Archive > The Amazing Race 20 Spoilers

Bill Spencer's Finale Photos!

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* = a Bill Spencer favorite

Photo #   Racer/Racers   EXIF Time   Description
4317   Helicopter   10:08:57   
*4323   Rachel/Dave   10:13:14   Rachel and Dave enter
*4424   Rachel/Dave   10:13:31   Briefing, Rachel with Clue
4328   Rachel B   10:14:21   Rachel on scale
4341   Rachel B   10:21:31   Rachel ready
4344   Dave   10:23:33   Dave being rigged up
4346   Rachel/Brendon   10:26:06   Rachel and Brendon enter the courtyard
4349   Rachel/Dave   10:26:49   Rachel /Dave still on ground
4356   Rachel/Brendon   10:33:19   Rachel/Brendon, getting rigged
4358   Rachel/Dave   10:33:52   Starting up
4368   Dave   10:35:46   Dave  moving on up
4369   Rachel B   10:36:03   Rachel below Dave
4374   Dave   10:37:24   Dave-near top of last set of shutters
4375   Rachel B   10:37:29   Rachel below Dave
4386   Dave/Rachel   10:39:03   Both, nearing the top
4392   Dave/Rachel   10:39:43   Rachel caught up with Dave (he waited)
4395   Dave   10:40:53   Dave nearing the top
4397   Dave/Rachel   10:41:39   Dave almost at the top
4400   Dave   10:42:23   Dave inches from the top
4402   Rachel B   10:42:42   Rachel even with the last set of shutters
4405   Rachel/Brendon   10:44:32   Starting ascent, past the 1st part of bldg.
4412   Brendon   10:45:36   1/3 of the way up?
4413   3rd Helicopter   10:45:46   
4414   Brendon   10:45:53   Looking up
4416   Rachel B   10:46:05   Nearing the top
4417   Rachel B   10:46:21   Almost there
4418   Rachel B   10:46:33   Few more feet to go
4421   Rachel B   10:47:19   On top
4422   Brendon   10:47:30   1/2 way?
4424   Rachel R   10:47:38   Just below Brendon
4427   Brendon/Rachel   10:48:08   Comparison shot
4430   Brendon/Rachel   10:48:34   Rachel passes Brendon
4434   Rachel/Brendon   10:50:34   Rachel nearing the top level
4441   Rachel/Brendon   10:54:55   Close-up of both, nearing the top level
4448   Rachel R   10:57:18   Climbing to the top, workers and rigging
4449   Rachel R   10:57:35   Standing at the top
4451   4th Helicopter   10:58:12   
4452   Rachel /Rachel   10:58:47   Rachel B being filmed on right
4455   Brendon   10:59:58   Brendon nearing top
4456   Brendon   11:00:18   Better shot of him climbing to platform
4457   Brendon/Rachel   11:00:44   Brendon & Crew, Rachel on the deck
4458   Camera Crew   11:03:33   Off to the left of the scaffolding. R/D?
4459   Art/JJ   11:04:30   Entering courtyard
4460   Art/JJ   11:04:41   Briefing?
4461   Art/JJ   11:05/27   Weighing in
4462   Art/JJ   11:27:29   Ascending the building
*4467   Art/JJ   11:29:01   Close-up
4472   Art/JJ   11:30:44   Long shot of building and progress
*4473   Art/JJ   11:31:51   Long shot -
4476   Dave/Rachel   11:33:03   Leaving?
4477   Brendon/Rachel   11:34:55   Preparing to descend
*4482   Brendon/Rachel   11:37:40   Preparing to descend
4484   Brendon   11:38:30   Preparing to jump
4485   Brendon   11:38:40   Jumping off
4486   Brendon   11:38:45   Descending face forward
4490   Brendon/Rachel   11:39:00   Descending, Rachel at top
4493   Brendon   11:39:41   End of the overhang,
4498   Brendon   11:40:25   Still descending
4499   Rachel R   11:40:32   Descending
*4503   Rachel R   11:40:56   In distress, crying out?
4518   Rachel R   11:41:51   Nearing the bottom
4521   Rachel R   11:42:20   3 floors to go
L1050664.JPG   Building   09:38:35   Long shot, (Leica camera)
L1050656   Rainbow   09:40:40   Landscape view

Quotes from Bill:
--- Quote --- It was very interesting to watch this process.  Much care was taken to prepare for the finale at our condo.  I was also surprised to see that the actual physical effort on the part of the participants was minimal at best.  There was a counter weight that virtually pulled them up to the top, whether they used any effort on their own or not.  Likewise, the descent was very carefully managed by the highly skilled support team.   
 It was cool to watch and I was glad to have the photo opportunity.
--- End quote ---
--- Quote ---I have 19 shots of the first place (team), 16 of the second place (team) and 7 of the third place (team).  I only have pictures of the 2nd place (team) rappelling down the side of the building, as 1st and 3rd rappelled down the opposite side out of range.
--- End quote ---




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