Author Topic: BB's Dismissed Duo Speak Out /George & Dani interview  (Read 2412 times)

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BB's Dismissed Duo Speak Out /George & Dani interview
« on: September 05, 2006, 01:50:43 PM »

BB's Dismissed Duo Speak Out
by Angel Cohn
Danielle Reyes and George Boswell, Big Brother 7: All-Stars

In a Big Brother: All-Stars twist, last Thursday night Danielle Reyes was evicted, and less than an hour later "Chicken" George Boswell followed her out the door. This fast-forward move was a first for the show and sent the two players into sequester on the same night. got a chance to talk to the competitive Danielle and the goofy George to get their take on the household happenings.
First, Danielle: Sorry to see you go, you were such a good gamer.
Danielle Reyes: It's OK. I was kind of happy to go, and relieved. It is a very stressful game this time around, so I was happy to get it over with. The stress was killing me. You were very upset when James left.
Danielle: I was, because he was the only person that I completely believed in. Walking in the house I felt completely alone. James was my rock and when he left it was like, "Who can I completely believe in?" Were you skeptical of your alliance with Chill Town?
Danielle: Always, but what can you do? I made an alliance with one of the biggest liars ever in Big Brother history, but at that time it got me further in the game than I expected, so it really helped me out in the long run. It seemed like you waited a few weeks before deciding on an alliance.
Danielle: I actually sided with [Legion of Doom] on Day 2. I was very skeptical of James because he had Season 6, so I had to wait. But when we had our commitment, I believed in James, and I had no hesitation when it came to our alliance. Why'd you decide to go out so gracefully?
Danielle: First and foremost it is a game. There is no need to make it ugly. At the end of the day, I love all those guys and want to make sure they understood that it is a game and I'm going to vote for the best player. In his goodbye message, Will called you something along the lines of "the best player to never win." How does that make you feel?
Danielle: It is very difficult when you are labeled that going into an All-Star game. People are quite hesitant to keep you longer because they know what you are capable of. Was it a hard decision for you to go back on this show?
Danielle: Absolutely. It was a very difficult decision because I wasn't known as being a passive player or being a dumb player. So here I am, walking into this house with the best of the best and I didn't know what I was up against. I was basically committing three months of my life away from my family. I actually said no at first, but after a little persuasion from my family members they said, "You've got to do it." Were you surprised that in Erika's goodbye message she was hurt that you weren't going to give her your vote, even though she betrayed you?
Danielle: No. She made it very clear that she was willing to do what it takes to win the game and that she felt threatened by me. She looked me in the eye and said, "I can't beat you in the end, and that's why you have to go." I was taken aback by the whole situation, period. Her message was heartfelt, but we'll see what happens at the end. I love and adore her as a friend. Anything you want to say to all the people who were rooting for you?
Danielle: Thank you for supporting me. I know the fans were not used to seeing this type of Danielle, they are used to the more cutthroat, evil Danielle. My part of redemption was to come in and for people to see me as me this time. I love all my fans, and thanks for your support.

Next, George: How are you doing?
George: I'm doing great, considering I lost half a million bucks. You did well to last this long — and on slop.
George: Who would have thought I would have made it this long? I had no alliance and no friends going into the house, just me. I had to go in there and hammer it out. How I ever made it as far as I did was truly amazing. I'm the biggest 200-pound floater you'll ever meet in your life. For six weeks nobody even talked to me about the game. I'd get information once a week about who was going to get thrown out because they needed my vote. You said, "I'm in an alliance with everyone, but I don’t get invited to the meetings."
George: That's so true. The joke was that I had an alliance that I could trust: the gym alliance, a Bowflex and treadmill. So you had an alliance with inanimate objects.
George: Right. [Laughs] Did you make some friends over the course of the game?
George: I did, most definitely. If you look at Dr. Will and Mike Boogie, they come across as these hard individuals, but that is not the case. Deep down inside they are really good people. To think that them two guys have made it this far.... The biggest target in reality television, more or less, is Will, and look, he's in there and he's in the best position at this point. Where'd the wild costumes come from?
George: I get bored real easy and I'm really high-strung. So I'd go, "I'm going to make something today." I'd get together whatever I could in the house and think, "What can I do with this outfit?" I like to be different or unique and have fun with something. I don't care, I like to have a good time in life and that's what I tried to do on the Big Brother show, too. How'd that fried chicken taste after all those days on slop?
George: Ha! You would not believe how good that went down. It's not so bad. I made it into the sequester house, I got to meet the colonel, and I got a chicken dinner. It was absolutely fantastic. I couldn't have gone out a better way. Doing that slop thing, that was really, really difficult. So what exactly is it?
George: It is ground-up grain and it ends up looking like cement that comes out of a bag. Appetizing.
George: That's exactly what it tastes like, too. I tried every recipe I could to make it taste good and there was nothing that could help me eat that stuff. The way I figured out was to take a drink of water and to take a dry spoonful of it and shove it in my mouth. When Doogie Howser [Neil Patrick Harris] was in there, he tried to eat it and he couldn't do it. He tried a spoon of it and said, "Oh, this stuff is terrible." I said, "Try 29 days on this stuff." I dropped between 20 and 25 pounds. Probably not the best diet, though.
George: No. I'd never recommend the Big Brother Slop Diet to anybody. How hard was it to put Howie up on the nomination block?
George: You do not know how difficult that was for me. I realized at that point that Howie was on the opposite side of what I was playing and if I didn't put up Howie, Erika was going to go. I could have done that to Janelle, but I wasn't going to do that to that girl. I know that it was a big turning point because it was the only point where somebody could backdoor her and get her out of the game like that, but I couldn’t do it to her. I don't have any regrets about that decision, and I won't, because she's a good player and you have to respect that. Will you still be friends with your Jedi master?
George: Oh sure. After he punches me in the head a few times, stomps on me and beats the hell out of me, we'll be back in the Jedi alliance. Did you miss your chickens?
George: Yes, I did. That was another thing that could occupy your time during the day, because the days are so long you run out of conversation. We knew everything that could be said, and it kept getting repeated over and over again. But then all of a sudden, a week ago you came up with the story about how you were struck by lightning. I would have thought that would have come up earlier.
George: [Laughs] Sometimes you've got to save the best for last.


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Re: BB's Dismissed Duo Speak Out /George & Dani interview
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2006, 04:38:45 PM »
Thanks for those. They were good.
oXo Justine

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Re: BB's Dismissed Duo Speak Out /George & Dani interview
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2006, 04:40:03 PM »
looks like we might need to reconsider who cg would vote for in the end. we have all been assuming that he would give janie his vote but if she is up against will or boogie it looks like his vote could go that way.