Archive > Big Brother 14 Live Feed Updates

BB14 Live Feed Updates Monday 9/3/12

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Britney Evicted 4-1 and  is the 2nd person at Jury

IAN Wins HOH "Soak Up the Sun "

Joe out first and receives a punishment for being out first

Joe had to Hula Hoop every time he heard Military Music COMPLETED

Ian got Pandora's box

THE GOOD: It was Christmas Themed Ian got presents and toys and $1000(not confirmed)

THE BAD: Jessie Godderz BB10 Returned to the house.

Jessie  took ALL the food away from the other HG's. Shot some ZINGERS at them and left them with some organic food

Frank and Jenn have been Nominated  and are up on the block

POV Players Picked Ian Jenn and Frank, Dan Danielle and Joe, Shane is hosting

Dan Wins POV 

Frank and Jenn sitting at the hot tub talking about Janelle and how harsh their good bye messages were to her.  Think her social game was really awful.  They notice Joe come out but not Dan and wonder where he is

STarting Monday off with Fishies, so am leaving you with the BBAD crew!! Nite!

Shane and Ian still rocking away on the hammock

Ian saying how cool it was doing a double DR with Boogie and Frank

Shane, I haven't done a DR in 2 days

Ian, we just have to get those two to go after each other.  I have Joe we just need Dan to get Jenn

They got wine and 4 beers.  Looks like it's Frank and Joe drinking tonight


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