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Offline mswood

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Racing Report Legs #12
« on: December 08, 2006, 06:50:10 PM »
Finally gettting ot the end of this season, and it seems to be flying by to me.

Teams leave the Pit Stop at the Berber camp on the road to Marrakech in teh following order:
1.  Tyler & James  5:30 am
2.  Lyn & Karlyn  5:31 am
3.  Rob & Kimberly  5:47 pm
4.  Dustin & Kandice  6:16 am - They are marked for elimination and need to finish the leg first or they will recieve a half hour penality before they can check in.

Team are directed to travel 275 mile through the Atlas mountains to Casablanca.  Where they must find their next route marker at the Cortier de Habous (Spelling?).  Teams are given $295 for this leg of the race.

Teams reach a toll point somewhere onthis road.  And Bama has already lost a little time since Tyler & Jame are stopped untilt hey can get alocal to make change for them.  And Bama is still not to be seen.  THough they started one minute after the modes.  But when they are stopped and have to wait for change Rob & Kimberly pull up behind them.  And they were 16 minutes behind Lyn & Karlyn.

All teams reach Casablanca and need lcoal asistance to find Cortier de Habous.  Rob & kimberly are the only team that just goes off of directions.

Teams reach the marked parking area in the following Order:
1.  Tyler & James
2.  Dustin & Kandice
3.  Rob & Kimberly
4.  Lyn & Karlyn

Roadblock  -  Eat Camel Meat. 

Teams must enter the market and find stall #3, where they will buy over 1/2 a kilo of camel meat.  They must then take it to cafe 11, where one team member must grind and season the meat and after having it cooked eat it.

Teams Get to Stall #3, and Cafe 11 in the following order:
1.  Tyler & James
2.  Dustin & kandice
3.  Rob & Kimberly
4.  Lyn & Karlyn

Teams finnish the roadblock in the following Order:
1.  Tyler & James*
2.  Dustin & Kandice*
3.  Lyn* & karlyn
4.  Rob & Kimberly*

Teams must now travel nearly 800 miles to Barcelona Spain.

Teams arrive at the airport in the following Order:
1.  Tyler & James
2.  Dustin & Kandice
3.  Lyn & Karlyn
4.  Rob & Kimberly

Teams all travel on Royal Air of Marac flight #962 that leaves at 4:30pm.

Teams must travel by Taxi to the  Parc del Laberint and search this maze to find their next clue.

Teams get out of the airport and into cabs in the following order:
1.  Dustin & Kandice
2.  Tyler & James
3.  Lyn & Karlyn
4.  Rob & Kimberly

Teams arrive at Horta Labyrinth Park in the following Order:

1.  Dustin & Kandice
2.  Tyler & James
3.  Lyn & Karlyn
4.  Rob & Kimberly

The Park is closed from 7:30pm until 10:00 am.

Teams enter the maze and find the cluebox in the following Order:

1.  Tyler & James
2.  Rob  & Kimberly
3.  Dustin & Kandice
4.  Lyn & Karlyn

Detour - Lug it or Lob it.

Lug it.  Teams travel by taxi 4 miles on city streets to  Los Ramblas.  Then travel on foot to the  Maremagnum bridge where they will each slip on a nine and a half foot tall costume from Barcalona's festival of Giants.  Once they have became a ginat they must walk over a mile in city streets and find  Carrer de Sant Felip Neri where they will find a female giant and recieve their next clue.

Lob it.  Teams must travel by taxi 9 miles on a highway until they reach the Colonia Gull where they will take part in a tomato fight, that usually breaks out during the Tomitina Festival.  They must defend themselves will the search through a mountain of tomatoes for one that contains there clue.

Teams get out of the Maze in the folloing Order:
1.  Lyn & karlyn _who take a side exit of the maze
2.  Tyler & James
3.  Dustin & Kandice
4.  Rob & Kimberly

Though all teams must return to the same entrance area to pick up their deposited backpacks and wait for cabs that have been ordered.

Teams get to their backpacks in the following Order:
1.  TYler & James
2.  Lyn & Karlyn
3.  Dustin & Kandice
4.  Rob & Kimberly

Teams get taxi's in the following order:
1.  Dustin & Kandice's which is waiting for them
2.  Rob & Kimberly's who is waiting for them.
3.  TYler & James, which never showed up.
4.  Lyn & Karlyn who we aren't sure if htey did indeed call for one.

Detour choices
Lob it:
1.  Rob & Kimberly
2.  Lyn & Karlyn

Lug it:
1.  Dustin & Kandice
2.  Tyler & James

Teams arrive at the Detour in the final order:
1.  Rob & Kimberly
2.  Dustin & Kandice
3.  Lyn & Karlyn
4.  Tyler & James

Teams finish the Detour in the following Order:
1.  Rob & Kimberly
2.  Lyn & Karlyn
3.  Dustin & Kandice
4.  Tyler & James

Teams must know travel to the Pit Stop at the fountain on the grounds of the Palau Nacional Of Montjuic

Teams arrive at the Palau Nacional of Mantjuic in the following Order:
1.  Rob & Kimberly
2.  Tyler & James
3.  Dustin & Kandice
4.  Lyn & Karlyn

Teams reach the fountain and the Pit Stop in the following Order:
1.  Rob & Kimberly 11:09  am who win a trip to Barbatous
2.  Lyn & Karlyn  11:44  am
3.  Tyler & James  11:53 am
4.  Dustin & Kandice - who do arrive last and are eliminated without the penality.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2006, 08:36:05 PM by mswood »

Offline mswood

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Re: Racing Report Legs #12
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2006, 07:26:32 PM »
Team Reports

Rob & Kimberly-Where to start.  They did okay on the driving to Casablanca to catch up and pass Lyn & Karlyn.  But they had a rough time navigating the city.  They fared even worse in trying to find the route marker in the market.  And truely came apart once they passed Tyler & James who informed them that Dustin & Kandice had already started the roadblock.  They finished last at the roadblock as Lyn managed to bth prepare and eat her meat faster then Kim. :rotf:

Once equilized by both flights to Barcelona and hours of operation at the Horta park.  Rob & Kim ran a strong, but overly exhaustive race.  By following Tyler & James thorugh the maze, and following Dustin & Kandice's example to order cabs in advance they left the  Maze in 2cd place.  They choose the right detour, and while Kimberly had a serious breakdown at the detour Rob pushed through.  Though Kimberly finally truely gave up forcing Rob to quit (have to do the detours together), but was proven correct when the cab said it would be 20 miles to the other detour.  After returning to the detour they made quick work of it and were on their way to the Pit Stop and first place.

This team is terribly difficut to predict.  And they are often erratic in racing.  Nice touch of Kimberly giving Rob's full name to reserve their cab.

Lyn & Karlyn-Ran a poor leg.  They lost time in driving to Casablanca, they were the last team to find the route marker and the cafe.  But handled the details of the event better then Kimberly to be in 3rd place.  They were last in finding their way through the Maze to the next clue.  They did pick a good way of getting out of the maze by taking a side exit.  Though they did have to walk around the park to the main entrance.  But this kept them even at a walking pace almost even with the fastest team.  If they would run or jog, they woud have had a lead.  It isn't clear if this team ordered a cab in advance or not, but they were certainly the last team to get one, wasting a lot of time diong so.  But they also picked what was most likely the fastest task and managed to get the next clue.  While they were last getting to the area of the Pit Stop they did get instructions leading them to the fountain and 2cd place.  This team continues to amaze me to be left in the race.  They don't function well as a team to this day.  They can be terribly indescive.  And unlike last leg where they really pushed themselves (Brava to them for that, I liked it) this time they didn't seem to have that extra edge.  But they still made 2cd.  I loved that they are the only team to take the escalators tot he Fountain area. :rotf:

They are the only team to make final three that hasn't won a previous leg of the Race in its 10 seasons.  They have the worst performance average of any team in the final three in ten seasons of the Amazing Race.  But with how the race is plotted.  They actually have a better chance at the final leg with its equilization in flying to New York then most legs.  And all it takes is one great leg.

Unforunately that is in my opinion a serious flaw to the race.  And why more then even Karlyn's attitude at times that I don't want to see this team win.  In my eyes it would be the worst ending this show has ever had. B:)

Tyler & James-  Well the ran a strong first half of the race, the did well in the maze and they had also had Kimberly order them a cab.  But it never showed up (something that does happen).  They lost a lot of time here, but choose the detour they thought Dustin & Kandice would take.  Knowing that no matter how they placed 1-4th all they needed for 2-4th was to be within 30 minutes of Dustin & Kandice.  They caught up at the detour since Dustin & Kandice lost a lot of time getting lsot finding the detour and in navigating the detour.  And while Tyler & James also got lost once, they remained very close when finishing the detour within seconds.  They raced and got the first cab and for being the last team to get to the detour and the last team to finish the detour were the 2cd team to find the Pit Stop area.  But it took them a while to find directions to the fountain and ended 3rd. 

This team is the strongest physical team, the team that has performed the best overall in the season, and though they have a reputation for not being smart and not navigating well actually have done those both better then the others in the final 4 (its just when they don't it pretty bad) though with all these teams thats not saying alot for navigation.

But in race history only once before has the team with the best performance and racing average won the race.  And thats was season 4's Reichen & Chip.  Usually placement is usually the 2cd place winners.

Also only one team (rob & Brennan) that won teh first leg of the race has one the last leg.

Dustin & Kandice-  Actually had a strong morning performance by enlisting the aid of locals for more of the leg then any other team.  But this made the finding of the market easier, made finding the roadblock clue and its various points much faster, and it got them back on to the road and to the airport.

While I normally hate this tactic (or more importantly its overuse).  Here was the perfect time and place for it.  They also took a chance to enlist the aid of Tyler & James to let them have first place.  And I am sorry but if you are going to do this, then you had better have been kind and sharing of info throughout the race.  This team hasn't been and has tried to break each alliance it has made. 

They were quite sharp to order cabs and have them waiting for them and smart to give a discription that wouldn't fit any of the other teams.

They picked the more physical task and while it is possible if they had run a perfect leg in the afternoon that they might have finished first.  They had problems finding the detour, finding the route of the detour (allowing at this point Tyler & James to catch up completely), they used another local to guide them to the end of the detour (unlike Tyler & James who just used directions) and it gained them a maybe half a minute.  But Tyler & james were able to outrun them getting cabs.  Dustin & Kandice made it to the Pit Stop area in third place (and by this time unless Bama or Tyler & James got seriously lost they were sunk) as it is they ended up finally last finding the fountain and were elimianted without the penality being a factor.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2006, 12:30:40 AM by mswood »

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Re: Racing Report Legs #12
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2006, 07:58:04 PM »
Score Card

Okay remember this is comparing the seasons on an equal 13 leg scale.  Thus double elgs are seperated into 2 legs with the matt or the clue to continue being the end of one leg and the start of the next.

Teams from this season are in ALL CAPS.

And I promise a listing off of official Pit Stops for all legs will be up before Sunday.

1.   Eric & Jeremy  (9)  1.67
2.   Rob & Amber  (7)  2.33
3.   Frank & margarita  (1)  2.42
4.   Kris & Jon  (6)  2.42
5.   Colin & Christy  (5)  2.50
6.   TYLER & JAMES  (10)  2.50
7.   Tara & Wil  (2)  2.58
8.   Rob & Brennan  (1)  2.58
9.   BJ & Tyler  (9)  2.58
10.  Ken & Gerard  (3)  2.67
11.  Joe & Bill  The Guido’s  (1)  2.75
12.  Flo & Zach  (3)  2.92
13.  Hayden & Aaron  (6)  2.92
14.  Ron & Kelly  (7)  3.00
15.  Reicehn & Chip  (4)  3.17
16.  ROB & KIMBERLY  (10)  3.17
17.  DUSTIN & KANDICE  (10)  3.17
18.  Brandon & Nicole  (5)  3.33
19.  Uchenna & Joyce  (7)  3.33
20.  Chris & Alex  (2)  3.58
21.  Chip & Kim  (5)  3.58
22.  Freddy & Kendra  (6)  3.58
23.  Blake & Paige  (2)  3.75
24.  Kelly & Jon  (4)  4.00
25.  David & Jeff  (4)  4.08
26.  Linda & Karen  (5)  4.17
27.  Ray & Yolanda  (9)  4.33
28.  Teri & Ian  (3)  4.75
29.  Adam & Rebecca  (6)  4.83
30.  LYN & KARLYN  (10)  5.08

Average placement for teams that came in 1st:  3.17
Average placement for teams that came in 2cd:  2.83
Average placement for teams that came in 3rd:  3.59

Based strickly off of previous seasons it appears that Rob & Kimberly have a perfect match with the average performance that will get you a win.

Tyler & James are based on the numbers going to be 2cd, since the best team usually ends up with 2cd.

And Lyn & Karlyn should end up third.  And htey are significantly off even the average of any final three team.

Offline puddin

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Re: Racing Report Legs #12
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2006, 12:06:48 AM »
This is awesome stuff mswood!!  :cmas9

Offline mswood

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Re: Racing Report Legs #12
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2006, 12:18:19 AM »
Sweet mother of god, Puddin don't you ever sleep.

At least I am on the west coast so its not late but for you.

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Re: Racing Report Legs #12
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2006, 12:23:22 AM »
It's only 1:22am  :cmas23 ! I use to bartend so am now a night owl :wine:

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Re: Racing Report Legs #12
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2006, 12:31:51 AM »
How long, I did it for 9 years, and hated every minute I was sober (which after about 4 years wasn't many).

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Re: Racing Report Legs #12
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2006, 12:42:04 AM »
How long, I did it for 9 years, and hated every minute I was sober (which after about 4 years wasn't many).
Half my life, lol ! The best part was being able to stay after hours and have our employee drinks  :angel: