Author Topic: survivordude_JT's Survivor Review  (Read 1721 times)

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survivordude_JT's Survivor Review
« on: March 12, 2004, 05:16:13 PM »
Jerri starts off the day with her standard bellyaching. I want her
to be the next one to go over everyone else. I despise her.

Surprised they combined the reward and immunity challenges into one.
I don't think that's ever been done. Plus, the brought back the
old "pick someone from the losing team to join you in the reward"

Poor Ethan is having one misfortune after another. He breaks the
paddle and then gets hung up untying the knot. It didn't help that
Jerri and Shii Ann were too friggin' clueless to use the wide end of
the broken paddle in the water instead of the stick part. They were
simply dead weight. But no amount of paddling on their team could
overcome the masterful strokes Alicia was making with her tribe.
People were probably wondering how a team with 3 athletic guys could
get beat like that. Well, Alicia and Rob are both equally as
athletic, and despite their size, Big Tom and Rupert have massive
strength. An 80 pound Amber is easier to transport than a flabby
Kathy or Jerri. The advantage was definitely with Chapera.

The yacht scenes were lots of fun to watch. It's nice when the team
that likes to party wins the reward. I racked up plenty of fantasy
league bonus points each time Big Tom broke into dance. Contrary to
what her team thought, Kathy was more than happy to spill the beans
on all aspects of her tribe.

I was very happy when the attention in Mogo Mogo was focused on
Jerri, but then Lex had to go and get all coup-like on me. Yes, it
was a smart move, but I hate to see Jerri get any satisfaction.
Tribal council was horrible. While Colby isn't one of my favorite
players, I did like him more than several others.