Archive > Big Brother 14 Live Feed Updates

BB14 Live Feed Updates Wednesday 7/18/12

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dan talking to janie in the arcade room

Brit this is the truth willie

Willie all I did wrong was saying anyone could flip

Brit you want listen to reason

Brist I told you from day 1 always let them say more than you

Brit I am trying to help you not hurt you

Willie I am sorry

Brit if I defend you everyone gets mad at me and Frank walks around eating his piece of humble pie

Willie our group loves me

Willie I think things change all the time

Brit they do change and if we win HOH this week you might be ok after next week but if 1 of them get HOH you are screwed

Willie I am sorry I am sorry what else can I say

Brit I have nothing to lose other than 100,00.00

Willie I know I am sorry I wont do it anymore I am sorry but i dont like your negative energy the past couple of days but i like you

Brit I like you too but we cant win this game with just me and you

Brit Dan promises nothing he doesnt want to work with us

Willie ok but it may change after another week

Brit dont let one persons name escape your lips

Will thats the only bad thing I said all day

Willie I am tired of the gay slander rumors

Brit I tried to talk to Wil today and he said he cant talk to someone who defends your actions

Willie going down to smoke

Brit I want tyou to realize I am trying to help you


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