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Offline TexasLady

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Janie's Mother Speaks
« on: September 17, 2006, 06:23:40 PM »
From TVClubhouse

Hanging with my Janie Doll from finale to wrap & back home

Hey all. So fun to get an inside perspective on what is was like to hang out with all the houseguests. I know you all are going through BB withdrawls, so here goes:
(Sorry if it gets too long)
I flew out Mon. the 11th, compliments of CBS (thank you) and spent the first evening with my brother & sister in law who live in Valencia.
I arrived at the hotel on Tuesday where all the house guests were staying, and the first person I ran into in the lobby was Kayser! Then a lady recognized Kayser and introduced herself, and it was Chicken Georges Teresa ! We hugged! She also had their 3 daughters there. We were then asked to leave the lobby so the HG's would not see us as they were taking them to the studio for the finale. When I could actually check in to Janelle's room (after she left)I could smell her. I just smiled... Her crown was sitting there next to Bears picture, and I ALMOST grabbed it for the finale. Just in case she won AC! I found out later she wanted to wear it the whole night of the finale but was told it might steal the show.(like the crown would do , what already has been done???) It still would of been cool to have one of the crew men hand her the crown at the end as they handed her the check!!
BB family & guests then rode a shuttle. It was so good to see everyone again!!!
It is really cool sitting in the audience, and then seeing the houseguests arrive. It is very hard to zip your lips. Bunky was on my right, Beaou & Ivette on my left. After the finale, there was alot of press in the back yard of the house and then I got to see Janelle for maybe a choppy 20 minutes before CBS flew her out to NY. THE VIEW was awesome was it not??? Poor Boog... And Poor Erika. I guess she had a come apart in the airport. I guess Janelle & Boogie looked at each other and weren't sure what to do. I ended up really liking both Boog & Erika. They are BOTH really nice looking in real life, and very very nice!
After the finale we stayed and partied in the Green Room (on the studio compliments of CBS.) It is soooooo interesting talking with the crew behind the scenes. Spoke with editors, film men, camera crew, casting directors, competion organizors, houseguest "handlers" It was more then cool! Guess what??? THEY all LOVE JANELLE!! go figure!!! After the green room we went back to the hotel . It was really neat to talk w/ Diane & Allison.My intention was to pave a bridge of peace between them and Janelle b/4 she got back from NY and it happened. They all ended up getting along super well, Allison & Janelle have ALOT in common!! wierd.
The next day was a free day. With Janelle gone, I made plans to hang with Beau and Ivette and her brother Steven. I LOVE Bo Bo, and Ivette. Beau treated me like a queen. He was my "personal shopper" for the day. When we got back to the hotel we found out Will had invited all the houseguests over to Dolche for the night. I text Janelle and let the her & Boog & Erika know where to come when their plane landed.
WE hung out at Dolche and then to LeDoux. I really got to know a beautiful side of past HG and good friend of Janelle's; Ashlea Evans. I adore her! She called me Mummy all night and tucked me under her cute little wing.
OKAY... for all you Will/Janie fanatics, Janelle said to keep you guessing! All I will tell you is: Will avoided me like the plague (Janelle told him to. Good thing. I don't beat around the bush.) They pretty much avoided each other, I imagine out of repect to their other relationships. They must of forgot they were on live feeds in the house huh??? Yes, they did have time to talk, and yes, they did have feelings for each other. There! ARe you happy now?? The rest will just have to be a Scarlett & Rhett story. We NEVER did know how it ended. So make something juicy up okay??
The next day, Naters, Janelle, Kayser and I went shopping at the Beverly Center. Janelle felt like being "Buxom" hence... the brown satin dress. I ended up getting to know Kayser better, as we could not shop as fast as Janelle. Love him. There is a reason he is so popular w/ the fans. He is so honorable, and kind, and really has his head on straight. And you should see him in real life. YES! He is gorgeous! His eye lashes are like a foot long!He will be Janie's friend for life.
The wrap party... Great time, but I'm getting sick of writing. They had slop on the food banquet, I opted out on that one.
The really good time, and one of the best parties of the whole week was the after party at Geisha House. THANKS BOOG! My camera was broken. ALl I can say was, Dani was a knock out! Her parents are awesome and make the nicest couple. Erika is much more beautiful in real life and she is EATING!!! James avoided me until I cornered him and said talk to me! And not about game. Yes. I still love him. And No, He did not say he was sorry. Eithar did Boog or Jase for all the smack that came out of their mouths. Marcellas did thought!! I'm sorry, I ended up loving him too. Him & Janie made up at the wrap party. Too many people kept interrupting them, so they finally ducked behind some BB props and talked. I love Howie's sister Ashley! I met Johnny Fairplay. He proposed to my daughter and offered to take us all to Disney land the next day, and two of Boogies friends were very nice to me all night and made sure I always had a glass of Merlot to sip... They swear he is awesome in real life.
All said and done, besides more shopping and dinner the next day...It was an incredible experience. Don't be surprised to see Janelle on the Amazing Race. Everybody and there mother wants to do it with her.Speaking of...A casting Director asked if I would ever be interested in doing TAR! Janelle's respomse was; "Why didn't you say YES Mom?!" Say what?!!
Thanks Fans. There would be no show without you! YOU are what makes BB rock!!!

Love & Peace, Ann
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Offline beccaluvswll

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Re: Janie's Mother Speaks
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2006, 09:02:30 AM »
ahhhhh wow!!!  She answered a lot of questions for us!  That is super exciting!  I wonder if she will still do some updates?

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Re: Janie's Mother Speaks
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2006, 10:49:06 AM »
Janelle and her mom on TAR!!

Offline TexasLady

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Re: Janie's Mother Speaks
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2006, 12:27:03 PM »
You know who else might be a great partner? Kayser! (Well Will first of course considering our problem with addiction and all.)  :angel:
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Offline beccaluvswll

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Re: Janie's Mother Speaks
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2006, 03:35:09 PM »
Janie's mom also posted pictures of the wrap party on Janelle's web site....

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Re: Janie's Mother Speaks
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2006, 06:37:49 AM »
Thanks Becca!  :hearts:
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Re: Janie's Mother Speaks
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2006, 08:47:43 AM »
I like it that she wrote that they had Slop at the Wrap Party. 

Offline TexasLady

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Re: Janie's Mother Speaks
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2006, 11:25:45 AM »
Someone else talked about slop at the party. They said it wasn't bad. Like any oatmeal and not bad, but that caterers had made it and maybe they fixed it better than the HG's could. I don't know how George lasted 20 days on it though.
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