Archive > Glass House

The Glass House: Live Streams - Wednesday 6/13

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The Big O: Stpehanie is first.

 Stephanie can i go in the twitter box? my biggest mistake is that i never really dated in HS and I went to college and I wish i was more confident about myself  so i didnt date alot of people and ended up in a long term relationship with the first guy that dated me. If i was to do it again i would tell myself that Im cool and not to jump into the first thing that came along

The big O Robin your next!

Robin  I dont mean to be a cop out my biggest regret is also my biggest joy I went to criminal justice school and I had a chance to be with the bigest  criminal justice company.  I went back to indiana and the government is the only one who can tell you that you are too old to go  back and I was over 37 and I couldnt go back . so i played it safe but sicne then I have not played it safe and  I have done some risky things. I ahve great kids and traveled and I was able to have a sex blog  ;LOL:

The big O : Mike you're next

 Mike  doesnt go into the twiter box.

Mike I was driving and I hit this big bunny  and i was like OMG i felt responisible he was moving around and he was suffering. and I thought my best bet was to put him out of his misery so i ran over him with my car.  and I looked and he was still moving and i got out of the car and i  saw all these babies and you know what i ran over the mother! and i felt horrible but i ran over all the babies too. and yeah you're not gonna  get to to cry!

  holy crap! :lol:

Mike's turn:  I regret that i could have served the country.. I had children at a young age but i wish i had a chance to serve my country and that's the truth!

Joy's turn: I regr et the times in my life where i have hurt people in my life.  and I regret the  hurting the father of my child. i wish i would have been a better fiend to him


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