply not someone I would not chose to be around outside the realm of this game.

Q:  On the show last night you said something about not wanting to lose to Boston Rob... I was just wondering if there was "bad blood" between the two of you and if so, in what sense?
Colby:  Absolutely not.  When I agreed with Ethan that I did not like losing to Boston Rob, that was simply one highly competitive person not wanting to lose to another very competitive player.  It was nothing more than three kids on a playground wanting to compete in a game of dodge ball and hating the thought of losing that game to the others.

Q:  So how did it feel to watch the slow-motion shots of your balance beam encounter with the RobFather, and see that Jeff had really made the call in error?
Colby: It was an error in judgment by Probst, but I do not hold him responsible for us losing that challenge.  He makes judgment calls all the time in challenges, just like referees do in a football game.  No one expects him to be perfect, least of all me, after all he is one of my closest friends.

Q:  Does being a friend of Jeff's in real life have any kind of impact on you playing the game, with the other players?
Colby: It did not have any effect on the way I played the game or the way Jeff hosted the game.  You would have to ask the other players if it had any effect  on their perception of me.  Jeff and I did not allow our personal relationship to enter the game in any way other than the occasional joking or banter before an after the challenges.

Q:  You were a hoot on Curb Your Enthusiasm.  Do you have anything in the works where you do not play yourself?
Colby: The goal is certainly to continue acting and playing other characters.  I agreed to do Curb Your Enthusiasm because it was an opportunity to work with Larry David and be part of such a great show.  I would normally not go on a show playing myself.

Q:  How do you feel about the actions that have been going on between Rob and Amber, do you think it is appropriate?

Q:  If there was a Survivor "Worst Stars", who would be some of the contestants from past seasons?
Colby:   I love your user name!  As we saw with Tina being eliminated first in the All Stars, anyone can exit this game at anytime.  That does not mean you are the worst player.  It is such a fun adventure to be a part of.  Just being chosen to play puts you in the winners circle in a lot of ways.  So I can't really answer a question about the "worst".  I did not look at any of the players that way.

Q:  Final comments for the fans?
Colby:  You will never know what an amazing experience both Australia and the All Stars have been.  I have so many fond memories and truly did enjoy the opportunity to compete not once, but twice, in such an incredible game.

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