The Amazing Race > The Amazing Race Discussion

The TAR greeters (They don't recieve that much credit)

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Ahhhh... The greeters. They don't recieve much credit.

BTW. The greeter of AR23 in the Poland episode is cute. Anybody knows the name, for "research purposes"? :hearts:

Then there was this Indian greeter (Don't remember the season) who was watering the lawn and then some awkward things happened. Does anybody have clips?

Sooooooo... I was doing research about the greeters and saw a clip of Kent slapping this Australian guy's backside..


--- Quote from: randyortonwwe on June 09, 2014, 05:06:59 AM ---Sooooooo... I was doing research about the greeters and saw a clip of Kent slapping this Australian guy's backside...

--- End quote ---

lolkent <3 what a star <3

Greeter or Gardener haha

The Indian lawn gardener greeter <333


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