Archive > Survivor Fiji

Final picks from across the boards *updated & complete*



* survivorphoenix
FINAL FOUR IMMUNITY CHALLENGE: Winner = Dre? (Full of portent)
FINAL JURY VOTE: Winner = Earl FINAL TC: We might see the first unanimous vote.


Season finale 
F5 IC winner: Yau-Man?
F5 boot: Boo
F4 IC winner: Dre?
F4 boot: Yau-Man
Winner: Earl 

* survivorfever

Episode 14 F5 IC Winner: Yau
F5 Boot:  Boo
F4 IC Winner: Dre
F4 Boot:  Yau
3rd Place: Dre
2nd Place: Cassandra
Winner:  Earl

Our picks for the 5/13 Finale Episode are:

F5 IC: Yau Man wins a much needed immunity.
F5 Boot: Boo
F4 IC: Dreamz wins, proving Yau-Man's prescience
F4 Boot: Yau-Man, after Dreamz goes back on his word
Jury Vote
3rd place/2nd Place tie: Cassandra and Dreamz are shut out
Sole Survivor: Earl in a unanimous vote.

* Blows polls
5th: Boo
4th Yau
3rd: Dre
2nd: Cass
1st: Earl

* Sucks Polls  
5th: Boo
4th Yau
3rd: Dre
2nd: Cass
1st: Earl

* Corvis/Survivor Thoughts from Iowa (mostly)

It's finally over...
I doubt anyone is still reading this blog (since there's not much to read), but just for the sake of completeness, here are my finale picks.

Final five boot: Boo

Final four boot: Yau Man (Dreamz wins immunity and breaks his word)

Final three who face the jury: Cassanda, Dreamz, Earl

Rocky votes: Earl
Lisi votes: Earl
Michelle votes: Earl
Edgardo votes: Earl
Mookie votes: Earl
Alex votes: Earl
Stacy votes: Earl
Boo votes: Earl
Yau Man votes: Earl

Earl wins in a unanimous vote.

The editing pointed to an Earl win as far back as episode one when he was shown standing on top of the mountain and calling himself King of Fiji. There have been many other shots of him high above everyone else. If anyone else wins, it'll be shocking.

Edited to add:

This is what I wrote after the first episode in my confessional analysis:

Now let's talk about Earl. You didn't think I was going to forget him, didya? Earl got two amazing confessionals in this episode, either one of which would have me pointing to him as someone who was going to last a long time. Put together and I have to wonder if he wins this thing. His first confessional came near the beginning of the episode. He talked about how the island was their home and you want to check all of it out. It was interspersed with a scene of him on top of the island, smiling, and at one point he says "I'm the King of Fiji... of an unnamed island." Sounds like someone who could win this thing, right? Except it was followed by Dreamz saying "I'm standing the highest" and a shot of the kid standing a rock above Earl (and Rita and Anthony). So is this our endgame? Dreamz vs. Earl?


S14 State of the Spoiling Finale Episode 14
F5 IC winner: Yau Man
F5 Boot: Boo
F4 IC winner: Dreamz (keeps necklace)
F4 Boot: Yau Man
F3: Earl, Dreamz, Cassandra
Winner: Earl Cole

who wins the reward challenges?

I don't know that there is one Lill?  :waves:

Right just figured that out Pud, thanks...enjoy the show tonight and thanks for everything, you're the bestest forever and ever!  :hrt:



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