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Offline mswood

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Racing Report Leg #9 AS
« on: April 10, 2007, 11:08:54 PM »
Racing Report Leg #9

Title:  The way you look, yeah - By an admirer of Kandice being able to easily get free newspapers.
Date:  December 8th
Pit Stop:  24 hours, and allowed teams to visit a Salt Mine restaurant, just so Peach could have the salt mine, after all she didn’t get Antarctica and we wouldn’t want to piss her off.

Teams leave the Pit Stop of Pieskowa Skala Castle  in Ojeow National Park in the order they arrived.
1.  Oswald & Danny and Uchenna & Joyce - 9:48pm
It is now the 9th.
3.  Dustin & Kandice – 2:52am
4.  Charla & Mirna – 3:16am
5.  Eric & Danielle – 3:22am

Teams must now travel more than 5,500 miles to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Teams are provided $131.00 for thisleg of the race - Eric & Danielle.

Uchenna & Joyce return to the Sheraton-Krakow and use the concierge to book flights.
Oswald & Danny also return to the hotel but use the phone to book flights.

Both teams are given the information for a flight that arrives in Kuala Lumpur on the 10th of December at 6:40am. 

LH337 departing Krakow 6:50am arriving in Munich 8:10am
LH967 departing Munich 9:50am arriving in Frankfurt 11:00am
MH5 (Malaysia Air) departing Frankfurt 12:00pm arriving in Kuala Lumpur 6:40am the morning of the 10th

Uchenna & Joyce book this flight.

Oswald and Danny debate the narrow window in Frankfurt (1 hour) to connect.  They get two opinions on the phone which says they probably won’t make it.  They choose to take a different flight.

They book
LO343 departing Krakow 8:05am arriving in Paris 10:25am
MH21 departing Paris 12:00pm arriving in Kuala Lumpur 7:25am the morning of the 10th

Dustin & Kandice go directly to the airport to book the same flight.

Charla & Mirna return to the Sheridan and use the two computers to book this flight
LO3910 departing Krakow 6:00am arriving in Warsaw 6:45am
LO223 departing Warsaw 7:40am arriving in Vienna 9:05am
OS001 (Austrian Airlines) departing Vienna 10:50am arriving in Kuala Lumpur 4:45am the morning of the

Eric & Danielle go to the hotel and ask to use one of the two computers, Mirna and Charla say no.  They then proceed to the airport and book the same flight as Oswald & Danny and Dustin & Kandice.

Eric comments to Uchenna & Joyce about the 1 hour connection, since international flights require a 45 minute check in.  Leaving only a window of 15 minutes.  And after the flight situation getting to Warsaw being very similar says he wouldn’t try it.

Charla & Mirna ask to get a moments help from the ticket agent who is helping Dustin & Kandice and Eric & Danielle.  He says no, since they wouldn’t let them use a computer.  Both teams handles this fairly well.  With Mirna acknowledging his valid point.  And Eric saving his mild mocking of the team to when he is in private with Danielle.  Dustin & Kandice who think they are annoying do admit that it was a smart choice (and it was).

In Frankfurt, Uchenna & Joyce’s flight arrives 10 minutes late.  They are not allowed on.  They also had to have tickets issued for this part of the trip, since the agent in Krakow had computer problems. 

They manage to finally get tickets on what apskip places as
LH738 departing Frankfurt 5:35pm arriving in Hong Kong (well at least they got to Hong Kong opps spoiler) 11:25am on the 10th
CX738 departing Hong Kong 12:50pm arriving in Kula Lumpur 4:30pm.

This does match both interviews after the race and the 10-12 hour window they speculate before leaving Frankfurt.

Teams arrive in Kula Lumpur in the following Order
1.  Charla & Mirna – 4:45am
2.  Dustin & Kandice – 7:25am
3.  Oswald & Danny
4.  Eric & Danielle
5.  Uchenna & Joyce -4:30pm after all teams have already checked in.

Teams must take a combination of train and bus to make their way to the Batu Caves.

And as we see in the episodes (and have heard from Izad) is there are many different routes to take.

Charla & Mirna apparently go to the Putra Terminal and then bus it.
Dustin & Kandice take the Sentul Lin and then bus it.
Oswald & Danny take the Putra route to the Central Market, then bus it.
Eric & Danielle take the Putra Terminal and then bus it.

Batu Caves, located seven miles north of Kula Lumpur.  Which is a sacred pace for the Hindu in Malaysia.  It was discovered in 1892 and it takes 272 steps to reach the caves, where monkeys abound.  And what an absolutely beautiful statue by the way, at the foot of the steps.

According to onsite evidence provided by Izad and friends we can give time that the first four teams were in this location.
1.  Charla & Mirna – 8:00am
2.  Oswald & Danny – 10:00am
3.  Dustin & Kandice – 10:10am
4.  Eric & Danielle – 10:40am or maybe 10:30am

Teams must travel 10 miles by taxi to the Kampung Baru Mosque and search the nearby streets for their next clue.  Caution Yield, ahead.

Yield:  There are two opportunities in the race for teams to Yield a team behind them and stop them from racing.  Teams can use their Yield power only once on the race.  Any team forced to Yield must turn over the hourglass and wait for the sand to run out before they can continue racing (been reported over the seasons as between 20-30 minutes, mention though in advance as 30 minutes in several clips by teams on clips).

Teams arrive near the Kampung Baru Mosque and find the overpass with the cluebox in the following order.
1.  Charla & Mirna (still with a sizeable lead of two hours)
2.  Dustin & Kandice (who spot the cluebox while in the cab)
3.  Oswald & Danny (who have difficulty finding the cluebox)
4.  Eric & Danielle (who also spot the cluebox from the cab)

Dustin & Kandice choose to Yield Eric & Danielle.

Detour:  In this detour teams have to choose between two kinds of artforms.

Artistic Impression:  Teams make their way on foot 1/3 of a mile to a place I can’t spell (sounds like Da Wa  Lama, but I think that spelling is way off).  Once there they must use a ancient technique known as Batik (a dying technique) to exactly duplicate one of three patterns on a 45 sq. ft. piece of cloth and then dye it.  (the pattern is 15 by 4.

Cookie Convection:  Teams make their way on foot ½ a mile to Balai Bomba Dan Penyelomat Cho Kit Market and find the marked stall. Once there teams will choice a table and search through 600 boxes of traditional Malaysian cookies to find the one with a Black Licorice center.

Teams initial choose:
Charla & Mirna – cookies and spend more then 2 hours, before switching
Dustin & Kandice – Batik cloth dying
Oswald & Danny – cookies, then decide to switch go some distance and go back, then quit again and decide to go to Batik cloth dying.
Eric & Danielle – cookies
Uchenna & Joyce – cookies according to interviews after the race.

Teams finish the Detours in the following order.
1.  Dustin & Kandice
2.  Charla & Mirna (way to lose your lead ladies)
3.  Oswald & Danny
4.  Eric & Danielle
5.  Uchenna & Joyce

Teams must now travel by taxi 6 miles to the neighborhood Taman Sri Hartamas and locate a newspaper recycling truck.

Roadblock – Part Time Job
One team member must choose a bike with an side cart attached, then scour the neighborhood for residents willing to sell their used newspapers.  Once they have collected and returned with a stack measured as eight hands high, they will receive their next clue.  Teams are provided a phrase to assist:  Surat Khabar Lama which is translated as old newspapers.

Side note:  I want to ask Dustin & Kandice which was harder the biking up the mine shaft in season 10, or this.

Teams arrive at the roadblock in the following order.
1.  Dustin & Kandice (Kandice performs the task and has now performed 4/Dustin 4.
2.  Charla & Mirna (Mirna performs task and has now performed 5/Charla 3
3.  Eric & Danielle (Danielle performs task and has now performed 3/ Eric 5)
4.  Oswald & Danny (Danny performs task and has now performed 3/Oswald 4
5.  Uchenna & Joyce (Joyce performs tasks according to interviews)

Dustin & Kandice lead is close to an hour according to Izad when Charla & Mirna show up.

And Eric & Danielle arrive about a minute before Oswald & Danny.

Teams finish the roadblock in the same order.
1.  Dustin & Kandice
2.  Charla & Mirna
3.  Eric & Danielle (who damaged a tire and had to have it replaced)
4.  Oswald & Danny
5.  Uchenna & Joyce

Teams must travel 6 miles by taxi to Carcosa Seri Negra, a gated mansion that has been used for foreign dignitaries, the 9th Pit Stop of the race.

Teams arrive at the Pit Stop in the following order.
1.  Dustin & Kandice who win retro scooters
2.  Charla & Mirna
3.  Eric & Danielle
4.  Oswald & Danny
5.  Uchenna & Joyce nearly half a day behind and are eliminated.

There might be come changes in the departure order for the next leg.  Two teams should be penalized for taking unauthorized transportation to a cluebox.

Going off the standard 30 minute penalty plus or minus time gained or lost for each violation.

Charla & Mirna violate the rule twice.  By both taking a taxi to the cookie detour and when they switch to the Batik cloth dying detour.  So they should receive what I would guess to be about an hour and 5-10 minutes of a penalty.

Eric & Danielle violated the rule once by taking a cab to the cookie detour, and thus should be hit with about a 33-35 minute penalty.

I will be very curious to see next episode.  Did Charla & Mirna arrive at least an hour before Oswald & Danny, and half an hour ahead of Eric & Danielle?

Will they only be penalized once, instead of twice?  (I would assume its twice, since they did break the rule twice.

Did Eric & Danielle arrive at least 30 minutes ahead of Oswald & Danny?

It will be interesting.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2007, 11:23:14 PM by mswood »

Offline mswood

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Re: Racing Report Leg #9 AS
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2007, 11:14:51 PM »
Team Reports

Okay with fewer and fewer teams I will be going into a little more detail concerning team behavior (between each other, between teams and between locals).

Dustin & Kandice:  Again a fairly strong leg (though not as remarkable as the Poland leg.  With the only real difficulty being their search for the bus line to get them to the Batu Caves.  But beyond that problem they made smart choices, and worked well at all stages of the race.  From using the Yield (They did believe they were in the back of the pack, and they used a rational reason to choose which team, and its one they have mention in earlier episodes on clips.  They followed the clue properly in both using the proper forms of transport (i.e. walking), and followed the pattern on the detour.  We also see Kandice doing fairly well on the roadblock and is the only person we see not using local assistance in moving the bike (though of course it might have happened).  Good job ladies.

Charla & Mirna:  They were wise to not give up a computer at the hotel (might not be the smartest at an early part in the season, but its getting closer to the end where you do have to race tighter).  A great job in using the net to discover the fastest route to Kuala Lumpur, but a very poor performance at the detour in losing over two hours (both by math, by dialogue in clips and by eye witnesses.  This was also a better week for them with locals.  Whether this was because they kept a better attitude or was due to fans (hi Izad) helping them and giving encouragement is hard to gauge.  But we do see Mirna getting more assistant then any of the other teams.  They also failed to follow the clues instructions not just once, but twice.  Ladies, remember errors in clues can easily cost you a race.  Since this is the team that I personally have the most problem with in their reactions to each other, to locals and to fellow teams, I do need to point out both good and bad.  In good.  When Eric said no, to her question in the airport, she handled that very well (with only a tiny amount of attitude in saying we don’t need this).  But to say he has a valid point is very nice to see from any team.  What was much less, was Mirna”s comments about how she doesn’t eavesdrop and follow to get better assistance.  Frankly, that’s inaccurate with us having several scenes in this season where we specifically see them doing this.  Its cool to promote yourself, just ease up a little on the hypocrisy.  It will be curious to see if a penalty is given and if it effects the standings (It could conceivable put them in 4th place if they hadn’t already included it the arriving order.)  A so-so job.  This teams seems to frequently take considerable longer on most all legs.

Eric & Danielle:  An okay leg, with time lost in waiting for a bus (which does fit close to the time frame given by Izad),  And a mistake in following the clues instruction in getting to the cookie detour.  We also have to wonder if the tire problem Danielle had was due to her actions riding the bike (which is how it plays on air).  The biggest problem some fans had with this leg was this teams reaction to the Yield.  While it would be so nice to hear a team, so Ok we got yielded its cool (still waiting for that, maybe later this year).  Out of the 8 yields used previously, only one team has acted better (and surprisingly it was a team that had turned very nasty to each other season 7’s Ron & Kelly).  While we saw some name calling (Dirty Pirate Hookers by Eric and bitches shady bitches by Danielle), this team didn’t do what some of the more extreme things that teams have done over the years.  Breaking town into tears and crying, blaming each other for why they got Yielded, losing focus and fighting so much that you don’t realize the sand has run out, being so enraged that your team goes into one of the biggest meltdowns the shows has ever had going so far as encouraging a cab to run people over, and an almost religious zeal in explaining how teams cheated by Yielding you.  You could see Eric trying to make Danielle laugh to keep her cool, focusing on the tasks ahead, making sure to keep contact with the hourglass.  And while the name calling (even in jest let alone anger which Danielle admits to several times in clips and on the air) isn’t nice it doesn’t bother me that much unless it gets extreme, or in front of them.  They kept their focus well and recovered nicely from it.  One of their weaker legs actually.

Oswald & Danny:  Boy guys you sucked and not in the good way.   They did do one thing very well, by researching and getting the input of supervisors on the phone they make the correct choice in taking a safer travel choice.  But they had difficulty finding route markers, they had terrible performances at the detour and performed the worst at the roadblock.  This leg also featured some very poor behavior by the team.  From the failure to work well together, to the failure to properly explain clues to each other, to Danny really being quite upset at Oswald, to calling him an SOB (Twice), to not waiting to watch the detour demonstration for the Bitak cloth dying, to even insulting a local by calling him a loser.  Their worst leg to date.  Though the might improve in standings if penalties are issued next episode.

Uchenna & Joyce:  Well its hard to judge a leg on just one filmed aspect, but you that’s what we have to do.   There are times to take risks, but at the beginning of a leg, on a 15 minute connection window, is a terrible terrible thing to try especially after knowing some of the horrible plane luck others have had.  And unlike Guido’s and Eric & Danielle who had no choice in getting the flight they had, you did.  You knew it was a tight connection, and you took the risk.   Points for not losing your cool (at least on camera) with airlines officials or with each other.

Offline mswood

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Re: Racing Report Leg #9 AS
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2007, 11:20:03 PM »
Team Standings:

1.  Oswald & Danny - 2.55 Pit Stop Placement Average
2.  Dustin & Kandice - 3.55 Pit Stop Placement Average
3.  Eric & Danielle - 4.11 Pit Stop Placement Average
4.  Uchenn a & Joyce - 4.44 Pt Stop Placement Average
5.  Charla & Mirna - 4.78 Pit Stop Placement average

« Last Edit: April 11, 2007, 12:06:26 AM by mswood »

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Re: Racing Report Leg #9 AS
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2007, 11:37:28 PM »
Another great job! I really enjoy these--thanks so much for doing them!

And I have to say I did love seeing the salt mine too!
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Re: Racing Report Leg #9 AS
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2007, 11:47:12 PM »
Thanks, Mswood.  :tup:  :ninja  One of the few things D/O did right, whether it's luck or skill, is get advice from the guy on the train. Taking a bus from the city center boosted them to 2nd place ahead of those who had to wait for a bus connection at the rail terminus. (later on, though, they erased any advantage with bad choices and bickering  :lol:)

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Offline mswood

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Re: Racing Report Leg #9 AS
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2007, 12:08:27 AM »
Yeah, slowhatch, they did get the more accurate info.  I hate to give them (or any team) specific credit for that since all teams went off local advice and in this case its just a crap shot.  Though it was the best advice out of the three options we sa that set of teams use.

And Peach, I love the scenes from the Salt mine.  I can't believe Eric licked it (maybe I shouldn't be surprised).
« Last Edit: April 11, 2007, 12:22:58 AM by mswood »

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Re: Racing Report Leg #9 AS
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2007, 12:11:22 AM »
I haven't posted this for this season, frankly because I haven't figured out how to do a large scale table on this forum.  And I haven't figured a good program to save teh file as that could be imported.  Proably should just save the actual table as a picture an import it that way.  Oh well maybe later.

But here is the list of the regular two persons season placement averages for the various 10 seasons and how the teams stack up.

Rank   Team   Season   Average Placement  Legs Won/ Status
1   ERIC & JEREMY   9   1.67   5
2   KRIS & JON   6   2.22   3
3   COLIN & CHRISTY   5   2.44   5
4   JOE & BILL   1   2.56   1
5   OSWALD & DANNY (AS)   11   2.56   2
6   FRANK & MARGARITA   1   2.67   2
7   ROB & AMBER   7   2.67   4
8   WIL & TARA   2   2.78   2
9   KEN & GERARD   3   2.78   3
10   BJ & TYLER   9   2.78   2
11   TYLER & JAMES   10   2.78   2
12   HAYDEN & AARON   6   2.89   3
13   ROB & BRENNAN   1   3.00   2
14   FLO & ZACH   3   3.00   1
15   DUSTIN & KANDICE   10   3.11   2
16   DEREK & DREW   3   3.22   3
17   KEVIN & DREW   1   3.33   3
18   JOSEPH & MONICA   9   3.33   0
19   ROB & KIMBERLY   10   3.33   1
20   UCHENNA & JOYCE   7   3.44   2
21   RON & KELLY   7   3.44   1
22   DUSTIN & KANDICE (AS)   11   3.55   2
23   REICHEN & CHIP   4   3.67   1
24   BRANDON & NICOLE   5   3.67   1
25   CHRIS & ALEX   2   3.78   2
26   JON & AL   4   3.78   0
27   MILLIE & CHUCK   4   3.78   2/Eliminated
28   OSWALD & DANNY   2   4.00   3
29   GARY & DAVE   2   4.00   1/Eliminated
30   CHIP & KIM   5   4.00   2
31   ERIC & DANIELLE (AS)   11   4.11   0
32   FREDDY & KENDRA   6   4.22   1
33   LORI & BOLO   6   4.33   1/Eliminated
34   UCHENNA & JOYCE (AS)   10   4.44   1/Eliminated
35   BLAKE & PAIGE   2   4.56   0
36   KELLY & JON   4   4.67   1
37   LINDA & KARIN   5   4.67   0
38   ERWIN & GODWIN   10   4.67   1
39   JOHN VITO & JILL   3   4.78   0
40   DAVID & JEFF   4   4.78   2
41   RAY & YOLANDA   9   4.78   1
42   CHARLA & MIRNA (AS)   11   4.78   2
43   ADAM & REBECCA   6   5.00   1
44   GRETCHEN & MEREDITH   7   5.55   0
45   NANCY & EMILY   1   5.67   0/Eliminated
46   TERI & IAN   1   5.67   1
47   KAMI & KARLI   5   5.89   0
48   LYN & KARLYN   10   6.00   0

I might work on a better format for later.