Archive > Big Brother 14 Live Feed Updates

BB14 Live Feed Updates Monday 7/16/12

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Wil was called to the DR

Everybody told Ashley she looks nice. She's wearing a black skirt and a red blouse

Ashley and Ian's date have started. They are in the family room and are waiting on Joe's cooking.

The date is so cute. They are asking each other questions, like where you're from, what you do, thoughts on Big Brother, etc

Wil was supposed to be the waiter but he's stuck in DR, so Britney is their waitress.

They talk about chemistry

Wil out of DR, he and Kara bring the shakes to the daters

Ian resumes talking about organic materials.

Wil and Kara returns to the daters with banana nut slop cake and then did a brief dance for them and left the room.

Ian and Ashley are talking game but in general since they are on opposite sides.


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