The Amazing Race > The Racers

TAR 24: Mallory Ervin (17/18) & Mark Jackson (20)"Team Kentucky" v2

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Mark and Mallory answer YOUR questions about their experience on The Amazing Race. Do they plan to stay in touch? How is Bopper doing? Find out here!

Kevin K: My question is for Mark: how is your buddy Bopper doing, is he getting better?
Mark: Bopper is doing great. He's ready for another chance if we can get it.

Darlene S: Mallory, did you really have his passport and meds? Why were those not in the bag?
Mallory: Hi Darlene, I did. That was something I always did with my dad and I because we always knew we would leave a backpack if needed and race with only the essentials. It was a tough thing for me to learn that we couldn't race without the bag, but I was always on Mark's team so if he needed it that badly I had to understand. It was a disadvantage racing without knowing things like that for sure about how we would run our race. We were just on different pages about it, but yes I had them.

Lois I: Do you think that if you worked to connect and form a partnership that you would have been one team instead of two individuals?
Mark: Yes, I think if we took the time to talk it would have been a lot better. But that didn't work and my opinion didn't matter. We have two different personalities. I show respect to everyone and don't look down on nobody.

Nikki H: Question to Mark - It seems like a supportive bunch this year. Even though the loss is devastating, how did it feel to have the rest of the "all-stars" cheering for you?
Mark: It was great to see all of them there. But it was very sad that I let my county down and Bopper so it was bittersweet.

Anders S: Do you regret going back to get Mark's bag?
Mallory: Hey Anders, I was against it from the start, but I was part of a team. If he thought he needed it that badly I couldn't really do much more than that to convince him. It's the disadvantage of not knowing how you will race together. We just didn't have the luxury of figuring those things out before.

Carol L: How much time did you lose going back for the bag?
Mark: We lost 45 min going back. But 30 min of it was Mallory trying to find a taxi to go get it and meet us at the next stop. If we just go get it after we dropped the car off it would have been around 15 min. We go from 1st to 5th or 6th. But it all happened for a reason. Everything does.
Mallory: Hey Carol...I would estimate about an hour and a half maybe. It seemed like an eternity.

Mary M: Do Mark and Mallory plan to remain in touch?
Mark: If she wants to...the race is over and life goes on. Nobody can have too many friends.
Mallory: Hi Mary, We are friends, but we haven't spoken a ton since the race. You get so much time together on race that you can take a few weeks from speaking and they feel like no time at all.


From this whole interview, especially with the last question, it's clear to see that Mark & Mallory still aren't happy with each other.  In fact I don't even think they were together when they were answering these questions, especially with the answer Mark gives for the third question. :groan: 

It's really quite sad what happened to this team... :(


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