Archive > Survivor: Gabon - Earth's Last Eden

Jeff Probst Gabon blog

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--- Quote from: puddin on October 16, 2008, 11:48:17 AM ---ahh maybe this is where you thought you read Ace might be the title sayer Alan?

"Favorite move: Ace ended up on one of the worst tribes ever – Fang. It’s perfect. I can’t wait to hear him wax on about all the problems on this tribe."

--- End quote ---

Er not really actually I read it from Survivor Fever but actually realized all the Fang members got the same pointer.

But somehow I'm starting to like Ace, very strange. Came across as arrogant at the start but he's definitely colorful along with Randy. They need to be around to keep the show entertaining! :tup:

Can't wait to hear more from these two! :lol:

We like the same people Alan! And we need more Marcus if you know what I mean.


--- Quote from: puddin on October 16, 2008, 11:59:21 AM ---We like the same people Alan! And we need more Marcus if you know what I mean.

--- End quote ---

Yeah I guess, he's a charmer. Even my sister and female friends say so. :tup:

Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Gabon' (episode 5)
Oct 17, 2008, 07:44 AM | by Jeff Probst

Let's start this week's blog by going backwards to last week's episode. A lot of people shared with me that they thought getting rid of Jacquie made absolutely no sense and that Kelly should have been the one voted out. Shows what I know. Maybe Jacquie was more entertaining than I gave her credit for! My bad.

Okay, it's time for one final column focusing on G.C. When G.C. disappeared before the challenge it was slightly annoying. He really did leave. Just took off. We were at the challenge and received word from the producers that the tribe was out looking for G.C. We told them that if he wasn't there when it was time to leave their camp for the challenge, they should just leave him behind. Secretly I was praying that would happen. You long for those "fresh" moments when something happens that has never happened before. I'm not really sure if G.C. was playing games with his tribe or not. It seems unlikely that he forgot there was a challenge, but to give him the benefit of the doubt...maybe that's what happened. Either way, he made it back in time, and I hope he feels at least a little bad about returning too soon and thereby robbing the show of a potential great moment.

Does anyone else love moments like the catching of an "electric fish"? Sure, it won't impact the game and will never come up at tribal council, but it always reminds me of the authenticity of Survivor. I think sometimes we forget to tell that part of the story since so much of Survivor is based solely on strategy.

(I should probably point out that, as I write this, I just got home from a day of working and I'm really hungry. So, if I have an edge or if my thoughts drift, blame lack of food.)

Question: Why do Survivors continue to leave the idol in their bag? This makes no sense. There are millions, yes millions of spots you could bury or hide the idol. This one really confuses me. Survivor is not the time to test the trustworthiness of people. Sugar, hide the damn thing. You go to all that work to find it and then you give its power away by letting everybody know you have it. I suppose you leave your wallet in your unlocked car too. Actually I do that too, so whatever. You get my point.

Okay, so…the highlight of the episode, IMO, (yep, using text speak. DWI) was when the Fang tribe came face to face with an elephant. It was a Spielberg moment. Wide-eyed Survivors staring across the lake at a beautiful wild elephant. Keep in mind, this isn't a zoo. It's not even somewhere like Kenya where the animals are used to safari groups. Gabon is remote. This was a big damn deal.

When this happened, I was back at base camp monitoring the reality channel on our walkie talkies. I heard the producer come on in a whispered tone: "We have an elephant sighting. Survivors getting in boat to investigate. Great stuff. Dramatic."

You need to understand that we get more excited than anybody when something like this happens. This is why you go all the way to Gabon, in the hopes of a moment like this that is so good you know it will be in the show even before you take it home to edit.

Our camera and audio teams covered it beautifully and when Ace and Matty decided to get in the boat, it turned a home run into a grandslam. So happy we caught it all in HD!

Oh, yeah, G.C. got voted out.

Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Gabon' (episode 6)
Oct 24, 2008, 07:44 AM | by Jeff Probst

 First off, let me just say that this will be short. No reason. Just not a lot to say this week. It happens. You'll see. One day it will happen to you too. No cause for alarm. It's not any physical abnormality. It just happens sometimes. Deal with it. I am.

Okay, can we start with what is becoming my favorite story line…Sugar going to Exile Island. The best part is that while they think they are punishing her, little do they know she is living it up, eating better than anyone, and she misses out on all the camp chores. Camp life can really suck. Not for Sugar. Didn't I tell you you'd be rooting for her. Admit it. You are. You can't help it. Yes, she cries a lot, but she's growing on you. Admit it. She is.

Then there's Ace…was he a challenge hog trying to raise that flag all by himself? You know, like Kobe Bryant of the Lakers who never passes to anybody. Or was he just doing what any savvy person would do when confronted with the fact that his tribe still sucks and if he waited on them to contribute he'd still be there.

Personally, I say taking matters into his own hands was the right move in that challenge. Dude's playing for a million dollars.

Trusting Ace however is a whole 'nother ball game. Sugar seems to trust him but I'm guessing you don't. Admit it. You don't. I wouldn't either. It's that damn accent. Here's something you can trust, I'm gonna find out at the Reunion Show if the accent is real or not.

Gotta talk about the turtle. Here's the deal…my friend Sean is a hunter. My cousin Darren is a hunter. Sarah Palin is a hunter. A lot of my friends are hunters. I'm not. Neither is Sheetal, for the record. In fact, she really doesn't like hunters much at all. So, she pretty much hates the entire Kota tribe for killing the turtle. She thinks they had plenty of rice so why kill a "perfectly harmless minding-his-own-business" turtle. I tell her I don't know, ask Gov. Palin.

By the way, VOTE Nov. 4th.

Now let's deal with Kelly. I miss her already. I won't say it, but admit it, you do too. She's cute. Sure she's young and has a lot to learn and a lot of life to live. But so do you, so get off your damn soapbox and cut her a break. She did her best. She should be proud.

That's it. Remember, these are free.


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