The Amazing Race > The Amazing Race Discussion

Most Memorable Quotes of TAR

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It's not over until the Phil sings - BJ and Tyler

It's pretty much anonymous - Brent :lol3:

I'm not your typical beauty queen - Mallory

"I Want to Be in the Circus, That's Where I Belong" – Brook

Jet and Cord quotes:

Run like scalded dogs!

The gnome has got a poker face from out of this world. I could never tell if he was bluffing or if he was a straightshooter.

Glamazon Racer:

--- Quote from: Prophet on December 29, 2011, 09:00:23 AM ---It's pretty much anonymous - Brent :lol3:

--- End quote ---

This one is just EPIC!!! :cmaslol :cmaslol :cmaslol

For some reason, I also loved it when Ericka said "This is not my finest hour!" It was sorta like understatement of the century! :cmaslol

And also, I feel like I have to mention the FIVE episode quotes that FLO said:

"You Always Just Forget About Me!"

"What Happens If I Slip? Am I Just Hanging Off A Cliff?"

"I’m a Much Better Liar than You Are"

"Why Did You Have To Take Your Pants Off?"

"Don’t Try To Play The Moralist Now!"

Flo <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 :cmas17 :cmas17 :cmas17 :cmas17 :cmas17 :cmas17 :cmas17 :cmas17 :cmas17 :cmas17 :cmas17 :cmas17

"Where's her Tiara?" - Carol

"That's why I hate China, it sucks!" - Jaime <333333

"Baby there's NO MORE MIIIILK!" Lorena
"I may be the brawn of the team, but she's definitely the brains... and boobs" Tiffany
"Travel by taxi... my dream has come true!" Cathi
"I need to go to the doctoro" Charla
"Vyxsin, go get me children!" Kent

"They're gonna get a BAAAD penalty!" --Mallory


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