Archive > Big Brother Canada Live Updates

Live Feed Updates Friday 3/21/14 -Thursday 3/27/14

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Sarah takes a spoon and puts it in hot boiling water and hits people with it  :lol3:

Sarah is  waiting to get Kenny in the Dr meanwhile she's been getting everyone else!

Jon to Kenny who's finally out of the DR What's going on QUEER BAG!

 Kenny hey jon be careful

Jon that's a bad word?

 Kenny yeah that's not cool to say

Kenny is schooling Jon on the use of QUEER  and how it can be used as bad to gay people

 Jon i never knew

 Kenny i can see how you from newfoundlound that it's accepted but it's not

 Sarah i dont think my firends would  be upset with that the wya you used it but some people might

 Kenny and being on here  you ahve to be careful

Jon my grandma and grandfather and my dad say it!

Jon into the bedroom he's beating himself up about saying QUEER BAG

 JAdel just be careful man

 Jon I know espeically with Sabrina she thinks she runs things and knows everything

 Jon but she doenst  does she
Adel noo

jon you are safe man.

 Adel  you are too

 Jon there are others that arn't  though!! :snicker:

Time to close down this thread Thank you to those that helped out! :waves:  Here's the new thread for the upcoming week ►,29882.0.html


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