yeh, gingerman.
It's also the case with Ron as he and Chris headed out of the car park. As of Nate, you would assume that
he had also changed clothes as we saw that he was immersed in the water.
The important thing to note is that the clothes that they wore on the task at Jiji township is the same as the one
back in the airport and also in TK&Rach's case on the train station at TAIPEI heading to Taichung: which means that teams most likely have headed directly to do the jeep tasks just about their arrival at TAIPEI.
Ron: light blue shirt with 'who's your daddy' sign (airport+inside the jeep) /SWITCHED TO/ dark blue shirt (jeep carpark+shops at night)
Rach: yellow (airport+taipei station) /SWITCHED TO/ grey (barefoot stone walk)
Nic or Don: not sure for now!
It would make sense that teams headed DIRECTLY to JIJI township (?after they pick up clue at Taipei 101?) for the task as it would give them plenty of time to come back and do the tasks/detour/speed bump at the night in TAIPEI. This is of course assuming that they arrived before or around 12 noon in Taipei, with an estimated time of 6 hours to get to JIJI township (about 2.5 hours) , do the jeep task (another 1hr) and come back to Taipei (another 2.5hr). Hence coming back to Taipei at around 6pm is just in time for sunset (6:40pm), which explains for their appearance at Taipei during the night.
It would also make sense that the producers would set the task at Jiji township towards the beginning of the leg, towards midday so that teams wouldn't be strangled in the NIGHT at the remote location if they were to have trouble doing the task.. or getting to/from the town. (noting that Jiji township is a good 200KM by HSR+normal train from Taipei).
This, however, does not go in harmony with Nic&Don's departure time from the THSR station. PERHAPS they were done already by 4:57pm?

(their body language suggests that they were entering the train though, which is headed southbound!?) If they were leaving for JIJI township at 4:57, they wouldn't be back at Taipei by about 11pm. ( BTW - I wouldn't be surprised if the 'amusement park' had already closed, hence having to wait until the next day by the time they got there). :meanwhile all the other teams are seen in TAIPEI streets, most likely before 11pm, doing either tasks(T&R) or just random things(R&C + N&J).
I think this next leg is one roller-coaster!!, I can't wait to see for myself.
My guess is for this leg:
1st. N&J
2nd. R&C
3rd. T&R
4th. Nic&Don