Author Topic: EP3 Title: Flirting and Frustration  (Read 12926 times)

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Offline Texan

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Re: EP3 Title: Flirting and Frustration
« Reply #25 on: September 28, 2006, 04:00:02 PM »
Rebecca does not look happy in that pic!

Offline puddin

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Re: EP3 Title: Flirting and Frustration
« Reply #26 on: September 28, 2006, 04:45:08 PM »
if you could get it to play theres a small clip at yahoo ..nothing too spoilerish

Parvati reads treemail
Jeff collects the idol pieces as well as the buffs and it looks like a reward might be involved

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« Last Edit: September 28, 2006, 06:11:27 PM by puddin »

Offline TexasLady

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Re: EP3 Title: Flirting and Frustration
« Reply #27 on: September 28, 2006, 06:23:52 PM »
I'm having a hard time finding a favorite survivor this year. It looks like they squeeze the black thing they are holding in the last photo to determine their new tribe. Red and blue. Is that what Y'all think?
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Offline puddin

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Re: EP3 Title: Flirting and Frustration
« Reply #28 on: September 28, 2006, 06:35:09 PM »
Root for Yul & Becky  :hearts: !  Texaslady they squeeze the pellets whatever and they explode w Red or blue .

Offline TexasLady

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Re: EP3 Title: Flirting and Frustration
« Reply #29 on: September 28, 2006, 06:42:06 PM »
Root for Yul & Becky  :hearts: !  Texaslady they squeeze the pellets whatever and they explode w Red or blue .

LOL.. well I am not sure which one is Becky, but I DO know who Yul is.  :luvu:

They do look like pellets, 20 mins or so till show time!  :woohoo:
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Offline puddin

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Re: EP3 Title: Flirting and Frustration
« Reply #30 on: September 28, 2006, 06:56:02 PM »
5 minutes  :jumpy:

Offline puddin

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Re: EP3 Title: Flirting and Frustration
« Reply #31 on: September 28, 2006, 08:00:05 PM »
Does a cartwheel !


Oooh nice skull
Hiki sparked a flame
On Raro, priorities questioned
At Aitu, Billy wasn't pulling weight
so Ozzy suggested bold plan to throw challenge and oust B, JP on board but Cristina the cop skeptical but at challenge, Ozzy's plan went into action

Aitu dead last and chose Yul for EI
Before tribes parted, B thought he and C made a conenction
At EI, Yul found HII.....
At Aitu TC, Billy revealed a secret
Classic Jeff look lol
In end, B tribe mates cut him loose

18 left..............
Aitu Night 6
All of them
Cec: Can;t get over the love at first site!
They never had any contact!

JP: I dunno

JP conf: All that stuff was ridiculous, words can't describe, if it's true, true but it's not true

Puka Day 7
Brad fishing with spear shot
Caught a fish

Cowboy chatting with girls telling a story
They look bored, very bored

Brad suddenly there and also looks bored

B conf: I've had a coming to Jesus about Cowboy, he does not shut up

Cowboy talking again, kinda mocking college and Bush

B conf: He is not all there, or will ever be there unless he is medicated

Raro Day 7

Tree mail - go see Spoilers for that info.

J conf: We are strong, went to EI, won next challenge, we ar eready to rock and roll
Challenge ARrival

Billy voted out

Bringing back Yul, Puka claps, hugs

Idols given back

Jeff: Drop your buffs
Cowboy: Take off your what???

Jeff: Time to intergrate

Women line up, men line up
All grabbing tile from pouch
Now women doing it, different bag

Palms out, reveal, who has X's
Cec, P, B, J are captains
They alternate choosing tribe members
Men pick men
Women pick women

C/Pavar doing rock/paper scissors. Cecelia must select woman not from her tribe

Cec: Pretty lady with the dress (Flicka)
Pav: Cutie in peach (Jenny)
Jessica: Sister on the end (Sundra)
Jenny: Camoflauge (Cristina)
Sundra: Yellow (Becky)
Cristina points: Rebecca
Becky: Candice
REbecca one choice: Stephannie

Men same thing
Brad goes first

Brad: JP (lol)
Jonathan: Yul
JP: Nate
Jeff: Nate liking this!
Yul: Only once choice... ozzy
Nate: Blue then (Adam) Nate only had once choice
Ozzy: choice made, Cowboy
Four tribes separate by men and women
Captains step forward, take egg and hold in palm face up
Squish when I tell you
Paint releases

Two new tribes, men with blue go with women with blue, same with red

All greeting and hugging

Jeff hands buffs in bag to Ozzy and Brad

They are wiping paint on each other (CROC!!!)

Cowboy smiling
Steph smiling
Yul smiling and thumbs up to someone

Raro Day 7
Chatting away
N conf: best day ever, took us out of ghetto and to Bel Air, we got to throw off those stanky yellow buffs, now new tribe

Steph: How did you all feel when they first set us up

JP: thought it was okay, made people think

ste conf: All about people, we don't see color, see individual and what they do to make tribe stronger

P conf: Back to America, melting pot, think it is great

Brad conf: first all smiles but in back of mind, game and to win it yourself and cold hard cash

P shimmy's "i'm so excited"

Red Tribe

Cow conf: Cec was hostess, mi casa su casa, they are hispanics, it was beautiful

Flicka conf: so happy about transitiion, change of energy, people on new tribe that I didn't ahve with old tribe

Cow/Flica hugging

Cec: Don't be offended, when B left he said love at first sight, my jaw dropped.
Cand: what did he mean by that??
Cec: he said you guys mouthed I love you
Cand: No NO, he said at end and said I'm dead and I'm said We love you, didn't mean it like that
Cec: He took it like love connection and that was his million dollars
JOna: You led him on Candice :joking
Cand: laughs Oh please

Boys in Blue hanging

Bringing rocks back
Pav/Jenny; What are they doing?

Pav conf: we got all buff guys, gonna flirt, what I do best

Baby monkey sene, Nathan shown looking
Pav conf: was drawn to Nate, outgoing, decided to work him
P tells N his pants are falling off
Pav conf: gonna get him into my web!

Aitu Day 7

Jon cutting logs
ASks Cowboy how he is doing
Becky: Would you trust him to be in alliance
Candice: Yes
Beck: i trust Yul
Candice: YOu me, Yul and Jona yeah
Beck: Cool!!

Beck/Jona: firm up together
Jona: I can get Flicka
beck: cool, I hear you

jon con: Becky came right to me, I told her I believe we have Flicka thinking she would say great


J: Strong five, if anyone else approaches you just say I'm not thinking about it right now, five of us will go to merge

Flica conf: J wants me to stay with the original but I didn't feel comfortable in the original tribe, playing my cards that I am not thinking about alliances

Beck: Cand and I were talking and we thought of four, trying to figure out fifth , J mentioned Flicka
Yul: If we went along tribal lines, they have less numbers (O/C) I trust you; I found the idol
B: So awesome!
YuL: found it overnight, if you are in situation where I could save your butt, I would do it

Yul conf: We have bond, given our common interests felt comfortable telling you

B: I'm so excited for yoU!!
Octopus kill!!

Nathan got one
N conf: I felt like the mack?
The boys go in water, it is warapped around Brad, they are brigning it back

N conf: about octopus
N telling Pavarti
Pavarti: That's a lot of meat, good we need it
(She is annoying me)

Whale shown

Challenge Beach
15 lbs bags

Same drill as Palau

tackle one member to ground will win it

Losers TC, one more element in a note after challenge

They have tribal paint on their faces REd Tribe

They begin......

Jef: This will wear you out, water almost knee deep, hard to walk thru, both tribes have big guys at end and strong guys at front.
Cec and Sundra and Candice and Becky all drop out one by one, LIKE THAT

Steph out
Nate: They are weak!!
Cristina out
Jenny out
Jessica now out
Jon has three bags
Parv out
Rebecca only woman left
Ozzy, Jon, Cowboy, Yul shouldering a lot

Jonathan giving one bag to Ozzy
Raro starting to close in
Jon can hardly walk
Cowboy needs help by Yul
Rebecca finally out, a key player in helping
JP< Nate, Brad, Adam closing gap
Yul: Hey guys let's just fight them, we won't outrun them
Raro makin a go at them

They are squaring off
Yul is trying to fight them off but Cowboy too weak


(Rebecca was exhausted in that shot!)

Jeff: Raro congrats, one element, the winning tribe will choose one member from losers to go to EI which means person you choose will miss TC tonight, you are keeping someone in thsi game


(Rock on Messy!!)

Head on back to camp

Aitu Day 8

J: Why pick Candice
Y: Think they are protecting her

Y conf: has huge affect on our plans with our alliance, now not case

Ozz: I'm not writing your name down
Cow hugs him, says Becky is weak link

Ozzy talking to Flicka, Sundra, Cece discussing them four and Cowboy

O conf: We;ll see if it stands re: Becky

Ozzy whistling and macheting again

Flic calls Jon
Jon checks in with her
The others watching

Flicka: Beck's going
Jon: If I said somebody else would you go with me
Flic: I dont' trust her

Jon conf: She is doing her own thing!! Serious problem here

J: where do we stand here, gonna be impossible
F: Jon is worried, don't want to be wishy washing
Cec: Got to follow your gut

Jon: we have to get one of their votes, our necks on line

Jon conf: Tried to convince Cow and Flic to vote with us, if not, all bests off

F tells Jon this is about trust
J: I thought we had one

Cow: Beck y is weak link, she is princess
Yul: She is not weak, look at Cecelia, not strong

JOn: If five of us vote Cec and three becky, then you are gone

Cow/Yul more talk

Flick: not the point
Jon: guess we are talkign oranges/apples
F: I'm not thinking ahead
Jon: this is like a chess game, have to think now
Flic: Uh huh, I don't know

Y/Cowboy shakes hands
Cown conf: Don't like the scheming.....

Jon: She doesn' tlike play8ing game (to Yul)
Cowboy talkign to Flicka; We aren't part of crowd
F: I don't know what to do

F conf: drama, know numbers but I have respect for Cece, it's so hard!

Jon conf: two ways to play, like you so I won't vote you and I like you but I want to go further, we'll see how convincing I've been

Jon; Pleased with how merge went
Sundra: YOu can say it is votable or valuable, use my gut no way to guarantee results
Yul: some people have different priorities, some strategizing, some hoping for a personal fullfilment
Jon: someone having the experience they are playing the game and those playing are having an experience
Jessica: I'm not used to the manipulation aspect, confusing, are you telling me to be nice or get me on our side
Sun and Ozzy smiling
Ozzy: after tonight's vote I'll know where people stand, that is how it will go

Two of you to EI, HII might be found, if person who has it and they have highest votes they give me it and second highest votes go

Yul: Cec, sorry, my loyalty is to Becky
Cec: Becky, nothing personal, but better for tribe
Sundra: Becky (no words)
Beck: Cec, nothing personal, strategy
Ozzy: Becky you made no effort to get to know me...
Cowboy: slow shot of him and long time
JOna: Cec: classy lady, nothing personal, just strategy
Flicka: pausing, hand on chin, cuts away


( thanks to messhall )

Offline Texan

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Re: EP3 Title: Flirting and Frustration
« Reply #32 on: September 29, 2006, 09:12:28 AM »
Well i was disappointed in the challenge last night... why did all the woman drop soo soon?  it did not seem like the challenge took very long.

Flicka ~ girl get you head in the game!!!

Ozzy~ need to check your temper and play nice or you will be a target

Cao Boi they needed for numbers but how long will they keep him?

Tribes remeind me of Palau . . . . one tribe has young buff guys laughing they will dominate the other tribe...we know how that ended up.  Should be interesting to see how it plays out.

And what was with spliting all the supplies evenly?  They seem to be pamperign this season so far.....  where is the starving?  Where is the reward of great food or soap to make the other tribe jealous? 

When will we have a double eviction?

Offline Aventus

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Re: EP3 Title: Flirting and Frustration
« Reply #33 on: September 30, 2006, 01:56:15 PM »
Root for Yul & Becky  :hearts: !  Texaslady they squeeze the pellets whatever and they explode w Red or blue .

Those are my favorites too