Author Topic: Racing Report Leg #12 AS  (Read 10211 times)

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Offline mswood

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Racing Report Leg #12 AS
« on: May 01, 2007, 10:46:21 PM »
Racing Report Leg #12

Title:  “Oh My God, The Teletubbies Go To War” – Oswald at seeing Charla suiting up for being airlifted.

Date:  December 14th (well for part of the episode)
Pit Stop:  12 hours (shoots myself)
Sunrise in Hong Kong 6:55am

Teams leave the Pit Stop at Trilho Da Taipa Pequena 2000 (an overlook on Taipa Island viewing the Island Of Macau) in the following order.
1.  Dustin & Kandice – 2:15am
2.  Charla & Mirna – 2:50am
3.  Eric & Danielle – 3:06am* :gj:
4.  Oswald & Danny – 4:37am**

*With arrival times now given for last week’s episode, Eric & Danielle truly did a great job on this episode, with them arriving at the beginning stage of the leg anywhere between 30 to 45 minutes after Dustin & Kandice.  And having a total of an additional hour to wait in penalties, they may have actually completed the task in less time than any team even including the hour penalty.

**Oswald & Danny in interviews say they actually arrived 10 minutes after Eric & Danielle checked in on the Macau leg.  But I seriously doubt it for several reasons (unless they received a significant penalty).  They weren’t able to make the 4 am turbo jet (in fact had to take the 6am turbo jet), and they show them arriving in Hong Kong at Sunrise (which matches the sunrise time).  So I don’t know how accurate any of their time information of the Finish Line was. )-**

Money was provided on this leg, but damn no one said it.  I could see I think 5 or 6 twenties and at least 1 single.  But that is just a very, very rough guess. :whever:

Teams must travel over 7,500 miles to the South Pacific Island of Guam.  When teams arrive in Guam they will drive themselves 9 miles to Anderson Air Force Base, where due to Base security they will have to choose a military escort who will drive them to an air traffic control tower.  They must then climb the tower to get their next clue.

Teams make the return trip to Hong Kong on the Turbo Jet Ferry.

Dustin & Kandice take the 3am Ferry.  Charla & Mirna arrive in time to take the Ferry, but it has too large of a line.  (So it should take that long from Pit Stop to Ferry Terminal).

Charla & Mirna and Eric & Danielle take the 4am Ferry.

Dustin & Kandice arrive roughly at 3:55am and make their way directly to the airport.

Mirna makes fun of them for being unable to use the internet, while Charla corrects her and says she has never seen them use it :box: (which I do think is accurate, Michael?).

Charla & Mirna make use of cab’s cell phone to get airline information on their way to the airport.

All three leads teams get the same flight on Cathay Pacific (never heard of em.)

Apologies to apskip, but Air Wise isn’t working for me today, damnit. :groan: (:;)

What I do have from screen is that the three lead teams take a 9:05 flight from Hong Kong to Tokyo.

Then take a continental flight (CS7?) 5:15 departure from Narita, Tokyo arriving in Guam at 9:50pm the night of the 14th of December.

I will either have apskip laughing hysterically  :rules: at me and correct me, or hopefully Air Wise will be up soon, so I can update this.

Danny & Oswald take the 6am Ferry (I must assume that they either had travel problems getting to the 5am Ferry in time, or that it was full by the time they arrived and had to wait for the next one.

They arrive in Hong Kong at sunrise 6:55am.

They are unable to get the same Cathay Pacific Flight to Tokyo, but take a later flight leaving at 0:15 am.  It arrives in Tokyo with a 45-minute connection to the same 5:15 Continental flight that the other teams take.

Teams arrive in Guam and get into the marked cars in the following order.
1. Oswald & Danny (enjoy the #1 position while it last, ops its over).
2.  Charla & Mirna
3.  Dustin & Kandice
4.  Eric & Danielle  Both of these teams go to the wrong parking lot (independently it looks like before realizes their mistake). ???

Teams arrive at the Anderson Air Force Base’s Visitor Center and hit an HOH  :lol3: (he, he sorry Michael).  I mean an Hours of Operation.  Which in my experience is fairly accurate to the Air Force Bases I have been too.

It opens at 7am.

It is now the morning of the 15th.

Teams each grab military personnel who will escort them on base in their vehicle.

Teams arrive at the Air Traffic Control Tower in the following order.
1.  Dustin& Kandice
2.  Eric & Danielle
3.  Charla & Mirna
4.  Oswald & Danny

Teams race up the stairs (well some do) and at the top grab the next clue in the following order.
1.  Dustin & Kandice
2.  Eric & Danielle
3.  Oswald & Danny
4.  Charla & Mirna (I do have to admit that many stairs is going to take Charla considerable more time than all but Marshall and Lance).

Detour:  Care Package – Engine Care

Care Package:  Teams make their way on foot to a “warehouse” (okay a canvassed area on a tarmac) to take place in an Air Force military Relief effort (Operation Christmas Drop).  They must choose one of the packing stations and fill a box with 500 lbs. of essentials supplies to locals of neighboring Islands.  Once teams have filled the box and sealed it up, they will make their way to and board a massive C-17 cargo plane (it really does look cool) to experience an official Air Force training exercise.  They will climb to a set altitude and perform a combat drop (thus the diving and climbing maneuvers that simulate zero gravity), once the cargo has been dropped and the plane has landed the Load Master will hand them their next clue. :snakes:

The Air Drop exercise takes roughly 30 minutes.

Engine Care:  Teams make their way on foot to an awaiting B52 Bomber (Also very cool), where they will choose an engine pod and from the red plug through the sail to the wing flap and scour it clean.  Once the senior Air Force Maintenance Officer is satisfied with their job he will hand them their next clue.

Dustin & Kandice, Eric & Danielle, and Oswald & Danny chose Engine Care.
Charla & Mirna choose Care Package.

Teams must follow the marked path to the Detour (a sign, not exactly the yellow break road). :whoop:

Teams arrive at their detour in the following order.
1.  Dustin & Kandice
2.  Eric & Danielle
3.  Oswald & Danny
4.  Charla & Mirna

Teams performing Engine Care must don protecting equipment (they look like Paddington).

Giant Shout Out to all tasks at the Air Force Base, I loved it.  Often in the show jobs where teams get graded are done on a very, very easy scale.  It looks like they made them work for it,

Also a nice shout out that the box Charla & Mirna made was actually sent on their Christmas Drop and thus why they received comments about putting it together with care, very nice.

Charla & Mirna board the C17 before any teams finish their detour (roughly at 8:08am to 8:18am – thanks to Chateau, who finally got some sun). :plane:

Teams finish the detour in the following order.
1.  Dustin & Kandice
2.  Eric & Danielle
3.  Oswald & Danny
4.  Charla & Mirna

Oswald says it took them an hour to perform the task.

Teams are then directed to drive themselves to U.S. Navel Base-Guam….Phil is lying to us again.  Shame on you Phil. :lies:

In reality teams must now drive to Asan Bay and the War of Pacific Historical Park for a general route marker.  (hakushu8 who was great in looking over the Island for us).

According to Oswald & Danny teams had difficulty finding the location.  I would assume that Dustin & Kandice performed this the best and this is where they managed to get separated from Eric & Danielle, since they left the base at roughly the same time.

Teams ARE now directed to drive 21 miles to U.S. Navel Base at Guam where a Navel escort will drive them to their next clue.

Teams arrive at the visitor center in the following order.
1.  Dustin & Kandice
2.  Eric & Danielle
3.  Charla & Mirna (follow a local)
4.  Oswald & Danny (get lost eventually hire a cab to lead them)

Teams are driven to the next route marker a roadblock.

Roadblock:  Search and Rescue
“Whose Ready to Search Far and Wide?”

A team member using a handheld G.P.S. device must navigate through the jungle (near or in Orote Point) and locate a one of four Search and Rescue Training Officers.  The officer will then program new coordinates directing the team member to a new location (the landing zone).  Once their they will radio in for a helicopter extraction, set off a smoke grenade and wait to be picked up where they will be returned by helicopter to their team mate.  Once on the ground they will be handed their next clue.

One Hint:  Don’t TOUCH any buttons! :badhorse: :badhorse:

Teams arrive at the roadblock in the following order.
1.  Dustin & Kandice – Dustin performs the roadblock her  5th/ Kandice 6th
2.  Eric & Danielle – Danielle performs the roadblock her 4th/ Eric 7th***
3.  Charla & Mirna – Charla performs the roadblock her 6th/ Mirna 5th
4.  Oswald & Danny – Oswald performs the roadblock his 5th/ Danny 4th

***Charla makes it sound like she does this task so that Mirna can do her last one on the final leg.  If so then perhaps Eric didn’t do the rowing  :kayak: task and that it was Danielle.  Otherwise, why couldn’t Mirna also do 7.

Dustin & Kandice leave for the Pit Stop before Oswald & Danny arrive.

Dustin did consistently well on all aspects of this roadblock. :conf:

Danielle managed to find the Pilot location easy enough, but didn’t see him (she hasn’t yet found him, when Dustin is finding the landing zone).  She also started touching buttons when searching for the landing zone (roughly 11:50am to 12:50pm thanks to Chateau), making it useless.

Charla had a great difficulty in not touching the buttons making her GPS not track.  Though she arrived about 15 minutes supposedly after Danielle at the landing zone.

Oswald had no trouble using the G.P.S> but took about ten minutes to locate the officer.  When they he finally does and the guy raises his water its like they are cruising in Griffith Park. :naughty:

Oswald said it took him about 30 minutes for the roadblock.

Teams are directed to drive themselves 11 miles down the coast to Fort Soledad a 19th Century Fortification built to protect Spanish Galleys from Pirates, and now part of the Department of Parks and Recreation.  It is the 12th Pit Stop of the race.

Teams arrive at the Pit Stop in the following order.
1.  Dustin & Kandice – each win an all Terrain vehicle.
2.  Eric & Danielle (who go to the wrong fort)
3.  Charla & Mirna (who go North not South)
4.  Oswald & Danny who are eliminated and like the BQ’s last year are eliminated solely on their performance without having to wait out the 30 minute marked for elimination penalty.  

 :dontgo: Peach cries.  

Eric and Danielle go and to an evil dance of joy. :yikes :beer2: :crazy

Some things to think about before Chateau gives us time (hint…..)

All the travel on bases will be fairly slow, the have a fairly low speed limit and I am sure the escort will follow it.

So a guess on arrival time. :ignore:

Dustin & Kandice12:45 to 1:15pm
Eric & Danielle  2:00 to 2:30pm
Charla & Mirna  2:45pm
Oswald & Danny who supposedly arrive about 10 minutes after Charla & Mirna so 3:00pm.  Gives times for Mat Chats and interviews before jumping on a flight some time later that day.

Come on Chateau show me how far off I am.

« Last Edit: May 01, 2007, 10:49:49 PM by mswood »

Offline michael

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Re: Racing Report Leg #12 AS
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2007, 10:49:00 PM »
Mirna makes fun of them for being unable to use the internet, while Charla corrects her and says she has never seen them use it  (which I do think is accurate, Michael?).

Yes that is the 2 seasons of TAR I don't think they used a computer once (other then the laptop to receive their next clue in Finland..)

Offline mswood

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Re: Racing Report Leg #12 AS
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2007, 10:50:58 PM »
Jesus Micahel did you have that response reading before I posted.

Offline michael

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Re: Racing Report Leg #12 AS
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2007, 10:53:05 PM »
LOL, no I just happened to refresh the page right as you posted !!!

Offline mswood

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Re: Racing Report Leg #12 AS
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2007, 11:17:58 PM »

Dustin & Kandice:  A very solid consistent leg ladies. Not your best leg (that was Warsaw, where they just smoked everyone else), but a really good leg.  No mistakes (that we saw, and probably just minor navigation difficulty (pretty much all teams even on a good day have small problems there).  In fact there only real error was being in such a hurry out of the Guam airport that they overshot the marked vehicles (nor where they the only team to do so).  Welcome to the Final Three.  Based on previous seasons, only twice has the team with the best Pit Stop Placement average going into the final leg actually won (4th season’s Reichen & Chip and 10th season’s Tyler & James), usually it is the team with the second best record.  But look at this ladies you have joined a rare group of teams that have won 4 legs of a season.  Out of 12 leg seasons teams that have won 4 legs are Kris & Jon, Hayden & Aaron, Rob & Amber, Tyler & James, out of 13 leg seasons these teams have won 4 legs Derek & Drew, David & Jeff and Chip & Kim.  On 12 leg seasons this teams have won 5 legs Eric & Jeremy and BJ & Tyler.  Out of 13 legs seasons Rob & Brennan won 5 legs and Colin and Christie won 6.  So ladies you hare in some good company.  And look most of those teams didn’t win either.  And the only team to ever win more then 2 legs.

Eric & Danielle:  Well you ran a strong consistent leg until the roadblock.  And I think more than anything Danielle fear of failing Eric is making her overly stressed and to make her make more mistakes (even on a leg where he was fairly supportive).  But beyond that they also lost time twice while driving, once to a small degree finding Asan Bay Overlook and then finding Fort Soledad.  Just a good leg.  But statistically you are the team to win.  With again two exception the team with the 2cd best record going into the final leg has won the race. But never before has a team won that hasn’t won at least one previous leg.  In fact only the poor team of Lyn & Karlyn managed to make it to the final three and never win a leg.  What is surprising is that Eric is the only racer in the final three that has run the full race before.

Charla & Mirna:  Ladies smart choice in Detour, the cleaning task would have been very difficult for you and I think would have cost you much more time.  But Charla had probably the hardest overall time in using the GPS, and this team got lost as well in two parts of the leg.  We will see how their time holds out with checkout times next week.  Now, in all honesty I can’t see this team being a significant threat in the final leg, if the season ends in anyway similar to all but seasons 8 and 9 which had very little actually street running.  If it follows the typical path of seasons with both navigation, running and a tasks this team is in trouble.  Unless of course Mirna can manage the one thing she is really good at (no not annoy the living hell out of me, but getting some good flights).  That really is this teams primary hope or that the two other teams spontaneously combust 20 feet before the Mat.

Oswald & Danny:  I miss you guys already.  You were the team that got me hooked on this damn show (its their fault).  But in this leg you never managed to get to the front of the pack.  On the physical tasks you couldn’t keep up with either Dustin & Kandice or Eric & Danielle.  You don’t navigate that well and most likely cost you the race with getting lost before getting to the Navel Base.  Oh well have fun seeing Ian on the flight home.  Peach sends her love.

Offline puddin

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Re: Racing Report Leg #12 AS
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2007, 12:15:58 AM »
I was laughing out loud mswood, honestly you crack me up  :rotf:!!
Since I see your off line maybe I can bribe Michael to start the Final poll  with a few questions :luvu: ?

Offline apskip

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Re: Racing Report Leg #12 AS
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2007, 11:46:08 AM »
mswood, let me just say that I have a little precision to add on the flights:

CX504 left Hong Kong at 0910 arrived Tokyo-Narita 1435 (note: there was a codehare Cathay Pacific flight leaving 5 minutes later and arriving 10 minutes later but I doubt that that was the one the first 3 teams were on).

Cathay Pacific is no rinky dink airline. It is a major regional carrier based in Hong Kong.

Oswald/Danny did not depart at 0015; they would have departed at 1030 on CX520 and arrived Narita about 1600, just in time to connect or departed on JAL736 at 1045 and arrived Narita 1555.

CS is a Czechoslovakian Airline. CO is Continental. You meant CO7, which departed Narita at 1705, not 1715. Either way, this represents a change back to the original schedule, not the earlier departure time of 1550 that I understood and had reported.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2007, 12:03:52 PM by apskip »

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Re: Racing Report Leg #12 AS
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2007, 04:31:48 PM »
Come on Chateau show me how far off I am.

Not Bad!  We match on Charla & Mirna.

Good thing I didn't look at your times before doing the calcs.  Tends to bias the results.   :snicker:

Offline tarflyonthewall

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Re: Racing Report Leg #12 AS
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2007, 09:30:50 PM »
Thanks to theamazingracer at Tarflies, we can confirm that the RBers in Warsaw were Danny, Danielle, Mirna, Kandice, Uchenna, and Guido Joe.

Offline puddin

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Re: Racing Report Leg #12 AS
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2007, 10:07:27 PM »
Thanks to theamazingracer at Tarflies, we can confirm that the RBers in Warsaw were Danny, Danielle, Mirna, Kandice, Uchenna, and Guido Joe.
:browsie: :shocking:

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Re: Racing Report Leg #12 AS
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2007, 10:29:48 PM »
Quote from: Apskip
CS is a Czechoslovakian Airline. CO is Continental. You meant CO7, which departed Narita at 1705, not 1715.
I'm not sure about the abbreviations, but CS7 is what the racers (and the viewers) saw.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Offline hakushu8

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Re: Racing Report Leg #12 AS
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2007, 04:11:34 PM »
Thanks to theamazingracer at Tarflies, we can confirm that the RBers in Warsaw were Danny, Danielle, Mirna, Kandice, Uchenna, and Guido Joe.
That makes sense... now we know that Eric didn't really do 7 roadblocks.
just dance
I don't understand the question, and I won't respond to it.

Offline michael

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Re: Racing Report Leg #12 AS
« Reply #12 on: May 03, 2007, 04:13:57 PM »
can someone post a link to where theamazingracer confirmed this?

Offline apskip

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Re: Racing Report Leg #12 AS
« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2007, 09:37:03 PM »
Quote from: Apskip
CS is a Czechoslovakian Airline. CO is Continental. You meant CO7, which departed Narita at 1705, not 1715.
I'm not sure about the abbreviations, but CS7 is what the racers (and the viewers) saw.

SLOWHATCH, what was on the screen is what TAR editors put on the screen. I just flew Continental Micronesia from Honolulu to Guam on CO1 and from Guam to Tokyo-Narita on CO6. It was not CS1 and CS6. Here is what the Continental's reservations website has to say about it:

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Select Departing Flight Fares listed are for the entire trip per person and do not include all taxes and fees.
The fare displayed is the lowest available for the dates requested; however some flights may not be in the cabin you requested.
Your Search by Price:
One Way 
Depart:  Tokyo, Japan (NRT - Narita)  Date:  Thu., May. 10, 2007  Time:  Anytime  Cabin:  Economy
Arrive:  Guam-Agana, Guam (GUM)
Select Your Departing Flight for Thu., May. 10, 2007:
Price  Departing  Arriving  Travel Time   OnePass Miles   
 Nonstop flights from $627.00


10:30 a.m.
Thu., May. 10, 2007
Tokyo, Japan (NRT - Narita)  Arrive:
3:00 p.m.
Thu., May. 10, 2007
Guam-Agana, Guam (GUM)  Travel Time:
3 hr 30 mn   OnePass Miles/
Elite Qualification:
1,558 /150%  Flight: CO962
Aircraft: Boeing 767
Fare Class: Economy (Y)
Meal: Lunch
View Seats
 Upgrade Elite Y Fare 
Continental flight 962 operated by Continental Micronesia.


3:50 p.m.
Thu., May. 10, 2007
Tokyo, Japan (NRT - Narita)  Arrive:
8:25 p.m.
Thu., May. 10, 2007
Guam-Agana, Guam (GUM)  Travel Time:
3 hr 35 mn   OnePass Miles/
Elite Qualification:
1,558 /150%  Flight: CO7
Aircraft: Boeing 737-800
Fare Class: Economy (Y)
Meal: Dinner
View Seats
 Upgrade Elite Y Fare 
Continental flight 7 operated by Continental Micronesia.


8:25 p.m.
Thu., May. 10, 2007
Tokyo, Japan (NRT - Narita)  Arrive:
1:00 a.m. +1 Day
Fri., May. 11, 2007
Guam-Agana, Guam (GUM)  Travel Time:
3 hr 35 mn   OnePass Miles/
Elite Qualification:
1,558 /150%  Flight: CO964
Aircraft: Boeing 767
Fare Class: Economy (Y)
Meal: Dinner
View Seats
 Upgrade Elite Y Fare 
Continental flight 964 operated by Continental Micronesia.
 NOTE: Screen information copied from website at about 2225 on 3 May 2007