Author Topic: Early SHow Videos  (Read 2609 times)

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Early SHow Videos
« on: February 18, 2004, 01:00:30 AM »
You can see clips from all the Survivor early show videos on the Early Show Web Site.  Here is a link .  Click on Survivor Videos.

Most of you have probably seen this but just in case some havent i thought i would post it.

Offline puddin

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Re:Early SHow Videos
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2004, 05:14:33 PM »
If  anyone is interested ..tomorrow morning on the Early Show..Two of my favorites.. :D

             Tomorrow on The Early Show:  Brian Heidik and Sandra Diaz-Twin  Former Survivor Champions Give Their Take on How All-Stars is Playing Out  

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Re:Early SHow Videos
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2004, 11:10:52 AM »
I slept in  to Theresa :P..Here's what I copied from the website~~

'Survivor' Winners Weigh In

NEW YORK, Feb. 19, 2004

Survivor Champs On All-Stars

(CBS) As "Survivor" fans gear up for tonight’s new "All-Star" episode, many are wondering how Jenna Morasca’s stunning departure will affect the rest of the players.

Two former "Survivors" visited The Early Show to share their reactions to that twist, and their predictions about who will win this time around. Brian Heidik of “Survivor: Thailand” and Sandra Diaz-Twine of “Survivor: Pearl Islands” know what they’re talking about, because they’ve already mastered the game.

Both Brian and Sandra are writing columns about "Survivor: All-Stars." Brian writes for The National Enquirer and Sandra writes for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.

Asked why they were not part of the "All-Star" game, Sandra tells The Early Show co-anchors Harry Smith and Julie Chen, “I received a phone call if I was interested. You know, that I still had to go through a screening process again. At the time, I was sick. I was losing my hair. I had gotten parasites. I wasn’t sure whether it was from the water or maybe not cooking the fish thoroughly. And there were other factors as well: my children. And so I just had to take a step back. Although I hadn’t won at the time, because it hadn’t been shown on TV, the finale. At the same time, I said, you know what, I’ll take the $100,000 and that’s it - maybe in the future.”

Brian says, “There are some of us who are available and some of us who aren’t. Also, there was some monetary value I was discussing in some of my interviews. The only way I was going to do this again was I was going to get paid to play. I don’t know if that came out, one way or another. But either way, I’m not out there right now; so all the best to them. Good luck. I love commentating and watching them struggle as I’m earning a dollar or two.

As for those who are playing, Brian says it is not such a good idea for Boston Rob and Amber to be so obviously romantically involved.

Brian, the former porn star, says, “First of all, how can you honestly be sexually horny or aroused out there? I don’t see how you can be aroused out there, number one. Number two, huge mistake with regards to being involved in a relationship. I think you’re put out into the open. I think you’re now vulnerable. OK, this couple is together, let’s get rid of them. They’re an alliance. It’s obvious. Get them out of there.”

Sandra disagrees: “I don’t see a problem with it. If they like each other, and if they’re into each other then, hey, go for it. Have some good, nasty love.” She even thinks their love connection is going to take them further, saying, “Someone is going to come and say let’s separate these two and, you’re out, for even coming in with that suggestion. No, I think it’s good for the game and good for them.”

Brian points out, “Any chance that you put yourself out in the limelight out there is a bad decision because you want to be low key.”

But Sandra, who like Brian, won by playing under the radar, says, “Even low key, it only goes to a certain point. Although you try not to show whom your alliance is with, it eventually comes out to the light where you can’t hide it from anyone.”

As for the other players, Rupert seems to be losing his charisma after his tribe lost the shelter-building competition. “I’m a big fan of Rupert,” Sandra says. “He’s a good person, a provider. I don’t know what he was thinking when he dug that hole. Had I been out there, I’m like, Rupert, no. We would have switched and did something else.”

That decision is now is making him a big target. Brian notes, “Rupert is making a huge mistake, letting his emotions get involved in the game. You cannot let your emotions get involved, number one. Number two: he’s lost the eye of the tiger. He’s out there, where am I? I’m confused, building a shelter in the sand. The water is obviously going to come up. Bad decision-making.

Does that mean Richard Hatch, after fighting with the shark and overcoming, is playing the game right?

Brian says, “The problem with Richard is he is going out of his way to be noticed and also doing somewhat similar to what he did the first time around, which is get naked, play the game that way. He’s being the exact same, not bringing something else to the table, which is surprising.”

Richard's strategy is to let his status as the first Survivor winner work in his favor, Sandra notes. “He’s thinking you would be a fool not to go with me to the final because I’m not going to win again," she says. "I think he’ll get $100,000. But I say all the million dollar winners out the door. He won’t win again. No, he needs to cover up.”

Her prediction, “He will not win twice, that’s for sure. He won’t go too much further. Him and Ethan, their days are numbered.”

The winner, according to Brian, will be Shii Ann. He says, “I think Shii Ann will do well because she learned from one of the best. She was on ‘Survivor: Thailand.’ I think she’ll do wonderfully.”

Sandra’s pick is Rob Mariano. She says, “I love his mouth. He’s hilarious. The stuff he says just cracks me up.” But she notes, “Rupert is my favorite. Everyone will look to Rupert for assistance and help.”

And as always, the person voted off the island in tonight's episode will join The Early Show on Friday. If you are in New York City, come to our plaza Friday and get a Survivor buff.



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Re:Early SHow Videos
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2004, 03:28:18 PM »
Thanks for the transcript.  Boy Brian is full of himself isn't he!  Shiann learned from the best ~ I would only do it if I was paid to play.


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Re:Early SHow Videos
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2004, 02:18:43 PM »
That was Lex from Survivor Africa that became so ill from parasites. Took him months to recover.

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Re:Early SHow Videos
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2004, 03:27:54 PM »
Yeah- that is what I don't get.... how could you drink disease infested water.... that could paralyze you... and you don't get sick... but someone got sick from bugs?
Wendy Jean


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Re:Early SHow Videos
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2004, 01:12:34 PM »
Found this Theresa~

Brian Heidik

But everyone will have to deal with adapting back into their lives physically. My teeth bled for quite a while when I got back, and I had a hard time wearing shoes all day because I would get painful sores. For about two weeks I walked around without shoes on at all.

I lost 30 pounds so none of my clothes fit and it was difficult at first to eat regular meals. My stomach had shrunk and I wasn't used to having full meals.

It was amazing, we were gone for only 39 days but it took a lot longer to get back into the groove when I got home. However, my bank account helped me through the pain!

Published on: May 12, 2003  
Sounds like he was pretty sick .. :P

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Re:Early SHow Videos
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2004, 03:44:46 PM »
I could only imagine what it was like...bugs and nasty water.... I guess its quite a risk you take... but just think... CBS paid him 1 million $$ to get eaten alive by bugs....
Wendy Jean