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Offline mswood

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Racing Report Legs #7
« on: November 16, 2006, 06:29:18 PM »
Racing Report Leg 7

Teams leave the Pit Stop at Al-Sadiq Area Water Towers out of Kuwait City in the following Order:

1.  David & Mary  12:37am
2.  Dustin & Kandice  3:40 am
3.  Rob & Kimberly  3:53 am
4.  Lyn & Karlyn  4:10 am
5.  Erwin & Godwin  4:18 am
6.  Tyler & James  4:55 am

Teams must travel 4600 miles to Mauritius (and by going through London its actually much further).

Teams arrive at Airport in the following order:
1.  David & Mary
2.  Dustin & Kandice
3.  Rob & Kimberly
4.  Lyn & Karlyn
5.  Erwin & Godwin
6.  Tyler & James

Teams all get the same 8:10 am British airways flight.

Teams get out of the airport in the following order:

1.  Tyler & James
2.  Lyn & Karlyn
3.  Dustin & Kandice
4.  Rob & Kimberly
5.  David & mary
6.  Erwin & Godwin

Teams get to the marked cars in the following order:
1.  Tyler & James
2.  Lyn & Karlyn
3.  Dustin & Kandice
4.  Rob & Kimberly
5.  David & Mary
6.  Erwin & Godwin

Inside each vehicle is a replica model ship with an placard saying Isla Mauritia-Swim to me.  Teams must determine the location of the ship and travel to the Grand Baie.

Tyler & James just leave the lot thinking to check hotels.
Lyn & Karlyn leave the lot, but fairly quickly get locals to give them the location.
While all other teams get directions before leaving the parking lot.

Rob doesn’t remember the directions and just follows Dustin & Kandice (who wish that they weren’t being followed) the back pack teams all are behind them as well.

Tyler & James finally manage to get direction, they also stop at two gas station before being able to get a map of the Island.  This puts them about 15-20 minutes behind other teams.

Teams arrive at the Parking lot, where they must change into provided swim gear and swim out into the Grand Baie Harbor and board the Isla Mauritia.  Both members must board before getting their next clue.

Teams arrive at Parking lot in the following Order:
1.  Dustin & Kandice
2.  Rob & Kimberly
3.  Lyn & Karlyn
4.  David & Mary
5.  Erwin & Godwin
6.  Tyler & James who get to the parking lot after the first three teams have actually returned to their cars.

Teams change and get to the dock to swim out in the following order:
1.  Dustin & Kandice
2.  Rob & Kimberly
3.  Erwin & Godwin
4.  Lyn & Karlyn
5.  David & Mary
6.  Tyler & James

Teams swim to the ship in the following order:
1.  Dustin & Kandice
2.  Rob & Kimberly-Kimberly actually makes it first to the ship but must wait for Rob before getting their clue.
3.  Erwiin & Godwin
4.  Lyn & Karlyn
5.  David & Mary
6.  Tyler & James

Teams are instructed to open their clues once they return to the shore. Teams return to the shore in the following Order:
1.  Dustin & Kandi ce
2.  Rob & Kimberly
3.  Erwin & Godwin - who wait for all the six pack before proceeding
4.  Lyn & Karlyn
5.  David & Mary
6.  Tyler & James who have managed to make up a lot of time on the 6 pack, but are still the last team.

At some point in this leg the teams were given a roadblock, it wasn’t aired in the episode.  But teams had to keep their water gear with them (Safety vest, goggles and protective footgear).  There is a picture showing Dustin & Kandice opening a clue with their life vests on and showing the clue read Roadblock.  Now that would seem that it must be after this event.  But due to eyewitness accounts teams arrive at the Roadblock in the following order:
1.  Dustin & Kandice
2.  Rob & Kimberly
3.  Tyler & James
4.  Erwin & Godwin
5.  Lyn & Karlyn
6. and their is no mention of David and Mary.  Teams also completed the task in the same order, with Tyler & James apparently gaining a little bit of time on the first two teams.

So due to the placement of teams leaving the harbor matching up with the arrival times to the next route marker shown on TV, I must assume the photo of Dustin and Kandice reading the clue is actually when they are at the roadblock and are just reviewing the task.

Teams must travel 49 miles to Case Noyale and find the Post Office.

Rob & Kim follow Dustin & Kandice who discover two ways to Case Noyale and break away from Rob & Kim.

Tyler and James get lost.

Rob & Kim’s vehicle won’t get into gear.  And they must wait for a replacement vehicle.  During this time all reaming teams pass them.

Dustin & Kandice rear end a vehicle.  And local law requires you to wait on scene (unless your life is threatened) for a police officer to arrive and issue a accident report.

Teams arrive at the Post Office in the following Order:
1.  Dustin & Kandice
2.  Erwin & Godwin
3.  Lyn & Karlyn
4.  David & mary
5.  Tyler & James
6.  Rob & Kimberly

Detour-Salt or Sea

In Salt teams must drive themselves 2 miles and dig among 3 enormous piles of Salt and recover a salt shaker that contains their next clue.

In Sea teams must walk to the dock, choose a boat captain and take one of the boats 2/3 of a mile to an Island where they must use a treasure map to search the Island for the boat’s mask and sail.  They then must return to the boat .  After attaching them the captain will hand them their next clue and they will sail back to the docks.

Dustin & Kandice choose sail.  All others choose Salt.

Teams arrive at detour in the following order:
1.  Dustin & Kandice
2.  Lyn & Karlyn
3.  Erwin & Godwin
4.  David & Mary
5.  TYler & James
6.  Rob & Kimberly

At the salt detour teams discover that not all shakers have a clue, in fact of the 6 found all have pepper in them.

Teams decide to switch to Sea in the following order:
1.  Rob & Kim
2.  Tyler & James
3,  Erwin & Godwin
4.  Lyn & Karlyn
5.  David & Mary

Teams arrive at the dock in the following order
1.  Dustin & Kandice (significantly in front of the others)
2.  Rob & Kimberly
3.  Tyler & James
4.  Erwin & Godwin
5.  Lyn & Karlyn
6.  David & Mary

Teams arrive on Island in the following Order:
1.  Dustin & Kandice (who are on their way back before any team gets to the Island)
2.  Tyler & James
3.  Rob & Kimberly
4.  Erwin & Godwin
5.  Lyn & Karlyn
6.  David & Mary

Teams arrive at Mast and Sail in the following order:
1.  Dustin & Kandice (Are already back to the shore before any teams find this)
2.  Rob & Kimberly
3.  Tyler & James
4.  Erwin & Godwin
5.  Lyn & Karlyn
6.  David & Mary

Teams return to the Dock in the same order.

Clue:  Teams must travel 12 miles and find the Pit Stop at the Chateau Bel Ombre.
Teams arrive at the Pit Stop in the following order:
1.  Dustin & Kandice  3:00pm and win a trip to Hawaii
2.  Tyler & James  3:05 pm
3.  Rob & Kimberly  3:09 pm
4.  Erwin & Godwin  4:04 pm
5.  Lyn & Karlyn  4:05 pm
6.  David & Mary 4:09 pm and are saved by the 2cd of two non elimination rounds.

With the fact that Dustin and Kandice should have had a sizable lead over Tyler & James and Rob & Kim. This really makes me believe teams finished the detour and then traveled to the roadblock.  It also matches the order of arrival to the roadblock.

It also helps explain the large difference in time between the six-packs check in time and the others.

Offline mswood

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Re: Racing Report Legs #7
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2006, 08:01:21 PM »
Team Report.

Dustin and Kandice ran a very nice leg with one definite problem and most likely an edited out traveling problem.

They navigated well, the were quick to get directions before leaving the airport, they did well on the swim, the managed to shake Rob & Kim by finding an alternate route.  they made the smartest Detour choice. 

Really strong leg. The only problems were:  1.  Hitting another car and getting into an accident.  This could have been a very serious problem.  One of course is the obvious chance of being injured.  But also if they had to wait for a replacement car they most likely would have been delayed even further.  Or if the car was at first driveable but later had problems and had to wait for a replacement car.  With only at the end of the leg a 5 minute lead over Tyler & James that really could have hurt them much more.

They also apparently lost a considerable lead in completing the detour significantly before either Rob & Kimberly or Tyler & James yet this lead (which probably was at least half an hour shrunk to just 5 and 9 minutes.  So, since the car was still driveable in the next leg by Lyn & Karlyn, I have to assume that they got lost to a for a period of probably 15 -20 minutes somewhere toward the end of the leg.

There interactions at the sirport were a little rude, but I will give points to using an Atlas to confirm a route (visual and audio confirmation).  And while it is a tactical error allowing helping the strongest team, they really, really do not get along with Lyn & Karlyn.  They also handled that conflict fairly well.

Tyler & James.  Often hen leaving an airport teams stop elsewhere for directions, this actually hurt the team by taking far longer then any other team to get the correct location.  They got to the harbor probably about 20 minutes after the lead teams, but made up a significant amount on the back pack who unwisely worked almost this entire leg as a solid group.  Driving to the Post office the team got briefly lost, and they made a more detour choice (their 2cd of this season Rice painting anyone, anyone?)  But when they saw Rob & Kimberly switch tasks they quickly switched as well.  And while they made up some time by passing their boat, they lost that time looking for the mask and sail on he Island.  But between finishing the detour and getting to the Pit Stop the team did quite nicely passing Rob and Kimberly and ending up only 5 minutes behind Dustin and Kandice.  Small errors that were saved by the ability of the guys to do tasks well.

Rob & Kimberly started off well, by immediately getting direction, but forgot them almost immediately and were left with following Dustin and Kandice's car.  This got them to the Harbor where Kim showed that she could swim by beating both BQ's and Rob.  Leaving for the Post Office they again followed Dustin & Kandice who managed to lose them.  They also ended up having car problems causing them to lose a considerable amount of time (usually anywhere between 20-40 minutes).  After getting their car they had trouble finding the Post Office and were solidly in last place.  When arriving at the detour and finding all 5 teams having trouble they very wisely switched tasks.  And while their boat was slower then Tyler & James they did managed to find the mast & Sail faster.  They headed to the Pit Stop in 2cd, but also got lost doing this letting Tyler & James beat them to the mat.  Thi team really needs to start navigating better.  But besides that problem and their constant arguing this leg, they actually ran a good leg, that was severely hurt by things outside their control.

Erwin & Godwin, oh boy where do I start.  These are two nice guys, who are smart and physically fit and are racing like complete idiots.  In this episode Godwin mentions that they are not just trying to bring two weaker teams into the final three with them, but that they are stronger as a group then those racing individually.  Well as a smart guy, I would like Godwin to point out a single time that the Backpack (now six pack) have managed to be stronger then those three individual teams.

He can get back to me on that one. 

And this leg is where they were taking their alliance overboard to a degree that I have never witnessed before on a race where only one team can win.

At every stage of this leg, Erwin and Godwin kept their lead over the others and waited for the other teams to catch up.  This is unacceptable racing.  Where they waiting because they didn't know the location?  No.  Were they waiting for any special skill of their friends?  No.  A complete failure as far as racing strategy goes.

Lyn & Karlyn, out of the three teams in the  six pack this is the only team that has any real clue on how to race.  That having friends and assistance is nice, but that when all is said and done, those people are your competition.  Lyn and Karlyn get knocked for terrible attitude during this leg and how they interacted with the ticket agent helping Rob and Kimberly (see clips) before getting into it with Dustin & Kandice, Tyler & James and the more ticket agent.  While no one likes it when people cut, it isn't against the rule (any claim that it isn't fair is incorrect), they also had no business confronting the ticket agent out of this.  If they are helping a client and that client says these people are with me, he or she is going to help those people.  They had difficulty with the roadblock that wasn't aired.  They also had minor navigation problems getting to the pit stop.

David & Mary, with another last place finish should obviously no they have raced long past their own ability to keep up.  They depended on following Erwin & Godwin through almost the entire leg, so we have no idea on their navigation ability.  They also were the last team to switch tasks at the detour.  Now normally this is a a mistake, if you are last stick it out and take the chance to gain some time.  But lucky for them the other members of the six pack had difficulty finding the mast and sail giving them a chance to catch up.  But being physically the slowest of the three six pack teams almost guarantees they will be last out of that group to reach the Pit Stop.

Offline mswood

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Re: Racing Report Legs #7
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2006, 08:03:41 PM »
Score Card

Remember this is a listing of the regular seasons of the Amazing Race.  It also counts TBC legs (or double legs) as two seperate legs.

Teams are listed in order of Best record to worst with teams from this season in ALL CAPS.

1.   Eric & Jeremy (9)  1.29
2.   Joe & Bill The Guido’s  (1)  2.14
3.   Kris & Jon (6)  2.43
4.   BJ & Tyler (9)  2.43
5.   Rob & Amber (7)  2.57
6.   Tara & Will (2)  2.71
7.   Ken & Gerard (3)  2.71
8.   Frank & Margarta (1)  2.86
9.   Flo & Zach (3)  2.86
10.  Colin & Christie (5)  2.86
11.  Hayden & Aaron (6)  3.00
12.  TYLER & JAMES (10)  3.14
13.  Rob & Brennan (1)  3.29
14.  Jonathan & Victoria (6)  3.43
15.  ROB & KIMBERLY (10)  3.43
16.  Derek & Drew (3)  3.57
17.  Ron & Kelly (7)  3.57
18.  DUSTIN & KANDICE (10)  3.57
19.  Kevin & Drew (1)  3.71
20.  Millie & Chuck (4)  3.71
21.  Brandon & Nicole (5)  3.71
22.  Charla & Mirna (5)  3.71 - Eliminated
23.  Reichen & Chip (4)  4.00
24.  Lynn & Alex (7)  4.00
25.  Gary & Dave (2)  4.00
26.  Mary & Peach (2)  4.14 - Eliminated
27.  Uchenna & Joyce  (7)  4.14
28.  Freddy & Kendra (6)  4.29
29.  Chris & Alex (2)  4.43
30.  Oswald & Danny (2)  4.43
31.  Jon & Al (4)  4.43
32.  Chip & Kim (5)  4.43
33.  Joseph & Monica (9)  4.43
34.  Kelly & Jon (4)  4.71
35.  Brian & Greg (7)  4.71 - Eliminated
36.  Lake & Michelle (9)  4.71 - Eliminated
37.  ERWIN & GODWIN (10)  4.71
38.  Blake & Paige (2)  4.86
39.  Linda & Karen (5)  5.00
40.  David & Jeff (4)  5.14
41.  Lori & Bolo (6)  5.14
42.  John Vito & Jil (3)  5.29
43.  Gus & Hera (6)  5.29
44.  Tian & Jaree (4) 5.43 - Eliminated
45.  Ray & Yolanda (9)  5.43
46.  Fran & Barry (9) 5.43
47.  Nancy & Emily (1)  5.86
48.  Andre & Damon (3)  5.86 - Eliminated
49.  Adam & Rebecca (6)  5.86
50.  DAVID & MARY (10)  6.14
51.  Teri & Ian (3)  6.29
52.  Kami & Karli (5)  6.29
53.  Gretchen & Meredith (7)  6.29
54.  LYN & KARLYN (10)  6.29
55.  Lenny & Karyn (1)  6.43 - Eliminated

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Re: Racing Report Legs #7
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2006, 08:05:46 PM »
OH WOW mswood! You rock  :jumpy: