The Amazing Race > The Racers

Dustin and Kandice / All Stars *Runner ups*

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 :yess: Too easy.  :rotf:

LOL, yeah, it was kind of easy, but still a challenge after the day from hell of school.  :crazy


Baby Kandice!!!

Baby Dustin!!!


--- Quote from: Michael D on April 20, 2007, 03:54:46 PM ---
Baby Kandice!!!

Baby Dustin!!!

--- End quote ---

Those dirty pirate hookers!

I love the BQs  :hearts:. Am I the only one who thinks they were sorta ripped off on their last leg last season?

I WAS SO ANGRY because I didn't read the spoilers and was rooting for them. Then they were eliminated and I felt like jumping off a cliff (/not really).

You know, I really don't think they were ripped off because we've seen times where all teams where equalized and the BQs forged ahead. They had a really rough last leg...the penalty isn't even what got them out, they arrived last at the mat  :'( 

I'm hoping this wont happen again!


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