The Amazing Race > The Amazing Race Discussion

Languages of TAR: Translators needed :)

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I'm Indonesian so I can understand Indonesian language..and Malay a little (because it is similar to Indonesian)  ;)
Arabic too, but just a little  :tup:

Wow, y'all put me to shame!! I can only manage French, and not all that well!! :lol:

Thanks everybody!! Keep 'em coming!!

I'm not bad at identifying languages. Doesn't mean I can speak them though.


I'm from Brazil, so I talk and read in Portuguese as my first language.

I understand, talk and read English, French and Spanish, although don't write as well as I want. I read  Swahili and Italian, but I don't understand orality very well.

If you need me, I'm here for everything :D


I'm from the Philippines, so I can translate from Tagalog, Bisaya. I am also fluent in French so I can help.

I know a bit of Japanese but not enough to understand what is going on, I do have a tool to help me so I might be able to translate it.


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