Author Topic: 3 things you hate about the remaining Guest  (Read 3398 times)

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Offline BDFDNY

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3 things you hate about the remaining Guest
« on: August 21, 2007, 11:57:43 PM »
Just thought after the half way point this might be fun....

Dick... Spitting, Farting and excessive
Dani...  Whining, The F'in Snow boots, the way she says.. "He's my Dad"
Jen...   Her vindictiveness, her poor sportmanship, her T's
Jameka...   the damn MMMMMhhhMMMMMssss,   the God play...  and the lack of overall life
Zach...  the dopiness, the cluelessness, the inane ramblings and odd comments
Jess...  boo-yaaah....  the way shes careful about changing, ...thats all i got she really lays back too much
Eric...  the playcate to America even though they screw him over and        his lack of real masculinity, and the nose blowing...

What ya all got????

Offline AubieDay

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Re: 3 things you hate about the remaining Guest
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2007, 02:39:44 AM »
I don't hate any of them, more just things I dislike about them

Dick... Spitting, The way he acts like he's behind EVERYTHING that happens and the egging on of other house guests
Dani...  The snow boots (uggs I think they are called) Her last HOH blog and when she says it's sooooooo Frustrating. lol
Jen...   Her shirts, doesn't know when to go away and the fact that she's eating regular food right now
Jameka...   the damn MMMMMhhhMMMMMssss ( I agree) Thats all I can think of for her
Zach...  His smile or whatever it is when he's showing his teeth, his creepiness and that purple shirt he wore on his date with Jess
Jess...  I like her, can't think of anything for her
Eric...  The way he always is looking at the cams making these strange faces like he knows they are on him, his voice and his nipple rings
Amber...  " I know, me too" when ever someone says something, her visions and the way she played quarters the other night.

Build a bridge and get over it!

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Re: 3 things you hate about the remaining Guest
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2007, 10:53:10 AM »
Welcome to RFF AubieDay and BDFDNY!  :welcome: :welcome2: :welcome:

There are days when I can't stand any of them but I don't hate them. LOL

I think APEric is the worst for me. Yup, just thinking about him, he is the worst! I cannot stand the way he slithers around. He bobs, ducks and weaves and he reminds me of a cobra in a basket moving with the snake charmer's music. His uses his eyes to look upwards and sideways when he has his head down. He talks in circles and a lot of times never gets to the point. (Or I've gone to sleep and missed it.)  :res:

Jen has grown on me, and I feel sorry for her, I couldn't stand the shirts in the beginning, but I don't think she deserves all of the treatment she is getting at the moment. I don't like the way the remaining people in the house exclude someone when they are on the outs with them, last week it was Daniele, this week it is Jen.

Jess flies under the radar, protected by APEric. I would not want to see her win, she is a floater. She has a cute way of talking and acting, but not much there, there.

Amber has her moments, she can have insight and has a good heart but is a mess. She is so easily manipulated that it is sad to watch.

Jameka is fakey for me. She probably is a nice person, but I don't see much empathy or compassion from her for others. The Ummmm hmmms drive me batty but when she whispers it is even worse. (She does it well, too well!)  :snicker: 

Zach is out of place in the house and he is not blessed with good looks. He's like a nerd in a cool frat house, he can't say the right thing at the right time, but inevitably says the wrong thing every time. He is very observant, and has people figured out but probably won't help him much. I can't see him winning BB but I wouldn't mind it if he did. Overall, I think he is a good person, but he hasn't much personality. Maybe he really does need that rabbit suit back.  :lol:

Daniele is young, only 21, her whining doesn't bother me, turning on Jen this week did, it seemed like a stupid move, Jen helped Dick and Dani last week. I do think it probably is extremely hard to deal with Dick as a father. We've already seen how he interferes in her life, making moves behind her back to her detriment. I'm thinking of how he plotted to get rid of Nick, because he was close to Daniele, putting Jen's clothing in the HOH which will hurt Daniele later on because that involves her in the mess. He does that a lot. Dani is right, she gets the blame for what he does whether she knew about it or not. I think Dani has a good heart most of the time.

Dick. A gross, obnoxious, cruel and cunning man, but he is playing the game and it would be very boring if he hadn't been in the house. He does what he does because he plans it. If he wins, he will be like Will, not a nice character but he truly played the game.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2007, 11:13:00 AM by TexasLady »
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Re: 3 things you hate about the remaining Guest
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2007, 02:31:38 PM »
Dick-His burping and farting, the way he treats Jen, and trying to involve Dani in things she's not involved with  :burp

Dani-She doesn't really get to me so much. I was disappointed when she didn't keep her with Kail and her backdooring of Jen   :dancer:

Eric-Talks too much, his teeth, and how he thinks all of the women are sooooooooo in looooooooove with him.  :dork:

Jess-Her screechy voice, relies on Eric too much, and can't think for herself   :dance:

Jen-Her voice, the way she looks at the other HG's, and bad timing  :food:

Amber-Her crying, hearing about her visions, and her dumbassness  :crybabe:

Zach-For some reason he just deosn't get to me except that he is not the brightest bulb in the chandelier  :didimiss:

Jameka-Her spewing religion, hmmmmmmmmmhmmmmmmmmmhmmmmmmmmms, and her self righteousness  :pray:

That should just about sum it all up   

Offline mattus

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Re: 3 things you hate about the remaining Guest
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2007, 07:44:14 PM »
Amber-----dumb,crier,Sees signs from God constantly
Dick----bully,obnoxious,self-appointed purveyor of all things truth
Eric-----nipple rings,shifty eyes,Too good of a lier
Jessica-----voice,not enough energy
Jen---- self-centered,sketchy game play,cheesy swim wear
Zach----not half as smart,good looking,or funny as he thinks he is

Offline Seanaci

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Re: 3 things you hate about the remaining Guest
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2007, 10:21:49 PM »
Amber- her "praying to god", her dishing BS out but not being able to take it, her constant crying
Jamkea- her God playing, her Mmmhhmmm's, her calling people out on their lack or faither
Jen- her back stabbing, her "Jen" shirts, her immaturity at times
Zach- his immaturity, his lack of competitivness, his overall looks
Eric- the nipple piercings (cover them up please), his "flirting" with Jess (he doesn't seem to quite get it), the fact that he's AP
Jess- the voice, the flirting with Eric (please, if you're gonna flirt with anyone, flirt with Zach, he's way hotter then Eric), the damn boots she wears with skirts
Dani- her moments of immaturity, her wishy-washyness on wanting to reconcile with her dad, that damn bandana Nick gave her
Dick- the cussing (really not necessary in most cases), his smoking (though I can't imagine how he'd be without the smokes), his one childish move when he was HoH in giving the Veto comp to Jen

Offline PirateDavid

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Re: 3 things you hate about the remaining Guest
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2007, 08:48:03 AM »
Danielle--- I feel sorry for her.  She's stuck in the house with a bunch of idiots and the world's worst father.
Amber----my most hated.  She's stupid, moronic, and annoying. I hate her crying and her visions from God. 
Dick---- He's a lot more amusing on the tv show than he is on the unedited live feeds.  He's mean and nasty and cruel, and not in a good way.  Will Kirby made being evil look cool and fun.  Dick makes evil look bad again.
Eric----- he's such a tool. And a weasel.  Nipple rings.  Gross.
Jessica---- why are there so many dumb girls in this house. Not as dumb as Amber or Jen, but still pretty stupid.
Jen----  but then again, maybe she's not so dumb.  She does show flashes of brilliance from time to time.  Is she playing dumb? I wish she would win, but stupid Dick has it out for her.  Of all the idiots in the house, why would Dick pick on her.  She's harmless.
Zach----  He does nothing.  He adds nothing to the show. 
Jamkea--- I hate her praying and God talk. 

The fact that the house hasn't been burnt down is proof that God does not watch Big Brother.

Offline dustigenes

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Re: 3 things you hate about the remaining Guest
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2007, 10:55:54 AM »
Amber-1.Thinking God should  help her win a game based on greed :groan: 2. Thinking she has everything it takes to be America's Next Top Model, looks-does she need glasses?  :reading: body-again glasses?  :spy:  height-well possibly. personality-guess she needs more than glasses. 3. Need it be said  :'( :'( :'(
Dick- 1. How he acts like a little child, nana nana booboo, like grow up.    :crazy  2. The way he treats his daughter, not that I like her. 3. Generally the way he treats women and talks about them.  Yes he's entertaining, and the show would be boring without him, but I don't think it's all an act, I doubt any of it is an act, maybe a bit exagerated.
Dani-1. She is so negative, seems she is only happy when others are not. 2.  She's so immature (though with ED for a father I think I get it) 3. How she says Ohhhhhhhhhhh Gawwwwwwwwwdddddddddd.  :rolleyes
Eric 1. His moronic faces, gross.  2. His voice 3. His nipple rings   :rfth:   4. Special mention, his jealousy of better looking guys.
Jameka 1. Bringing God into a greed based game.  2. Believing the outcome was already desided by God, fine just sit there do nothing and go MMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm HHHHHHHHHMmmmmmmmm all the time, of right she is!  3. Did I mention God?  Guess I didn't have to, she beat me to it.  :pray:
Jen 1. That bathing suit top with the round cut out in the middle, it looks stupid.  2. How she is acting dumb, I believe it's an act (I can't see how Vanna would have a dumb nanny, it doesn't compute), it didn't work Jen, WAKE UP, oh well too late.    :didimiss:  3.  I have to use this one to state that I admire the way she took so long to let Dick get to her, there is no way I could have handled his abuse for so long, I wish there was a way for her to stay, get Dani out, sit in final 2 with Dick and win.
Jessica 1. Her voice  2. How she believes in Eric, no matter what, he changes on a dime, no not a dime, on every Tuesday night after a visit to the DR, get it girl?  Or just have another, and another   :beer2:   3. Of all the guys who were in the house........ Eric?????? :groan:
Zach 1. Okay Zach, Dani thinks of Nick, not you, when she has a spare moment she may remeber Chris, but she thinks of you when she needs a vote, think you can understand that?  2.  Then there's Jess, she's thinking of Eric, beer and possibly once in a while her b/f, she remebers you when she needs a vote.  3. Not that I think he is ugly just a typical guy, I'll give him a 7, thinking he'll hook up with a 10.  I know Amber has a b/f, but so does (did) Dani and Jess, but I'd give her a 7 too and I bet she would have been happy if you tried to get friendlier with her.   :luvu:

Everyone in the house for thinking it was fine and even funny for Dick to treat Kail and Jen the way he did.  When Jen told people to not help Amber, Dick went off on her and was backed by many,  (:;) (Jen apologize to Amber when she saw how it made her feel and got yelled at for that too) but it was alright for Dick to bully Jen and Kail for weeks.  Glad to see those bible thumpers doing the Christian thing.   :wall:

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Re: 3 things you hate about the remaining Guest
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2007, 11:00:14 AM »
Jen----  but then again, maybe she's not so dumb.  She does show flashes of brilliance from time to time.  Is she playing dumb? I wish she would win, but stupid Dick has it out for her.  Of all the idiots in the house, why would Dick pick on her.  She's harmless.


She's not harmless in my opinion. She's smart. She's not playing dumb. She wouldn't have gone to Jess and told her she plans to target Dick and Dani if she stays if she wasn't smart. She's got their number.

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Re: 3 things you hate about the remaining Guest
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2007, 06:28:35 PM »
God! What else is there to say? All of you just about covered everything...LMAO this has been one of the most entertaining topics I've read in awhile it really cracked me up and I was nodding and agreeing with just about everybody....Good one!  :jam: