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Offline mswood

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Racing Report Leg #6 AS
« on: March 28, 2007, 01:53:25 AM »
Racing Report Leg #6

Under normal conditions I keep the structure of events all together, but with the large time gaps between 4 different sets of teams I have tried to list the episode in order.

Date:  December 2 (I believe but easily could be in error).

Teams leave the Pit Stop, Fortalleza in Maputo in the order they arrived.

1.  Charla & Mirna  9:07pm
2.  Dustin & Kandice  9:47 pm
3.  Teri & Ian  10:13pm
4.  Oswald & Danny  10:18pm
5.  Joe & Bill  10:32pm
6.  Eric & Danielle  10:33pm
7.  Uchenna & Joyce  10:36pm and are marked for elimination. 

Teams are provided $124.00 per 4 different teams.

Teams must travel to the Maputo International Airport (and go through HELL!) to fly nearly 1400 miles (some will be considerable more Evil Laughter) to Dar Es Salaam the largest city in the African Nation of Tanzania. 

When they eventually land (More Evil Laughter), they will travel by taxi to the Ferry Terminal (A name was smoke by three teams and every spelling I used got nothing from google so to bad you No name terminal) and pull a number for 1 or 4 traditional sailing craft called Dhow’s and sail to the Island of Zanzibar (That would be so cool). Where they will search for a Kiosk with their next clue (perhaps it wouldn’t surprise me if we are missing some route markers due to the large amount of screen time given over to Airport Shuffle).  When traveling to the airport teams must still do all the navigators and direct their drivers.

Due to a religious Holiday (as opposed to a Airline Strike, which has happened in two other seasons) almost all travel out of Maputo to Dar Es Salaam is full.

All teams arrive at the airport either late the 1st or very early the 2cd. 

Thanks in advance to Apskip and Chateau d If (even if not all times match up they give us a good idea of flight structure).

Charla & Mirna take a flight from Maputo to Johannesburg.
I believe its TM301 leaves at 7:00am arrives at 8:00am all on the 2cd.

All other teams travel from Maputo to Johannesburg on I believe SA0143 Leaving Maputo at 11:45 am arriving at Johannesburg 12:53 (actual time).

With all teams having standby tickets on Air Tanzania TC7909 which would depart at 1:15pm and arrive in Dar Es Salaam at 6:30pm.

Oswald & Danny, Uchenna & Joyce, Dustin & Kandice and Eric & Danielle are all given tickets and board the flight.

After boarding, Eric & Danielle are forced to disembark from the plane as they have accidentally been given someone else’s seats.

Eric & Danielle, Joe & Bill, and Teri & Ian are left with the next earliest flight leaving from Johannesburg being a 9:45am flight on the 3rd.

Charla & Mirna (on a flight I can’t find, so either its late or early or the producers give us the wrong time stamp) in Dar Es Salaam at 2:52pm on the Dec 2cd.

They make their way to the Ferry Terminal where they are told due to weather that the first boat will be departing at 5:30am the next morning.

The next group arrive at Dar Es Salaam at 6:50pm (the sun is setting or has just set) in the following order:
1.  Dustin & Kandice
2.  Oswald & Danny
3.  Uchenna & Joyce

They make their way to the Ferry Terminal at arrive in the following order.
1.  Oswald & Danny (1st Ferry at 5:30am)
2.  Dustin & Kandice (2cd Ferry at 8:30am)
3.  Uchenna & Joyce  (2cd Ferry at 8:30am).

Each Ferry will only transport two teams.

It is now the morning of the 3rd of December (God I hope).

And the first Ferry with Charla & Mirna and Oswald & Danny departs just as the sun is beginning to rise.

The Ferry takes a considerable time, and it is variable due to winds and tides.  The times we are told are the 2cd Ferry took 9 hours, the 4th Ferry took 6 hours.  How accurate these numbers are will not be able to check until we have check in times.

The 2cd Ferry departs with Dustin & Kandice and Uchenna & Joyce at 8:30am. 

At this point Uchenna & Joyce are probably not to worry about the 30-minute penalty, since at best the next group would be 3 hours behind.

Back in Hell, or the Johannesburg International Airport, the SAA 9:55 flight to Dar Es Salaam can only hold one team.

Eric & Danielle get that flight and are scheduled to arrive at 12:55pm.

Joe & Bill and Teri & Ian are forced to take a flight from Johannesburg to Blantyre Malawi.

QM0202 that departs at 12:00 and arrives at 2:10pm.

Then from Blantyre to Dar Es Salaam
QM6202 departs 3:00pm and arrives at 5:30pm (which does match roughly the sun setting).

Charla & Mirna and Oswald & Danny arrive in Zanzibar and locate the Kiosk, where they get a Detour.

DETOUR:  Solve It or Schlep It.

In Solve it teams walk ½ a mile to the hotel Baytal Chai.  Then they must put together a 62 piece puzzle that recreates an image from a style of local art called Tingatinga (can also be spelled as two words Tinga Tinga).  Once teams have successfully completed the puzzle they will receive their next clue.

In Schlep it teams make their way 1 mile to Kijangwani Lumber Yard.  Once there, they must choose one of the local handcarts and load two 50lbs logs into the cart.  These uniquely shaped logs are used in the construction of the Dhow boats.  Teams must use the carts to transport their logs over a mile to  a shipyard (Maruhubi Palace Ruin, thanks to JamesyWamsey  :jam:) to receive their next clue.

All teams except for Dustin & Kandice choose the Solve it.

Charla & Mirna arrive first at the Hotel, but Oswald & Danny complete the Puzzle first.  And receive their next clue.

Teams must now ravel more then 15 miles by taxi to the tiny village of Kikungwi, home to members of the Maasai tribe on the Island of Zanzibar, where they must search for their next clue.

Oswald & Danny get out first, but stop to purchase some fruit, since they are very dehydrated from the long boat ride in the sun.

Charla & Mirna get tot eh village first and find the route marker.

Roadblock:  Who’s On Target.

Eric & Danielle arrive in Dar Es Salaam and make their way to the Ferry Terminal where they learn the next boat will depart at 5:00pm

In this roadblock one team member must learn how to hunt with a traditional wooden weapon used by members of the Maasai Tribe (it looks really fun actually) called a Rungu.  The team member must throw the Rungu 65 feet and break a clay target, which contains their next clue.

Team member who completes the Roadblock.
Mirna – 3rd roadblock
Danny – 2cd roadblock
Uchenna – 3rd roadblock
Dustin – 3rd roadblock
Danielle – 2nd roadblock
Joe – 3rd roadblock
Ian – 3rd roadblock
Oswald & Danny arrive while Mirna & Charla are there.  Mirna finishes first and they receive their next clue.

Teams travel 15 miles by cabs through Zanzibar’s lush landscape into Stone Town where they must find the Old Fort (the oldest structure in Stone Town also known as Arab Fort or Ngome Kongwe which was built by Omani Arabs to defend against the Portuguese) built in 1560 and now serves as part of the Cultural Center.  This landmark is the Pit Stop for this leg of the race.

1.  Charla & Mirna  and each win a 12-½ ft. Catamaran (which I can’t believe I spelled correctly).
2.  Oswald & Danny

Now we return to the rest of this hodgepodge of an episode.

By this time the  2cd dhow arrives in Zanzibar, where Dustin & Kandice and Uchenna & Joyce locate the Kiosk.

Eric & Danielle leave on the 5:00pm dhow.

Dustin & Kandice choose the Schlep it Detour, while Uchenna & Joyce choose Solve it.

With this being the only team to try the Schlep it, we can assume that since They don’t catch up to Uchenna & Joyce at either the roadblock or while they wait out their 30-minute penalty that it was the more time consuming choice.

Sometime around this time Joe & Bill and Teri & Ian arrive in Dar Es Salaam and make their way the Ferry Terminal.  The sun is setting or has set by the time the arrive.   Their boat will depart at 8:00pm

Uchenna & Joyce finish the detour and head to the Roadblock, where Uchenna performs it.

Dustin & Kandice finish the detour and head for the roadblock.

Uchenna & Joyce finish the roadblock and head the Pit Stop.
Dustin & Kandice arrive at the Roadblock where Dustin performs it.

Uchenna  & Joyce arrive at the Pit Stop and wait out 30-minutes before being check in official as team #

3.  Uchenna & Joyce
4.  Dustin & Kandice

Sometime late in the night Eric & Danielle arrive in Zanzibar and complete all tasks.

I believe due to Phil’s interview that this is the team that arrived near 3am as team #
5.  Eric & Danielle (Eric believes that they are at least 12-14 hours behind the other teams)  And I would guess it’s between 12 for the first group and 9 for the 2cd.

Sometime after this Joe & Bill and then Teri & Ian find the Kiosk where Teri & Ian choose Solve it.  Joe and Bill make the smart move to do the same tasks.

The arrive at the Hotel, where Joe & Bill complete the task first and head to the Roadblock.

The maintain a lead through the roadblock and have left before Teri & Ian arrive.

They are checked in as team #
6.  Joe & Bill
7.  Teri & Ian (Ian says about 3 minutes behind) and are eliminated.

« Last Edit: April 12, 2007, 12:47:58 AM by mswood »

Offline mswood

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Re: Racing Report Leg #6 AS
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2007, 02:39:03 AM »

Charla & Mirna:  Well its really hard to fairly judge this episode, since at almost all points you are only competing against one other team.  But what put thi team in first, was being first in line to get tickets to Johannesburg.  If Teri & Ian’s interview is accurate all teams tried to get that flight even without having anything better then standby for the rest of the way to Dar Es Salaam.  So good job, whether it was luck or getting their first, it all counts.  Also this is the 2cd leg in a row, where your attitude was not annoying.  The worst was your trying to get the ticket agent to help you late at night.  And while I don’t understand why your accent gets thicker any time you talk to locals, you were just a little pushy no more then most teams get at times.  You also worked well together and managed to keep your eyes on the goal and staying in first.  So Good Job ladies.  Two first place finishes ties you with the most first place finishes a female team has ever had, set last season by Dustin & Kandice.  While luck was a huge factor in both it still counts.

Oswald & Danny:  Ok Oswald F off (just kidding, everyone probably wants to say that to Ian at one time or another.  What probably helped your team the most was making sure to be the one talking to the agent at the ticket counter in Johannesburg.  Getting you on the 2cd flight and getting to the Ferry Terminal fast gave you a huge advantage over the other teams.  You also did well at the puzzle detour.  And I don’t have a huge problem with stopping and getting fruit.  Most people don[‘t realize how long the boat trip was, nor did you know how much longer the leg was.  Plus you were so far in front of all teams except for Charla & Mirna that you had plenty of time to burn.  A very good leg, that if they pushed they might have gotten 1st.

Uchenna & Joyce:  Even without the Fast Forward (Which I still say was in this episode), you managed to still have a huge lead over several teams making your penalty have no effect on your placement.  Choosing the faster detour managed to give you considerable lead time over Dustin & Kandice who arrived with you in Zanzibar (I just love typing that, Zanzibar).  A Solid leg, after last weeks performance.

Dustin & Kandice:  Actually one of your better legs, with a strong focus a really no errors.  The problem you had was choosing the slower detour.  But again knowing you should have at the minimum at least 3 hours over the next set of teams and another 3 hours for the next (and that still is less then the lead you actually have), you can afford to take a little longer on the tasks.  Good job.

Eric & Danielle:  Boy I actually felt sorry for this team.  Eric was proactive and was the one to suggest going up stairs to the agent (Oswald & Danny, Dustin & Kandice and Uchenna & Joyce all went with them), Eric even spoke for  the group.  And this group was the group that originally made the later 2cd flight.  But with getting pulled off that flight (they ended up arriving nearly 12 hours after the 2cd flight).  And while Danielle lost her temper at this (which I probably would have been burnt), Eric kept his cool and worked to calm the team down.  With no other team running against them for the rest of the leg it (and with the various differences in the time it took the dhow to travel) we have no way of judging the rest of the performance, besides that they picked the faster of the detour options.  A bad leg, where they made all the right moves.  The downside is that you are probably 8-12 hours behind the lead team.  That is can be bigger then the first equalizer for the next leg.

Joe & Bill:   Another team that really made all the right choices (even if they weren’t as proactive as the others) but stuck with the worst flight options.  They did make the right choices in staying with the other team in detour choice.  Even if that was the slower choice (which it wasn’t) it keeps you on a level playing field.  But the drawback for this team is that you are nearly in as bad a position as you were in season one.  You are probably a good 13-16 hours behind the first team.  That’s huge, and you have to expect to not catch up at the first part of the next leg, and probably not at all that leg.  Pray for a TBC or non-elimination.

Teri & Ian:  Really you made the right choices.  Stay overnight at the airport to try and get the best flights.  But you got stuck in the back.  And out of the final three teams, I think Eric & Danielle since they got booted from a flight probably would have always gotten first dibs on the next flight.  You made the correct choice at the detour and the roadblock (Ian supposedly did this very quickly), butt what lost the race was your failure to figure out the puzzle fast enough.

General Comments:  If you were the producers and had to delay teams, would you have used the weather as a factor?

Personally I wouldn’t have.  I would just use an hours of operations (could have been done there are at the Hotel.  And no one would think anything.

I am not saying the producers did.  It easily could have been weather.  As someone who has fished in The Bering Sea and The Pacific Ocean, I can recall times boats were recalled (or not allowed out) due to weather when the ski was clear.  Wind can be a huge factor and you can’t always go by the look of the ski.

But since they had such a formidable lead, people will assume that the producers stopped them deliberately.

But that doesn’t make sense to me, I mean would you air it?

Of well, I suppose someone could check wind conditions if we knew the route the took and what type of conditions those boats could take (I would assume they wouldn’t put them in any form of rough weather for any period of time for safety reasons).

Offline mswood

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Re: Racing Report Leg #6 AS
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2007, 02:42:46 AM »
Teams Average Placement

Oswald & Danny - 2.67
Eric & Danielle - 4.00
Dustin & Kandice - 4.50
Teri & Ian - 4.83 and are elimianted
Joe & Bill - 5.0
Uchenna & Joyce - 5.17
Charla & Mirna - 5.50

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Re: Racing Report Leg #6 AS
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2007, 06:56:03 AM »
Another fabulous job!

And I don't know HOW you managed to keep track of everybody in this mixed up transportation nightmare of an episode--but I have a much better idea now of who went where when!

Many thanks for doing this for us--it is a big help!   :hearts:
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Re: Racing Report Leg #6 AS
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2007, 10:13:42 AM »
Great report again.!!! I dont know how you keep track of everything. But agaoin good job.  :wohoo:

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Re: Racing Report Leg #6 AS
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2007, 12:30:57 PM »
mswood said
Charla & Mirna (on a flight I can’t find, so either its late or early or the producers give us the wrong time stamp) in Dar Es Salaam at 2:52pm on the Dec 2cd.

It was SA188, mswood. That flight departed JNB at 0955 and was scheduled to arrive DAR at 1420, but was apparently 32 minutes late at 1452.

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Re: Racing Report Leg #6 AS
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2007, 06:15:18 PM »
Yeah that was teh closest to the time stamp, but on this episode, I wasn't really trusting that.

Just like htey implied that Eric & Danielle got in just 2 hours a head of the next group, when in fact it was about 5 hours if flights arrived on time.  Meaning that Eric & Danielle had to wait a quite a little bit for the 5 boat trip, and that the nextt wo teams closed that gap to just 3 hours.

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Re: Racing Report Leg #6 AS
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2007, 02:41:19 PM »
The end of the Schlep It Detour is at Maruhubi Palace Ruins, a hotel and shipyard about 2.2 miles northeast of the ferry terminal.

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Re: Racing Report Leg #6 AS
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2007, 02:58:48 PM »
Cool, thanks for the name of the Palace Ruins because I couldn't find it.

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Re: Racing Report Leg #6 AS
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2007, 04:04:33 PM »
 :welcome2:  JamesyWamsey!  Thanks for the info!  :waves:
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