1. Have you enjoyed the double episode?
2. What parts you liked the most? And which ones you disliked?
3. Who will claim the victory on the next leg?
4. And which team's Philiminated?
5. Who says the title quote?
6. Is pretty obvious why; but is said because maybe he (or she) thinks that...
7. Have you ever feel that you were a payback target?
1. Yesssss!!!! Especially Norway 🇳🇴
2. A) I liked that leg 4 was an elimination, I didn't see it coming. I loved the edited Kor. I loved all tasks! Tara & Joey back to back <3. Drama!!!!!
B) I didn't like the midpoint equaliser in leg 4. That Floyd & Becca didn't come first
3. I feel it's Matt & Redmond.
4. I feel like Vance & Ashton will get u-turned.