Rachel HOH
Rachel can eat since she gets an HOH basket, but she can only eat what's in her HOH Basket and her HOH refrigerator
Rachel got a 2 week punishment of slop for falling in the POV comp which started midnite 7/17/11** unsure if she has to serve out the second week after her HOH reign is over
Brendon is CO HOH winner by default
Shelly received a Golden Key and is safe from nomination till there are 10 players left
Porsche holds a Golden Key and is safe from nomination till there are 10 players left
Daniele holds a Golden Key and is safe from nomination till there are 10 players left
Everyone is a HAVE this week.
Luxury comp 7/22/11 with special guest David Hasselhoff.
Jordan won the luxury comp and picked Jeff, Kalia and Shelly to watch SAME NAME premier with snacks, sushi etc..
Adam and Dominic are nominated and up on the block for eviction
POV players Rachel and Brendon, Adam and Dominic, Jeff and Jordan
Brendon won POV